Physical Features:
Chemical | (K, Na) AlSi3O8 |
Color | White with Blue Ray |
Crystal Habit | Prismatic |
Crystal System | Monoclinic |
Cleavage | Perfect |
Fracture | Conchoidal |
Streak | White |
Hardness | 5 - 6 Mohs scale |
Luster | Vitreous |
Transparency | Transparent, Translucent |
Specific gravity | 2.56 - 2.60 |
Refractive index | 1.518 - 1.527 |
Birefringence | 0.006 - 0.007 |
Chatoyancy | Yes |
Astrology has a very important place inhuman life. It is an outstanding teaching of human welfare. God has composedthe age of every human being in accordance with the deeds of his previousbirth, which no one can change; in particular no one can change the followingthree events of human life: Birth, Marriage & Death. Astrology throwslight on these three aspects, although it is also related with other importantpoints related to life in addition to these three. Astrology has been acceptedas the eye of the Vedas. This is the gift of sacrifice, penance and intellectof the Indian saints & maharishis. Its mathematical part is the origin ofmany scientific researches. Astrology has been serving the society through itsdiverse distinctions and will continue to do so. It is true that if it iscreating good work in some fields you will also make enemies there. The moreastrology influenced people with its power the more it is criticized for that.Though astrology announced to the world about its great power of analyzingplanets, stars, etc., there were some people always questioning upon thisbranch of study. They learned the changes which are caused by the changingpositions of planets. Seeing and understanding the change in society throughthese influences. In order to know the effects on the creatures of planets,zodiac signs and constellations, maharishis try to analyze different thingswhich are happening on planet. Due to some improper or bad persons in astrologyfield the good persons are also affected. But good astrologers always want tomake a human life beautiful, filled with love & compassion. Dharma which isa kind of ancient astrology is used to the wellness of the human being in oldtimes.
Today in the scientific era every person is aware about thesolar system, yet some people have misconception about the planets. Otherscriptures are said to be indirect but astrology is real science. Astrology isalso said to be the principal part of Vedas. There are some persons who arespiritual but still not believe in astrology. Someone has to ask them questionthat if the sun & moon is of no effect in lifethen why did they shed themselves at midday from the heat & why did theyenjoy the full moon nights so much. Long time ago our saints told us to keepfast on solar eclipse & not even drink water. Now it is also told by ourscientists. Scientists from Bose institute are now saying that the solarradiation is controlling the atmospheric bacteria. So if astrology is false howcould saints know these things from long before? It is proven now by scientiststhat astrologers were right from a long time & they are proving it now withfacts. The main seven planets which are affecting our lives are all associatedwith different activities like the sun is the principal life element. This isreflected to our lives is our source of energy. Moon is the master of the mind& we can get mental strength from it. Mars is related to desire, lust &work. Mercury is connected with the various capacities of mind. Jupiter affectsspiritual power, sentiment and emotion. Venus gives birth to introvertedtendencies. Saturn is the most notorious planet; it can control all senseorgans.
