Physical Features:
Chrystal Habits: | Agreegate; |
Colour: | green,white patches; |
Crystal System: | Monoclinic; |
Hardness: | 6.5-7 Mohs scale; |
Birefringence: | 0.003-0.009; |
Crinoid is a Greek word known as krinonwhich actually means lily. They are found in the water in the shallow depths ofwater of 6000 meters. These fossils are found near about 245 -570 millionsyears ago. This gems stones are the fossils and are formed from the remains ofsea urchins, sea cucumbers and sand dollars. They are actually formed from thedead decaying remains of these sea creatures. There are several forms in whichthis gemstone is very beneficial for both psychological and health benefits ofan individual. This gemstone is mostly beneficial for persons having zodiacsigns of Scorpio.
Health benefits of Crinoid:-
There is several health benefitsassociated with this gemstone. This gemstone is most effective to mitigate thegender disruptions of both the genders. It helps to keep intact the physicalstructure of the RNA and DNA of an individual. They appear in several forms inhandling the skeletal structure of an individual. It is very helpful inrelieving the body from the toxins. It removes the stress and tension from thebody of an individual. Thus it ensures mental calmness and long term peace. Ithelps to improve the assimilation of oxygen in the body by improving the immunesystem and nervous system.
Psychological benefits of Crinoid:-
This gemstone is very beneficial forremoving the negative energy from an individual's surrounding. It providespeace of mind and enhances the clarity of thoughts. It improves the creativityand innovative thinking power of an individual thus enhances the growth opportunityin one's life. It helps to achieve all the aspirations of an individual. It isbeing believed that this gemstone is also responsible for drawing wealth andgood luck for a person.
So in most of the cases it has beenrecommended by the astrologers to promote a healthy and prosperous life.