Physical Features:
Chemical | (K, Na) AlSi3O8 |
Color | White, Colorless, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Brown, Pink, Purple, Gray. |
Crystal Habit | Prismatic |
Crystal System | Monoclinic |
Cleavage | Perfect |
Fracture | Conchoidal |
Streak | White |
Hardness | 5 - 6 Mohs scale |
Luster | Vitreous |
Transparency | Transparent, Translucent |
Specific gravity | 2.56 - 2.60 |
Refractive index | 1.518 - 1.527 |
Birefringence | 0.006 - 0.007 |
Chatoyancy | Yes |
The term astrology rotates around a belief that the locusand details of the celestial bodies have some great role to play on naturalearthly phenomenon and human eventualities. Astrological studies have beenshowing its influence from ancient periods and a good percentage of human beingsdevelop strong faith in astrological predications and manage thingsaccordingly. Astrology and its results had a great past and the future for suchstudies seems to be bright. The complete picture reels around twelve signs ofZodiac, namely Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio,Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Those who hold great belief inhoroscope predications are well supported by certain news channel shows andnewspapers which provide in brief predications of all signs of Zodiac for thatparticular day. Those who get deep into these studies are known as astrologersand they believe planets also have their fixed roles to play in everyoneslife. Astrologers on behalf of their predications and studies suggest some ofthe fluent techniques to anticipate and sway lives and destinies.
Gemstones have a strong gravity in Vedic astrology. Theyhave been used since past many decades to cover up imperfections caused byplanets and their positions. During ancient period, only high class people andKings used to wear gemstones suggested by the astrologers and experienced itsoutcomes. Nowadays, these gemstones have became so common that anyone can haveone under astrologers advice to cure problems interfering in between life anddestiny. The need for gemstones has been rapidly increasing these days as mostof the people are showing their trust to such activities because many of themare getting positive responses from gemstones on grounds like education,business, health etc. The more gemstones are proving to be correct, the morepeople are showing their belief to them. Nowadays, the availability ofresources and studies are providing strong base to astrologers who areextracting best uses of gemstones for healing any of the human dissatisfaction.
Astrologers believe that for curing problems structured bynine different planets, there are nine gemstones used. Each gemstone is relatedto one planet and its significance differs according to humans and theirproblems. Natural gemstones are more likely to show great responses as revealedfrom the experts. It is necessary to wear the correct gemstone for experiencinghelpful responses else it can also reflect just the opposite things and caneven make the situations worst. Suggestions from an astrologer are thereforeuseful before putting hands into any such matter. Many of the examples frompast make things quite clear that inappropriate use of gemstones can getdestruction.
Moonstone is basically a sodium potassium aluminum silicate.The term moonstone is derived from a perceptible effect which was caused bydiffraction of light within a micro- frame having orderly series of feldsparlayers. Moonstone holds great significance and has been involved with jewellerysince ancient period. The Romans appreciated moonstone as they believed thatit originated directly from the solidified rays of the Sun. Both the Greeks andthe Romans related moonstone with their lunar deities. During the Art Nouveauperiod, moonstone became very popular and many of the French goldsmithsprepared jewellery in huge quantities using moonstone gem.0
Formation: Orthoclase and albite, two feldsparspecies get intermingled during the formation of moonstone. When the combinedmineral gets cooled, both the species segregate into mounded alternate layers.The mineral then turns into moonstone when light reaches in between tiny layersand get scattered into certain directions.
How Moonstone helps in neutralizing difficulties in life:
The chapter of life is not that easy as it looks like. Everyhuman being has to face typical situations as it is none other than a part oflife. Astrology and its results have proved that there exists a much possiblechance to overcome complex problems that one faces at regular intervals.Astrological experts have presented the best medium of getting rid of suchsituations in the form of gemstones. Gemstones these days have become verycommon and most of the people show their valuable trust against astrologicalbeliefs. Pearl is considered to be the perfect stone for Moon. Moonstone is analternate to pearl. A person wearing moonstone may suffer from water retention,strong emotional attachments etc. but it holds some very promising featureswhich can help people in making life better. For attracting better fortune fromearthly occurrences, gemstones play very helpful role. Some of the mostentertaining benefits of wearing a moonstone are:
Human beings generally feel irritated when they dont getsolutions to their issues. This irritation creates the texture of roughness inhuman nature and the person is very much affected on emotional grounds. Moonstonehits your fortune at the correct place which in turn diminishes your toughnessand ultimately management gains fluency. It enhances your emotional behaviorwhich makes a person more likely to feel things and take appropriate decisions.The base of a moonstone is providing protection and fluency.
Having perfectly framed living standards is everyonesdesire. Life includes multiple stages where sorrow and happiness are the majoralternatives. One continues to struggle throughout life for getting thingssettled. Astrological studies have provided some relief for turning our badtimes into happiness with proper use of certain gemstones. Moonstone is verynecessary for flourishing lives of the cancer category and is must wear forthem. It helps balancing all your care taking characteristics which thenprovides your life a very smooth living structure.
Every human being needs definite perimeter of intuitionand inspiration to get things done in the most comprehensive manner.Inspirations are those feathers which once installed in human beings cantransform their lives from worst to best. Wearing moonstone gem helpsenhancing both the aspects and makes life worth living. It boosts energy levelswhich provide more affection towards work and happiness.