According to one figure, 45.4 percent believe in Americanastrology. Whether it was former President Reagan or big companies like WaltDisney who has been keeping the astrologers in their staff. The gems aredirectly related to the planets and the planets from human life. If the Titanicsubmerged in 1912 due to the lunar eclipse, due to Vakri Saturn and Rahu, the destruction of water in Uttarakhand onJune 16, 2013, or the water crisis in Kashmir occurs only according to planetsmovements. Every planet has its own color, and the color matching gem isrelated to it. If Mars is red, then its gem is a red coral. If the master isyellow, then yellow topaz is related to him. Moon is like a pearl. Seeing abirth certificate or astrology, astrologer examines which planet is weak orbullied and its effect or adverse effects tells of what is going on in itslife, good or bad, in the gems or mantras or text-worship. If the guru is oflowly and delayed marriage, then it is advisable to wear topaz. From the verybeginning, the man is crazy of gems. All the diamond jewels used to remain inthe king's treasure. Many types of gems have been worn in the arms, fingers andears. Lord Krishna had a celestial gem. As soon as he got this, difficultiesstarted getting started in his life. When the Kohinoor diamond came to theMaharaja Ranjit Singh when the Mughals came, the Sikh empire was reduced. Ifthe British took it to England, then theirever-unstable Sun continued to dissolve in the whole world. Diana did not havea sapphire suit but she wears the 18-carat jam's sapphire on herengagement. Marriage did not go well andthe end was too frightening. On the other hand, when Amitabh Bachchan wore thefirst sapphire, not only the bank's debt got reduced, but he became abillionaire by Kaun Banega Crorepatihimself. On wearing another sapphire, he raised another ladder in life andbecame the Actor of the century. Whether there are laborers or ministers,madrasa or beggars, leaders, or actors, industrialists or sages, all arewearing gems. Kareena Kapoor has a pearl and coral, Aishwarya Rai, Neelam, andShilpa are wearing Emerald. Many people wear sapphires, speeches, politiciansor preachers, who also wear gems so that they can be strong. According tozodiac signs, disease, problem and perseverance, people wear gems for thepurpose of strengthening planets. Nevertheless, the advice of a suitableastrologer must be taken to wear the stones or it could go bad as well. Alwaysbuy a certified stone from a good laboratory with certificates and bills, froma good and reliable shop because real gems are very important for good resultsin the life of the person wearing it. As the planet is natural, gems shouldalso be natural. Nevertheless, every person should be held according to thepositions of the planets and will be changed from time to time only if they arebenefited.
There are a lot of kinds of gems but we will mainly only discuss about the moonstone here, specially theblue moonstone. But before discussing about it let's do some smallintroductions of other gems like, Ruby it is called Manikya in Sanskrit & gets its power from sun. Pearl which iscalled moti in Sanskrit & it alsogets its powers from the moon like the moonstone. There is coral which iscalled moonga in Sanskrit & gets itspower from the mars. Emerald is another which is called panna in Sanskrit & gets its power from the mercury. Yellowsapphire is there which is called pukhrajin Sanskrit & gets power from Jupiter. The other one is diamond or heera & it gets its power from the Venus.There is hessonite which gets its power from rahu & is called gomed. Blue sapphire is one of the mostdangerous gems it gets its power from Saturn & is called neelam. There are five kinds of moonstones,Blue or cats eye moonstone which is used for clarity of mind, focus &awareness. Other one is gray moonstone which is a mysterious stone getting allits power from the moon. White moonstone which charges a man with positiveenergy keeps the balance of emotions & also helps children in driving awayinsomnia & nightmares. Peach or yellow moonstone relaxes minds fromtensions for grown men as well as children. Rainbow moonstone connects thedivine energy & deflects the negativity. Moonstone is actually verymysterious & powerful. It's like a talisman which will take you deep inyour soul to bring out your hidden secrets. Moonstone the name itself declaresits association with the moon. It is said the goddess Diana had this stone. Itbecomes most powerful on full moon. It is a very sacred stone & protectsman & woman both. It is made of potassium aluminum silicate. Some oldpeople only wear moonstone so that it could protect them from sunstrokes. Inancient roman age they think that it is real moonlight captured in the stone.It is also very famous as a gift item in romantic couples. It is found now in alot of places like, Srilanka, USA,European Alps, India, Brazil, Mexico, Myanmar, Tanzania, etc. Moonstone shouldbe worn only in silver or gold, Panchdhatumust be avoided. It has to be worn on Monday evening shukla paksha in littlefinger. If you are right handed, youshould wear it on right hand & if left handed you should wear it on theleft hand.
There are a lot of benefits which we can get by buying a bluemoonstone. The benefits are as follows-
● This gemstone is good for calmness& meditation because it is connected with the moon which is the greatestexample of coolness & here moon will control the wearers mind. If you havea blue moonstone, then you can try it bytouching above your eyes, you will feel a cool sensation instant.
● If you want to keep emotional balancein life blue moonstone is the stone to look for.
