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Buy Carnelian Online Buy Carnelian Gemstone Carnelian

Physical Features:

ColorRed, orange, reddish
Crystal HabitAggregate
Crystal SystemTrigonal
FractureUneven, splintery, conchoidal
Hardness6.5 - 7 Mohs scale
TransparencyTranslucent, Opaque
Specific gravity2.58 - 2.64
Refractive index1.535 - 1.539
Birefringence0.003 - 0.009

The presence of carnelian instillscourage, leadership, endurance, and motivation. The wearer of this stone basksin the warmth of joy, and it lingers for a long time. Its a translucent,glassy stone, and a variation of the orange-colored chalcedony. However, the colordiffers from something like rusty brown to pinkish-orange. Now, the popularorange is a combination of red-orange and brilliant orange crystals. Therefore,you need to buy gemstones online in order to select the color that suitsyou the most.

Most people believe that carnelian has thepower to instill boldness amidst the timid speakers. This is primarily becausein the past, warriors used to wear carnelian in order to gain considerable physicalpower and courage. And eventually, the presence of carnelian made the positivedifference between victory and defeat. At the same time, it also made itpossible to gain clear supremacy over their enemies. So, if you feel like, youcan buy carnelian online to experience its supernatural strength.

Carnelian stimulates our metabolism, andensures that theres enough blood supply in our tissues and organs. It alsosomewhat controls our reproductive system (both gender). This stone also playsa crucial role by absorbing minerals, nutrients, and important vitamins. At thesame time, it improves the blood circulation process in the body. It also helpsto reduce the occurrence of skin irritations, boils, hemorrhoids, varicoseveins, phlebitis, and congestion to a great extent. By wearing carnelian, theuser can heal the problem of nose bleeding and improve the process of scarificationat the same time. However, the beneficial effects of the stone does not endhere, and it goes on to solve problems of the ligaments, bones as well astreating critical conditions such as neuralgia, arthritis, rheumatism, andproblems of the lower back. Therefore, dont forget carnelian at the time ofbuying gemstones online.

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