Physical Features:
Chemical | Be3Al2(SiO3)6 |
Color | Colourless, green, blue, yellow, yellow-green, pink, red |
Crystal Habit | Prismatic |
Crystal System | Hexagonal |
Cleavage | One direction; indistinct; almost never seen |
Fracture | Conchoidal |
Hardness | 7.5 - 8 Mohs scale |
Luster | Vitreous |
Transparency | Transparent, Translucent |
Specific gravity | 2.60 - 2.90 |
Refractive index | 1.560 - 1.604 |
Birefringence | 0.003 - 0.010 |
Beryl gemstone has derived its name fromancient Greek beryllos" originally which was applied to all greengemstones. Naturally this gem stone is a very hard mineral consisting ofberyllium aluminium silicate. Emerald is the most popular variety of thisgemstone. This gemstone is one of the most principal sources of beryllium.Mainly it is used to manufacture light weight metal alloys, of fatigueresistance, high tensile strength, and superior hardness. The most importantfeature of this gemstone is that they have very beneficial healing power forboth an individual physical and mental health. They are available in the marketin different colours like pink, blue, orange, yellow, green and very rarelyred. These are the basic colours to identify this gemstone accurately.
Health Benefits of Beryl :-
It helps to increase the humanpotential and arouses the psychic awareness of the mind. In most cases it isbelieved to help travellers from disorders from any heart and spine or toprotect from any sorts of danger. It increases the confidence of an individualby maintaining the clarity of thinking process in mind. For treatment ofdisorders of the spine, liver, and heart it is very helpful. This gemstone isvery beneficial for treating the damage of the brain's cranial portion.
Psychological benefits of Beryl:-
The most important psychologicalbenefit of this gemstone is that it relieves stress and tension from mind. Itis believed to bring youthfulness and good luck in the life of an individual. Itremoves negative energy from life and creates a positive environment in one life.That is the reason why most of the astrologers suggest wearing this gemstone tolead a healthy and prosperous life.
Astrologers today in most of thecases suggest wearing this gemstone so that bad luck cannot touch your fortune.As every human being deserve to lead a stable and happy life.