Physical Features:
Chemical | Ca2Al3(SiO4)3(OH) |
Color | Blue, Red, Green, Pink, Purple |
Crystal Habit | Prismatic |
Crystal System | Orthorhombic |
Cleavage | Perfect |
Fracture | Conchoidal, Uneven |
Hardness | 6 - 7 Mohs scale |
Luster | Vitreous |
Streak | White |
Transparency | Transparent, Translucent, Opaque |
Specific gravity | 3.20 - 3.50 |
Refractive index | 1.685 - 1.707 |
Birefringence | 0.006 - 0.018 |
Zoisite occurs in a variety of forms prismatic,orthorhombic, massive or even crystal. In fact, it also comes in a range ofdifferent shades including blue, violet, green, pink, yellow, brown or evencolorless. It has been named after the Austrian scientist Sigmund Von Zois whomade its discovery in the Saualape Mountains of Austria. The various shadeshave their own set of names as well but broadly they all come under themetamorphic or pegmatitic group called Zoisite. Being a popular gemstone, ithas some tremendous powers which are as follows:
Zoisiteexhibits a vigorous influence on your heart and instills optimistic feelings byslowly removing the pessimistic thoughts which one held. It also stimulateshappiness in people.
Ifsomeone is constantly neglecting his/her body, advise them to wear zoisitebecause it is believed to make one aware of their body needs.
Forsomeone who behaves ignorant about others troubles and distress, they shouldconsider wearing this gemstone for it stimulates empathy for others.
Whensomeone all of a sudden becomes very negative about life, this gemstone can bereally helpful. It enhances the zeal for life as well as creativity.
Thereare people who get distracted very easily, this gemstone can be really helpfulto bring your mind back to track and get the work done on time.
Physically,it contributes to develop and strengthen your immune system. If you are undersevere stress or undergoing illness this can help you recover soon.
Manysuffering from impotency (both men and women) have been saved by the positiveeffects of zoisite. It can prove to be really helpful in reducing problemsregarding testes or ovaries.
Peoplesuffering badly from problems related to lungs, spleen, heart or pancreas oftenwear Zoisite for healing.
Being a very popular gemstone, it is easily availablein markets as well as in online stores.