Afghanite belongs to the group of minerals namedsodalite and the color ranges vastly from blue to colorless. It was firstdiscovered from the mines of Lapis lazuli, Badakhshan Province in the nationof Afghanistan and it is where it got its name from. After that it has alsobeen found in places such as Newfoundland, New York, Tajikistan, Germany, Italyetc and everywhere it is recognized as a very good gemstone.

Physical Features:
Chemical sign: | (Na,K)22Ca10; |
Colour: | blue to colourless; |
Crystal system: | Trigonal; |
Hardness: | 5.5-6 Mohs scale; |
Birefringence: | 0.006; |
It has massive powers which influence a person hugely.Enlisted below are some of the instances of it:
Sometimesyou might get things messed up in your mind, so much as that you lose the trackof proper order. Afghanite can give you relief in that regard by helping you fixyour aim at a right direction.
Weoften fail to see certain situations from others point of view; Afghanitehelps you inculcate that ability within you.
Italso enhances psychic vision, visualization, and perception concerning matters.
Ifyou have any disease affecting the face or the head area, theres no better agemstone than afghanite which helps in the slow but steady curing of any suchdisorders.
Itis also a great aid in dealing with complicated mental disorders such as OCD(Obsessive Compulsive Disorder).
Ourdaily living often includes unbalancing various issues. Problems arise when anysuch act continues for longer than usual. It highly disturbs the normalcy inlife. Afghanite will surely sort out any such issues.
Peoplewho suffer from diseases related to bones including teeth should wearAfghanite. In the long run, it can really prove to be very beneficial.
Communicatingyour thoughts or expressing your views in public is something that not everyoneis a master of. This gemstone can help you work through such fears.
Its availability is extensive both in offline as wellas in online stores.