 Physical Features:Chemical | SiO2 + Al2O3,K2O,FeO, MgO,CaO,Na2O | Color | Green, Bottle-green to brown-green | Crystal Habit | Usually small nodules | Crystal System | Amorphous | Cleavage | None | Fracture | Conchoidal | Streak | White | Hardness | 5 - 6 Mohs scale | Luster | Vitreous | Transparency | Transparent, Translucent, Opaque | Specific gravity | 2.32 - 2.38 | Refractive index | 1.48 - 1.54 | Birefringence | None |
Tektite name came from the Greek word Tektos whichmeans molten. They are made of glass objects and proved to have meteoriteorigin. Some moon rock sample matches identically with the formation ofTektites. However, not all of them have these similarities. Some have moltenZircons in their core. Tektites have been believed to bring good luck and havestrong power which can help in awakening Kundalini energy and the chakra andbring us closer to our spiritual core. It is basically placed on the foreheadso that the energies can penetrate in maximum amount and circulate throughoutthe body. In Thailand, tektites are curved as small objects and worn along withornaments so that negative energies cannot harm them. This is a unique stonefor anyone seeking spiritual convenience. It is best used at noon because it isbelieved that after cleaning it with pure running water it charges itself atnoon in the sunlight. However, the stone also has the ability to increase powerto any type of magic as it has mysterious connection with magical powers. Its Uses and Purpose - Thismoon gem brings good luck to those who work hard.
- Itcan also improve someones vibration which is noticeable immediately after fewdays.
- Theyare also been known to have many healing powers which can help in curing fromcancer to ulcers.
- Tektitesare thought to block the negative energy.
- Itis also used to strengthen ones aura and increase the deeper sense ofunderstanding of current happenings.
- Itcan also help with lucid dreams, telepathy and enhance psychic abilities of anindividual.
- Tektiteis also known for accelerating the healing process of diseases and increase thereceiving capability of positive energy from other realms.
Anyone can buy this gemstone from online but keep inmind choose a genuine online gem seller. |