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HOME >Gemstones > Amazonite

Buy Amazonite OnlineBuy AmazoniteGemstone Amazonite

Physical Features:

ColorGreen, blue-green
Crystal HabitPrismatic
Crystal SystemTriclinic
Hardness6 - 6.5 Mohs scale
TransparencyTranslucent, Opaque
Specific gravity2.55 - 2.57
Refractive index1.522 - 1.530
Birefringence0.008 - 0.010

Amazonite is a turquoise-green colored stone. It gotits name from the Amazon River and therefore is sometimes known as Amazon Stone.It belongs to feldspar family. It was formerly obtained from the river area buthas no specific origin. The stone is bright green in color and is used as a gemstone.However, the glossy texture seems to fade due to its softness. For many yearspeople could not identify the exact reason behind it sharp color and thoughtthe effect of copper to be the reason. But the color is the result of theelements of lead and water present in the feldspar.

Uses and purpose:

Thestone enables one to speak the truth whenever the person finds it difficult tostate. It eliminates the sense of confusion from the speech and retains theactual meaning of the persons thought.

Itcontains metaphysical properties which works strong between the throat and thethymus chakra. It gives strong vibrations and boosts energy in the body. Itbalances the masculine and feminine energies.

SinceAmazonite is a soothing stone, therefore, it helps in maintaining the calmnessof the mind, thereby exempting one from a panic attack. It lets the personrespond in a cool composed manner to every delicate situation.

Itacts as a savior or reliever to the one who is suffering from tooth decay,calcium deficiency, muscle spasms and kidney stone.

Itcalms the whole nervous system and the brain, maintaining a proper balance ofthe body and the energy associated with it. It acts as a shield to externalnegative energy.

Amazonite is as powerfulas the river Amazon from which it gained its name, yet it tames theaggressiveness, lie features in one. It is also worn in the form of jewelry. Inthe early ages, the stone was used to heal the wounds of the warrior. Amazoniteproves to be an ultimate lucky mascot in any financial matters. It providesbalance and harmony.

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