Physical Features:
Chemical | CuAl6(PO4)4(OH)8·4H2O |
Color | Light blue, bluish-green, green, greenish-blue |
Crystal Habit | Massive, nodular |
Crystal System | Triclinic |
Cleavage | None |
Fracture | Conchoidal |
Hardness | 5 - 6 Mohs scale |
Luster | Waxy |
Transparency | Opaque |
Specific gravity | 2.30 - 2.90 |
Refractive index | 1.610 - 1.650 |
Birefringence | 0.040 |
In this world ofmodern technologies there still exist some magical waves which are capable ofgiving real satisfaction to the suffering category of the people. Everyone intoday world is surrounding with certain living challenges of life and is incontinuous search of some rapid technique to overcome them and live happily. Astrologyhas been a great for people and not even asks for major efforts for bringinghappiness in life. The concepts related are easy to follow and appropriate useof gems is just enough to convert bad seconds into rejoicing hours. Astrologicalstudies have been constantly getting better as more the people are joining thequeue.
Benefits ofwearing a firoza gem
The gem firoza or turquoiseidentifies the planet Venus and was initially found in Turkey. The termturquoise is not related with color and is a Turkish word as people from Turkeyfirst bring this gem to different parts of the globe. The enchanting qualitiesof this gem made its use in Russia, Latin America, China, Turkey etc verycommon. The stone owns a glittering surface with constant texture and iscommonly used for enhancing the beauty of jewellery as well as astrologicalbeliefs.
Firoza is the onlygem that does not requires any horoscope predication before taking it in use asit was actually considered as a sign of wealth since ancient period and is alsoa frequent healer. The demand for firoza gem has been raised well enough due toits magnificent quality of serving both in jewell0ery and astrology. Theelevated need of the gem has made the available of pure stone a bitchallenging.
The firoza gemcontains soft hue which holds eye pleasing effect and is budget friendly at thesame time. The mesmerizing powers of the gem help in providing firm balance tothe entire living structure of life. Though firoza gemstone is available in avariety of colors namely greenish blue, apple green, greenish grey and othersyet the one which has a sky blue tint is considered to be of best quality.
Astrologicalchapters describe firoza gem is symbol of true friendship, bravery and wealth.People wearing firoza gem achieve success in their love lives as the stonestrengthens love bonds and boosts the trust factor. The astonishing powers ofthis gem protect its wearer from getting in contact with any evil eye.
Astrologicalbeliefs suggest that if a firoza gem changes its color or suddenly breaks downthen there are possible chances for problems to arrive which is why it isregarded as the most convenient healer amongst the gemstones. Way back duringthe ancient period, firoza was considered as an object for making modesty andkindness and people used to show great admiration.
Balancing moodswing and providing peace of mind can also be taken as profiting powers of afiroza gem. A firoza wearer gets ample satisfaction out of his/her work as itusually blends efforts with accuracy thereby making the outcomes much moreinnovative and full of perfection. The reason being the stone intakes everynegative energy surrounding the wearer and converts them into healthy positiveinsight.
Firoza gem enhancesspeaking capability and is very helpful for those who are much surrounded bynervousness when in public. Boosting communicational skills, innovation and creativityare those three exciting benefits of this gem which blend magnificently to makethis gem a precious one amongst the category.
One of the mostreputed advantages of wearing firoza gem is that it distances the wearer faraway from injuries, accidents and aggression. Firoza has some mere connectionswith disease curing as well and helps in controlling blood pressure, properfunctioning of the nervous system and fights well against several dangerousdisorders. Therefore this gem is mainly taken as a curing and developing gem ofbenevolence and magnifies user's imagination strength and sensitivity.
Who can benefitmost from a Firoza Gemstone?
Alike the restgemstones, a firoza does not asks for any improper positioning of the celestialbody in life of any individual. People who are looking for matrimonialhappiness from many days ago may get this gem for experiencing that joy quitesoon. This stone is meant precious especially for couples as it helps ismaintaining better understanding in between and clears the way for furtherhappiness to enter in life. Career failures can also benefit a lot from afiroza gem due to its efficiency of embroidering intelligence and workingcapacity of the individual. For those who belong to the field of innovation andcreativity definitely desire to get fame and this gem can make the desire cometrue within a quick period of time. Any misunderstanding developed betweencouples can be dissolved very effectively using a firoza gem in appropriatemanner.
Why natural gems are more benefitting?
Gemstones in natural or untreated form are considered moreuseful as the dealers of the product bring them to certain processes for givingthem eye catchy looks for getting better responses from their customers.Generally heating of gems is quite common for enhancing color but natural gemsmust be preferred for experiencing better results as raising temperature ofgemstones negotiates its quality of showing tremendous outcomes.
Steps followed before buying Firoza gem
Any of the gemstone purchase demands loads of attention forgetting the most suitable one which is capable of fulfilling the need of thetime. Product availability in the market is in mixed from and one cannot easilypick any major difference between a pure and impure category of the similargood. Hence it becomes necessary to give more time for buying products whichhave great connection with the show called life. Here are some of benefittingbullets which can make your gemstone purchase fruitful:
Firoza gem having fine spotless tint is the most suitableone as suggested from reputed astrologers. Any imperfection observed should be immediatelyfollowed by rejection at the same time.
A pure firoza gem ranges from opaque to translucent when itcomes to clarity. Good looking first copy of this stone is available in marketand so the clarity of the stone is an essential thing to be cross checked.
Prefer unmounted firoza over mounted one as it holds betterquality and powers.
Examining the stone under proper light gives a betterknowledge of the gem as little things can spoil the whole show in such cases.Scratches or uneven surfaced gems should not be given even a second look.
Correct procedure of wearing a Firoza gem
The complete picture of a gemstone depends on way ofhandling. For every gem there has been set a specific day and duration whichmakes the stone more energized and powerful. Spotting correct time for wearingthe gem brings magical power to the gem from its ruling heavenly body and thishelps the wearer quite well. Firoza gem is dipped into holy gangajal forgetting it away from impure vibes rotating around. Kum Kum is then applied foradding more holy powers and purity and is sign of activation. A matt should beplaced facing the north, north east or east direction while doing prayer andreciting of mantra, Om Sah shukrayae, guruayae Namah. Incense sticks must be lightedand rotated around the stone along with wishes made having marigold flowers inhand. Ending the prayer activates the gem and the n it is ready for taking inuse.
Firoza with Jewellery
Theuse of firoza in jewellery is quite common these days as the stone is addingcharm to one of the most celebrated personality of the time, Mr. Salman Khan.This great actor of the time is making this stone a trend and the gem is alsohelping the generation in building their love bond stronger with time. Astrologydescribes that firoza gem is more supposed to serve better responses when usedwith gold ring, pendant or bracelet. A fine stone provides gold outfits abetter shape and raise the standard of the individual. This stone along withgreat potential of helping human beings has immensely raise its demand as morepeople are now willing to have one for experiencing comfortable life. Balancingbusiness and personal life is one of the major issues of the time of which eachworking individual is looking to get rid of. Firoza gem is one of the mostreasonable opportunities for achieving work life balance and it also cherisheswith energetic vibes.