Physical Features:
Chemical | Fe2O3 |
Color | Black, steel gray, partly reddish |
Crystal Habit | Tabular crystals of varying thickness sometimes twinned, micaceous (specular), botryoidal and massive. also earthy or oolitic. |
Crystal System | Trigonal |
Cleavage | None |
Fracture | Uneven,Conchoidal |
Hardness | 6 Mohs scale |
Luster | Metallic |
Transparency | Opaque |
Specific gravity | 5.00 - 5.30 |
Refractive index | 2.690 - 3.220 |
Birefringence | 0.280 |
Hematite is a greyish black stone which isbeing used for centuries for healing purpose. This stone is believed todissolve negative energy in to love and to bring inner peace in the life of anindividual. This ancient black stone is discovered in Egypt and basically usedfor centuries back to remove the poison from the body and to stop the flow ofblood. This stone is used basically for healing purpose in the ancient times.There are several evidence which prove that this black stone used in ancienttimes to cure patients from various disease or medical disorders. There aresome important medical benefits of this stone.
Magnetic Hematite an effectivehealing stone:-
Kidney problems and blood pressuredisorders can be cured by this stone due to the iron content in it. It is alsoeffective in healing pain as it charges the nerve cells. This gemstone is alsouseful in regulating a steady blood flow in the body. Headaches and anaemia canalso be cured by the usage of this precious stone. Additionally it helps toheal fractured bones, cramps and spinal problems to ensure a healthy life foran individual. To, perform his daily course of action with full of energy andenthusiasm.
Balancing of Chakra:-
Hematite is very helpful in activating andbalancing the root chakra of an individual. Especially to those who indulge inconstant meditation. A healthy root chakra is considered to be very importantin maintaining rhythm, endurance, life energy, and connection with nature. Lackof self centred behaviour and self control are the main signs of imbalancedchakra. It should be placed in the tailbone while laying the face down and withthe direct contact with the skin to derive the maximum benefit. Thus anindividual can receive enormous advantage using this gemstone.
Improves Emotional Health:-
This stone improves the clarity ofmind, increases the self confidence of an individual and reduces the chances ofstress. Hematite is also known as the stress stone as it makes anindividual much more relaxed than ever. As well as it increases the skill ofcommunication of a person. It can be kept in pocket or under the pillow. In thedecorative place of office premise it can be kept to derive the maximum benefitfrom this stone. It relaxes the mind and enhances the decision making abilityof an individual to lead a prosperous life.
Above mentioned benefits are enoughto fulfil the desired needs of an individual. Hematite from the ancienttimes has been a great source of healing power from various diseases. That iswhy it is being considered as the most precious stone in the world. It helps tofulfil all your desires, wish and aspirations. Thus provides total selfsatisfaction to an individual. It is like a friend in the gloomy day of yourlife. That is the reason why most of the astrologer prefers using this stone toenable an individual to lead a happy and prosperous life in future.