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Physical Features:
Chemical | C (Carbon) |
Color | Colorless, yellow, brown, rarely green, blue, reddish, orange black |
Crystal Habit | Octahedral |
Crystal System | Isometric |
Cleavage | Perfect |
Fracture | Conchoidal |
Hardness | 10 Mohs scale |
Luster | Adamantine |
Streak | Colorless |
Transparency | Transparent, Translucent, Opaque |
Specific gravity | 3.50 - 3.53 |
Refractive index | 2.417 - 2.419 |
Birefringence | None |
Astrology has been something very crucial for human beingsas they get good results out of it and that to against spending affordabletotal. Astrological studies have provided firm support in making lives better. Suchconcepts need no more proofs as people who have benefitted from them aresetting great examples for those who are still left for experiencing greatoutcomes out of it. Gemstones help individuals in getting a balanced livingstructure and make them reach a level of comfort from where they can achieveanything in life.
The diamond represents the planet Venus which is also knownas the shining star being in most shining object of the solar system. Anindividual with having Taurus or Libra sign must wear diamond for getting happylife. Diamond is the hardest gem known along with rated the most valued. Theterm diamond is derived from a Greek word adamas which meansunbreakable. Amongst all gems, diamond is bitterly mined and rigorouslydirected. Despite being composed of pure carbon, diamonds gain hardness whencompacted by great pressure and temperature in the upper mantle zone of theearth.
Diamond plays a great role in jewellery as well being one ofthe finest stone amongst the gems. Jewellery products embedded with diamondshold that capacity which is capable of attracting any individual on the veryfirst sight. Since the ancient period till date, diamond jewelries areconsidered as sign of status and royalty.
Diamond is said to be the very least naturally occurringgem. This stone had been applauded since years back and people will do the samefor long continues years for its sparkling gleam which serves ornaments with anoutstanding look and rich finishing. According to Vedic astrology, Diamond isthe stone of Venus. The energy that diamonds claim from the planet Venusreflects major benefits when placed in the middle finger of the working hand.
Diamond playing as a helping gem
People who face typical living circumstances due to theuneven positioning of Venus as indicated by their horoscope predication canexperience majestic powers of this gemstone which have proved to be an ultimatesolution in others similar cases. people having Venus sitting at the desiredplace in horoscope mostly own an attractive personality, charming looks and arecherished with efficiency of mesmerizing public with their smile and nature.Such people earn a satisfactory living standard with maximum resourcesavailable along with a reputed social status. Astrological theories make peopleunderstand some of the greatest benefits of wearing diamond stone. Some of themare:
Those people who find themselves surrounded with negativityand find it challenging to perform basic activities in daily life should get adiamond as it serves individual with better confident personality and energeticvibes to stand strong and fight against difficulties.
Diamonds play an essential role in structuring healthyfuture. The stone enhances one's capability to add more innovation to his/herthoughts and perfect execution of those ideas brings definite chances oftasting success. Regular connection of human mind with uneven circumstancesmakes decision making a typical task for them. Diamond stone once taken in usestarts adding distances between the wearer and negativity thereby servingeffective working conditions.
Diamond wearer person is considered to have good habitswhich have capacity of getting appreciated in public. Diamond gem also gets thewearer attain reputed status in society and enough luxurious mediums for makinglife worth living.
Gemstones are earning more and more trust from people witheach passing year due to qualities of curing human diseases. Diamond gem isvery helpful for people suffering from diabetes, genital disorders, skin infections,urinary problems and many others.
The most convenient method of using a diamond gem
Gemstones require correct procedure of wearing for gettingmaximum output. Diamonds are mostly preferred with a golden ring weighing 5carats. Diamonds ranging from 0.5 to 1 carat are also quite helpful as theprice of the stone is way above an affordable budget. Friday morning is said tobe a great time for wearing a diamond gem during Shukla paksha. Burningincense sticks in front of the gem with prayer recited in the name of Shukradeva adds more power to the gem and make it ready to be placed. It is alsonecessary to place the gem in pure water for around half an hour for excludingany of the negative vibe surrounding the gem. Reciting mantra, Om Draam Dreem DroumSah Shukraay Namaah!! for 324 times is considered precious and the stone thenis prepared well enough to be taken in use. A diamond when taken in usefollowing the appropriate procedure starts giving healthy responses within amonth which the wearer can easily recognize himself. Wearing diamond ring inthe small finger of the right hand is helpful as described in the astrologicaltheories.
Tips for buying Diamond
Gems look beautiful and so there prices vary from store tostore. Buyer needs to be quite attentive while making purchase of any of thegemstones. Diamonds generally are quite expensive than other gems and thereforerequire major attention during purchase. Diamonds these days are available atmultiple stores but the buyer must go for a trustable store where the deal canbe made quality assured as anyone who is paying such handsome total woulddemand for high quality. Cuts of a diamond gem need to be checked well forconfirming that there is no scratched present on the surface. Identifyingdiamond within appropriate lighting gives an idea of the quality of gem andmakes the customer satisfied. Proper billing of diamonds is must as any furthercheat can be followed by legal action and thereby the customer keeps a chanceof getting back the investment made.
Checking the quality of Diamond
Every gem involves certain points which must be checked tomake life better. Diamond being an essential member of the gem family also hassome qualities to be considered:
Carat weight of diamond must be checked as the stone costsmuch and so there should not be any faults made with respect to the weight ofthis gem. Mostly a calibrated measuring scale is taken in use for accurateweighing of a diamond.
Color range of the diamond is an important aspect to beconsidered. A diamond in its purest form is next to colorless and holds betterqualities than others. Any sort of color variation makes a huge difference inthe helping qualities of a diamond.
