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Buy Orthoclase Online Buy Orthoclase Gemstone Orthoclase

Physical Features:

ColorColorless, yellow, or shades of red, orange to brown.
Crystal HabitTabular
Crystal SystemMonoclinic
Hardness6 Mohs scale
TransparencyTransparent, Translucent, Opaque
Specific gravity2.54 - 2.61
Refractive index1.518 - 1.536
Birefringence0.005 to 0.008

Thescientific birth of orthoclase

Orthoclase thechampagne color prismatic gemstone falls into the feldspar group is a chemicalmixture of granite and felsic igneous rocks. It has wide use on manufacture ofglass materials,ceramics. Though there different color to enhance the beauty ofyour jewelry but the perfect gem quality is enhanced by champagne color.

Propertiesof orthoclase:-

Fine quality ofgemstones are always transparent and hence the rare orthoclase are fluid clearcategory and has a dazzling effect and the pale lustrous falls into themoonstone group endeavoring your jewelry.

Advantagesof wearing orthoclase:-

Every gemstone isunique by nature and always bring goodness and happiness to the wearer. Here wewill discuss the good effects of it:-

Enhances the feminismsensation:-Every woman is a born leader and to invoke the feminist feeling andself confidence orthoclase has the best impact on the women wearer.

Invokes the selfrespect,self-esteem:- The most precious feature of any human being is the senseof self-respect and self-empowerment. This gemstone will not only invoke thesefeature but also help to move forward with happiness in life.

Physical healing:-Physically orthoclase boost the energy level, strengthen the internal organsand bones. It is good remedy for stomach ulcers and skin infection and helps toreduce weight.

Spiritual healing:-Intoday's fast moving hectic schedule we are all stressed out and to invoke thecalm and soothing mentality and cooperation effect within us orthoclase provesto be a winner that heal us spiritually and keep our nervous system cool andcalm.

This rare gem could be a part of your jewelry set where youcan buy gemstones online or can visit your nearby jewelry shop and be a proudowner of it. But you have to take care of this rare gem stone and can bring thehappiness to your home.

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