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Buy Lepidolite Online Buy Lepidolite Gemstone Lepidolite

Physical Features:

ColorAll colors
Crystal HabitPrismatic to acicular crystals
Crystal SystemTrigonal
Hardness7 - 7.5 Mohs scale
TransparencyTransparent, Translucent, Opaque
Specific gravity2.85 - 3.35
Refractive index1.614 - 1.666
Birefringence0.014 - 0.040

Lepidolite is popularly known as thestone of transition. It is most useful for that person whose Zodiac sign isLibra. It is very much beneficial for opening up the crown and the third eyechakra. It is available in the market in rose violet and lilac colours. It gentlyinduces change by altering the psychological and behavioural pattern of anindividual. It is very helpful in improving the intellect of a person byactivating the third eye chakra where throat and heart exist. It helps tocreate a positive environment around the person who wears it. There are severalhealth and psychological benefits of this gem stone.

Health benefits of Lepidolite:-

It helps to clear all sorts ofelectromagnetic pollution. It improves the immune system of an individual. Itis also helpful in smoothening the nervous system as well as restructure of theDNA of an individual. It also removes the tension related disorders from ahuman being's life. These gems stone can be a great help for those type ofperson who are suffering from epilepsy, Alzheimer, and from other sorts ofallergies. It is also very much helpful for bipolar disorders. It can also curesciatica and neuralgia and helps in overcoming joint problems.

Psychological benefits ofLepidolite:-

It helps in removing any mentaldependency or addiction. A person who wears these gem stone gets protected fromany sort of negative energy. It improves self confidence and relationshipsamong your loved ones. It erodes all sorts of negative thoughts and feelingsfrom an individual's mind. Thus provides him a clear vision and objectiveoriented thinking capacity. By clearing the blockages of crown chakra it helpsto bring a cosmic awareness in one's life.

Thus it ensures psychological andmental peace in the mind of an individual on a constant basis.

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