Clarity rating of diamond is must before making a successfuldeal with the dealer. Perfect diamonds do not carry any kind of imperfectionson the surface. This is an essential point as a diamond having clarity ratingvery low cannot bring unbelievable outputs and therefore high clarity gradingis required in case of diamonds.
Cuts of a diamond cover much about its quality. A well cutdiamond stone reflects rainbow colors and responds to light beautifully.
Dropping the diamond in water is one of the tests forchecking whether the gem is pure or not. Pure diamond usually sinks in waterwhere as the impure one floats above.
Fog test is another technique for making sure that the gemis useful. Releasing breathe on the gem will add fog on its surface due to heatand moisture. If the stone dissipates it right away then only it can be treatedas a pure gem.
Raising temperature of diamond does not make any differenceon its outlook and if any change is being observed then the stone should beavoided quickly.
The word “Diamond” roots back to Latin word “adamas”. Adamas cannot be defeated by any other thing. Brightness of the Diamond makes it different from all other gemstones. Diamond is used as Remedy for Venus in Indian Vedic Astrology. In past times, Diamond was associated with majesty and fame, and sometimes it was taken as a cause of murders and hard luck. Later, Diamond was considered the reflection of God’s brilliance on this earth due to its brightness. In Indian history, it was hypothesized that wearing Diamond enables an emperor to control his subjects and implement his judgments.
Diamond’s use in industries for the purposes of cutting is more vital than its use in jewelry. This is the only thing that makes Diamond superior from other gemstones. Diamond has the quality to alleviate mental stress, and lethargic feelings. Few general indication of diamond Normally ladies do not wear diamond after taking advice from an astrologer. Rather, it is a part of their beauty and standard. Yet there are few indications which are as follows: • Marital happiness would be generated in ladies after wearing the gem • People with the profession of theatre, art, movies and drawing would get an enhancement in their talent after wearing the same. • Native would get an enhancement in physical relation after marriage and the performance of the act would also get increased. • Success would be achieved in litigation, courts and well as property matters. • General financial prosperity of an individual would be enhanced after wearing proper cut diamond. • Nutritious pacifiers for all dosha would be an act of diamond. It is a wonderful gen to cure different ailments. • Diseases such as pneumonia, gynecological disorder, bronchitis etc would be cured after wearing diamond. • Love and honesty towards spouse would be increased with the wear of diamond in any parts of body. People must avoid wearing diamond during purnima and amavasya. Beneficial p0hase to wear diamond would be during Dasami, shuklapaksha, tryodasi and saptami. Universal indication of wearing diamond: • Diamond must be worn during libra and Taurus lagna. • Venus is also situated in Virgo sign as it acts as a benefic • Since Venus is a retrograde as it is a benefic, the situation of the same has got reflection in the signs like Libra, Leo, Sagittarius and Capricorn • Even if Venus is the benefic, it is been afflicted by Mars, Rahu and sun with combustion |
If we keep it in between the eye brows of an individual, it can be helpful in eliminating distress; moreover, it also exerts positive feeling in its wearers like feeling of enhanced self esteem and confidence. Diamond is most compatible with Leo. It is found in Africa, Brazil, Australia, Siberia in White, yellow, transparent, and brown colors.
It is the hardest stone of all gemstones and can be used for jewelry and cutting purposes. Diamond is the most expensive gem available in the Market. Use of diamond as gem therapy There is a limitation in the role of diamond in the ailment of various diseases. American diamond or Zircon are used by people for some sort of ailment. Even the white sapphire and American diamond is used as the substitute of real diamond. The effectiveness is almost similar with that of real diamond. But the use of actual diamond cannot provide one with any type of side effects. Diamond of various ascendants Gemstone Diamond Or Heera for Aries Mesh Ascendant Gemstone Diamond Or Heera for Taurus Vrish Ascendant Gemstone Diamond Or Heera for Gemini Mithun Ascendant Gemstone Diamond Or Heera for Cancer Karkat Ascendant Gemstone Diamond Or Heera for Leo Simha Ascendant Gemstone Diamond Or Heera for Virgo Kanya Ascendant Gemstone Diamond Or Heera for Libra Tula Ascendant Gemstone Diamond Or Heera for Scorpio Brischik Ascendant Gemstone Diamond Or Heera for Sagittarius Dhanu Ascendant Gemstone Diamond Or Heera for Capricorn Makara Ascendant Gemstone Diamond Or Heera for Aquarius Kumbha Ascendant Gemstone Diamond Or Heera for Pisces Meen Ascendant |
There is no upper range on it's price. Price depends on the color, clarity, size and sometime cut as well. For astrology requirement one can not buy a bigger size diamond due to its high cost. Indian Vedic astrology recommends wearing 30 to 60 Cents for a person. Please note that, 1 Gram = 8 Ratti = 4.8 Carat and 1 Ratti = 0.6 Carat and 1 Carat = 100 Cents.
For Diamond in the range of 30 to 60 Cents are starts from Rs 450/- per cent to Rs 600/- per Cent. Good Quality Diamond with this weight Range will cost around Rs 1,500/- per cent. Be aware of artificially prepared colored stone. 80% gems available are not natural stone. This is indeed a big problem in the market now. They are either glass made artificially or gem stone colored artificially to increase its price. These stones are sometime capable of passing the laboratory test (like GII test) as well like the original. American Diamonds are equally looked well as diamond. Without consulting with an astrologer, ladies wear diamond as a jewelry item. If you have a desire to wear diamond jewelry, it is important to make the under surface of diamond close. One should not wear diamond during the period of poornima or the prathami of shukla paksha. If you can wear the gem with gold or platinum, it would actually be auspicious and good in its looks. The best suited date for wearing this diamond would be on Friday. The timing would be between 10:30 - 12:00 hours. |