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Buy Iolite Online Buy Iolite Gemstone Iolite

Physical Features:

ColorMostly (violet)-blue
Crystal HabitPrismatic, massive
Crystal SystemOrthorhombic
Hardness7 - 7.5 Mohs scale
TransparencyTransparent, Translucent
Specific gravity2.56 - 2.66
Refractive index1.542 - 1.578
Birefringence0.008 - 0.012

Iolite stone is one of the most preciousstone in the world. To identify this stone is very simple as a very bright blueor violet colour it radiates from its surface which increases the chances ofrecognizing it very easily. This stone is also known as the gem of Vikings. Itis made up of silicon, magnesium, aluminium and sometimes contains iron contentin it. It is also one of the strongest mineral to break. It also consist somebeneficial features which are quite popular and impressive enough to solvevarious mental as well as physical problems of an individual.

So let's explore some of the important features or benefits of Iolite

1)A person who suffers from perplexity or lack of motivation can wear this stoneto get the benefit of it.

2)Sometimes it helps to recover the memory of past life of an individual ifrequired.

3)It helps to heal all the diseases of eyes who wear this gems stone.

4)It consists of some spiritual value which helps an individual to progress inthe right path of life to prosper in future endeavour.

5)It helps to increase the creativity of an individual which enhances theirthought process and innovative ideas which ultimately leads to enhancement ofleadership abilities.

6)For management of money and elimination of debt it is very beneficial.

7)It helps the owner of this gem to recover from sleep imbalances and sharpensthe memory.

8)It increases the endurance and perseverance of an individual thus it ensures anindividual to achieve the goal in their life.

Soapart from this benefits mentioned above Iolite is the most preferredgemstone by the astrologers. They are readily available in the online store tomake a quick purchase from the counterpart of the consumer.

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