● It has a great positive impact on thehormonal balance of women, so it good for them. The pain they feel duringmenstruation or childbirth can also be eased with the help of it.
● It controls any mans aggressionbecause of the yin energy located in it.
● Many people describe it as thelovers gemstone as it helps them to find the true love of their lives.
● It is helpful against sun like insunstroke or when your nose is bleeding. It also makes the digestion good.
● The people who are suffering fromlack of confidence, depression can be helped by its use. The people who havesuch positions like the moon in Scorpio must use the blue moonstone as quick aspossible if they are not able to get natural pearl.
● This gemstone helps in fertility aswell.
● If you are not able to sleep atnight & feeling a disorder, you don't need to worry, you just have to get ablue moonstone & keep that under your pillow while sleeping at night.
● It can be also used as jewel. Allover the world jewelers are using it as a jewel.
While buying a blue moonstone you have to ensure about itssize. Bigger is better here because you see the beautiful reflection there. Onewill need to make sure there are no fractures on the surface. Don't try to buyit online as it has a lot of fake pieces, buy from a trusted seller onlybecause if you did not buy the right thing, you will not get the desiredresults which you want. Moonstone is much softer than other gems; it has arating of 6 in mohs scale. It breaks veryeasily & scratches or cracks very easily. As it is not that hard &durable it must be taken care properly so that it does not face any damage& it dazzles you with its beauty every time you look at it. As it is sovulnerable, you should keep it away from your body while performing any tasklike, sports, gardening, etc. Keep the stone away the agents, mean to say thecleaning agents who use hard composition of chemicals to clean the stone.Storing it is also very difficult as if you keep it with hard stones likediamonds, it will get scratches. So, to protectthe beauty of it, a separate kind of jewelry box must be bought with separatepockets for use for each gem. Also keep in mind that while keeping the jewelryyou must wrap it with a soft cloth so that it does not face any kind of damagewhile kept. Cleaning the jewelry is a very difficult project One thing isnotable moonstone must not be cleaned in ultrasonic cleaners. If you want toclean it you have to make a solution of some mild soap and lukewarm water. Soakthe stone in it for few minutes it willloosen the dirt & clear it. Don't scrub it at all. If there is some stickydirt there & it is not removed while soaking then use a soft brush to cleanthe stone very carefully. Then very gently dry it using a dry & soft cloth.If still there is some scratch or fracture dont show it to any jeweler butsend it to jewelry expert so that your stone will be taken full care of.
So we can see that astrology & gems are of hugeimportance in our lives & no one can deny that, the people who don't trustin it also cannot deny the fact that it has told & done several thingswhich modern science had done after a very long time. Astrologers havethoroughly checked the effects of the planets with their intelligence &provided proper guidance to the society according to it. They always believe& try to do good for the people of the world. The Humans must trust them& also the gems which can create wonders to the life of a person if boughtthe right piece from a good gemologist after consulting with astrologer.Astrologer will read your horoscope carefully will ask to wear you the gemaccording to your need. Astrology can make you understand many things like; itcan make you understand your real self, who you really are. It can create yourhoroscope & with it all the things you will do & get in life will bedecided. It can lead you to the best suitable path for you in life. There arevarious cycles, astrology makes you understand them. It decided by checkingboth the horoscopes of you & your better half that you will be compatiblein life or not. You can choose the best career by consulting a good astrologer.It can find out that you are under any karmic influence or not. And most importantlyit can predict the future to make to prepared for any problems ahead. We musttrust good astrologers & always wear stones after consulting with thembecause sometimes we think a particular stone will be helpful for us but atthat may we have to wear 2 or 3 stones combined for getting help from othersupporting planets as well. So always buy stones after consulting a specialistastrologer not by hearing from anyone or learning from anyone. I hope afterreading this you all will know a lot about astrology & stones & alsoabout the blue moonstone specially. You had found out till now that how to buya good moonstone or how to clean it properly & keep it safe. So in futureif you are thinking of buying a stone you are prepared for what to do & howto do. May you have a very happy & long life