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Buy Triphane Online Buy Triphane Gemstone Triphane

Physical Features:

ColorBlue to colourless, blue-green and brown
Crystal HabitColumnar; fibrous; bladed
Crystal SystemTriclinic
Hardness4 - 7 Mohs scale
Specific gravity3.55 - 3.70
Refractive index1.710 - 1.735
Birefringence0.012 - 0.033

Thegemstone was nomenclature by Hay in 1801. It is sometimes used synonymouslywith spodumene but in actual it the colorless to a transparent yellow varietyof spodumene. In gem industry, it is also known as the yellow kunzite. The colorsof the stone can be better seen in the larger crystals. A Triphane stone mustbe 10 carats at a minimum to show the best colors. A Triphane stone may be aslarge as 44 carats, which may cost around 550 USD.

Itsuses and purposes

If you have a whimsical mind of taking upnew projects and getting bored with it or leaving it as soon as the work turnsup to be difficult, the Triphane stone may help you by waning enthusiasm in youto achieve your dream.

If there is some non-ending troubles goingin the house, keeping the gemstone will refresh and filter the energies of thehouse.

Triphane, in office, will remove all themystery and uncertainty among the employees or workers and infuse integrity andhonesty.

It will protect you against bullying,manipulation, harmful domination or control by creating a high resonancepositive energy shield around you.

It dissolves feelings like anxiety,sadness or guilt caused by some unforgettable past memories and restoresoptimism and sense of purpose.

This gemstone of high resonating energywill work as a messiah if you are indulged in any kind of addiction likesmoking, alcohol abuse, gambling etc.

It is known to stimulate the solar plexuswhich controls the immune and digestive system. Wearing it strengthen yourimmunity to fight against infections and allergens.

The Triphane amulets protects yours lovedones and help you not lose your belief and trust when in difficult situations.

The yellow variety of the stone brings gayand cheerfulness in one's life.

This stone will fill one's life full oflove and will also increase the level of intimacy and passion in arelationship.

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