The major role of the moonstone gem is the energy it holdswhich generates a sense of perfection in humans to let them know how toovercome hardships in life. The glowing white energy on the moonstone envelopsgolden, blue and purple energy rays making it a very protective gemstone. Aperson wearing moonstone often gets insights of the actual issues and besthealing techniques.
Balancing personal and professional life is challengingfrom years ago and would be challenging for years after. Professional successcan be achieved only if personal life is soothing and vice versa. Astrologicalbeliefs make it clear that moonstone gem is more like to bring victory on bothprofessional and personal grounds. Certain high class people from ancientperiod revealed the importance of the stone as most of them got positive resultsand many of the moonstone wearers of present generation are satisfied tilldate.
Life security matters for everyone and it turns risky whiletravelling as one may or may not be aware of the destination. An unknown placecan be challenging for a stranger at any point of time. Moonstone gem helps inminimizing those risks and provides firm protection on both land and water.Such influencing astrological beliefs for the moonstone gem make it better tobe known as a travelling stone.
Astrological studies have been successful in relating someof the gemstones with better functioning of human glands and rest organs.Moonstone gem holds great significance in balancing inner hormone productioncycles and also stimulates the performance of pineal glands. Moonstone gem hasbeen used by many healers and the outcomes support its use for future. Amoonstone gem is a perfect statement for getting things balanced in life as itsadularescent energy brings calmness and proper sense of handling situations.
Creativity is not everyones cup of tea. It is god giftedto a certain category that helps making this world look more attractive andflourishes soothing vibes. For those who belong to music and the writingindustry, moonstone gem is quite beneficial as it enhances creativity mostlyfor these two specific fields. Many of the writers and music relatedindividuals wear moonstone gem who believe in astrology and its predications.
Moonstone and its properties
Each of the gemstone holds some unique properties whichhelps people to distinguish one from the other and make appropriate use of therequired stone. All the natural and genuine moonstones look transparent to semitransparent and hold a light blue shade throughout. Moonstone gem betrayssophisticated and scintillating color effect which makes the gem glow frominside out. Many people become eager while dealing with astrological activitiesas they have never experienced them before. They wish discovering results assoon as possible and get into every single detail of the gemstone. Themoonstone gem has negligible inner inclusions visible which shows a negativeimpact on its commercial and astrological significance. A natural moonstone ismore likely to have waxy and glassy lusture.
The energy of a moonstone depends on its clearance. A clearmoonstone is believed to have more glow and more energetic healing properties. Theoccurrence of moonstone is very common which makes it priced some low. Themoonstone gem is very much related with jewellery as it can show best of itsproperties when used in form of jewellery. A moonstone pendant can bring morerelief to heart and is supposed to generate positive insights, especially incase of females for getting close to the comfort zone. A moonstone ring fitsbest to a finger as it directly connects with your inner balance and one caninstantly feel better.
Tips on how to buy moonstone
The use of gemstones is rapidly increasing these days asmore and more people have started believing in astrological studies. Gemstonesand its results have attracted more human beings as everyone wants to getbenefitted and attain smooth life balance. Purchasing suitable gemstones isvery essential as the most appropriate stone can only help in minimizingcomplications in life. Any carelessness shown while a gemstone purchase cannotbe answered as it is more likely to show a negative impact on ones life andhappiness. The demand for moonstone is very high in the market sometimes. Onecan buy moonstone online or even offline. Buying moonstone requirescertain directions to be followed:
Adularescence makes a moonstone glow from outside. The mostattractive aspect of this adularescence is motion. A perfect moonstone musthave its glow rolling across the surface on being observed from multipleangles. Moonstones which glow on being noticed from only certain angles shouldbe avoided as its energetic properties are less effective.
A suitable moonstone must have an almost a colorlesssurface with no brown, yellow or green tints. Moonstone must be transparent tosemi transparent with a glowing blue sheen which can be observed from everyangle.
While purchasing gemstones online, one must be very surethat it is trustable store to buy such accessories. Reviews from past customercan help in revealing the actual condition and quality of products for thatparticular store. On buying it from offline market, it is better to consultyour relatives if they had used gemstones earlier. They can provide you someuseful information regarding the most suitable seller of the product.
Sri Lanka and South India are major providers of moonstone. Itis available at reasonable prices and multiple shapes and sizes in the market. Thedemand for the stone has been drastically increased which in turn affectsquality of the material. Buyers therefore need to get more focused whilepurchase of a moonstone.
Taking care of the gemstone
Every asset needs proper handling for better functioning anddurability. Gemstones have soft surfaces which is more likely to cleave on falldown. It is always necessary to use gemstone in perfect manner so that it canreflect best results. Cleavage on moonstone can affect its durability andastrological energy. Wearing moonstone in form of jewellery is best to provideprotection to the stone. The moonstone includes lots of mysteries and has beentaken in use from centuries in certain cultures.
As the moon reflects the feelings of love, Moon Stone is also associated with the lovers and love feelings. In Arab, Moon Stone is traditionally presented to the couple as a gift to enhance the fertility of the women. Moon Stone is recommended in Indian Astrology as Moon remedy.