Know the historical facts related to blue zirkongemstone and how you can get benefits from it

Physical Features:
Chemical | Ca3Al2(SiO4)3 |
Color | Green |
Crystal Habit | Dodecahedral |
Crystal System | Isometric |
Cleavage | None |
Fracture | Conchoidal |
Hardness | 7 - 7.5 Mohs scale |
Luster | Vitreous |
Transparency | Transparent, Translucent |
Specific gravity | 3.55 - 3.73 |
Refractive index | 1.735 - 1.744 |
Birefringence | None |
Without any doubt, today market is full with varieties ofgemstones that are not only appealing but also have magical effects in it. Infact, some of them are so powerful that they can heal all your problems and evenhelp in recovering from health issues. Blue Zirkon is one of them and is ingreat demand these days. The cut and color of this gemstone is so attractivethat it will make you fall in love. Zirkon is basically a natural mineral thatis available in many other colors such as white, rose, blue, green, yellow, orangeand brown. But, out of all blue zirkon is most popular and is produced withhelp of heat treatment. It also has some unique properties that make thisgemstone so popular and its hardness is something that will blow off yourmind. Blue zirkon is mostly used in rings and for making other jewelry pieces. Thisgemstone is available in many tones of blue such as from pale to medium blue.In fact, sometime this gemstone also looks greenish from one side due to the pleochroism.
Blue zirkon forJewelry
Due to the beautiful cut and shape, blue zirkon is used formaking jewelry such as rings, pendants, necklaces, earrings and many more. Theywill definitely give you a unique look that will grab attention of a largenumber of people. There are so many dealers who deal in blue zirkon atwholesale price so you can purchase this gemstone from them at low price. Infact, some of the jewelers also offer this precious gemstone in loose thatlater can be crafted into jewelry. Since, they are not costly so you can thinkof investing in this gemstone that will give you many benefits.
Blue zirkon and astrology
Almost, all the gemstones have some relationship withastrological stars and zodiacal sign. So, in the same manner this gemstone isalso a part of astrology and even many astrologers say that this gemstone canchange the destiny of its wearer. Blue zirkon gemstone is having veryimportant place in astrology as it helps in emitting harmful energies from yourbody and protect it as well. In fact, it is often believed that this gemstonecarry some unique characteristics that help in attracting positive energy andmoreover also attract wealth, power self confidence, name, fame, prosperity,love, happiness and many more. Not only this, it can also cure some of thechronic and serious diseases including fever, epilepsy and insanity. Along withthis, it is important to maintain the shine of gemstone because most of theastrologers believe that its shine is the main perspective and if it will notshine then all the positive energies will be converted into negative. Since,zirkon is available in many other colors so it is important that you shouldselect color according to your astrological star and zodiacal sign.
Sources of zirkon
Blue zirkon is found in many places in gem gravels andindigenous rocks. But, most of the gemstones are found at placer deposits inform of water worn pebbles. Sri Lanka, Cambodia and Thailand are the greatestand most popular sources of blue zirkon. In fact, at these places this gemstoneis produced in a large quantity and thus they contribute the major portion. So,gem gravel of Thailand hold very important place following Sri Lanka andMyanmar. In fact, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos also produce blue zirkon as byproduct of corundum mining. Similarly, Norway, Russia and Germany also producesthis precious gemstone but in lesser amount. While on the other hand, Braziland Madagascar also produce this gemstone but they are large in size incomparison to the blue zirkon produced atUnited States and Canada gem gravels. Although,most of the blue crystals are found in Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand but they gettheir color with help of heat treatment.
Treatment process of blue zirkon
Zirkon gemstones are treated in heat that increases thetransparency and also help in producing good blue color. On heating reddish-brownor grayish-brown gemstone in oxygen free environment you will get blue coloredgemstone and if it will be heated again then blue color turns in golden-brown.In fact, heat treatment also helps in producing colorless gemstone sometime.So, overall you can say that zirkon are given heat treatment in order to getblue color.
Benefits of blue Zirkon
By wearing blue Zirkon gemstone, the wearer will get numbersof benefits that will change the life of the wearer. This gemstone is verypowerful and also has many healing properties that will help in overcoming alltype of health issues and will also bring fruitful results. Mentioned below aresome of the benefits that you will get by wearing this miraculous gemstone:
The magical abilities of this gemstone will erase all thenegativity from your life and it will also remove feeling of deception from themind of wearer.
From last so many years, it is used as symbol of love and purity.
This gemstone is very beneficial for those people who aresuffering from asthma and allergic problems.
Blue zirkon will also increase self confidence and give strengthto wearer.
It is also beneficial for pregnant ladies as it will give themstrength for delivering the baby.
It will help in overcoming respiratory problems, bronchial andlung issue as well.
It will help the wearer in avoiding migraine attacks and alsobring purity and peace in heart of the person.
It helps in increasing the interest of person in science and knowledgerelated to truth.
It also augments mental and psychical strength plus is a goodsource of doing meditation.
It brings dreams and visions into reality and also providesocial, emotional and physical support as well.
Blue zirkon proves to be very beneficial for women as it makesthem superior and also help them in achieving their targets and goals.
It enhances memory of wearer and also helpin clearing blockedpassages that will bring harmony in life of wearer.
It is very beneficial for health and help in overcoming issues relatedto reproductive system and abdominal issues.
It will also remove fearful and evil thoughts from mind of thewearer and bring good thoughts that will beneficial.
Categories of blue zirkon
The very beautiful and attractive blue zirkon is dividedinto numbers of categories. Some of them are mentioned below:
Jargon: They are well known because of theirunique color and characteristics that add an advantage in it. Most of thegemstone belonging to this category are colorless or are pale gray and paleyellow in color.
Starlite: They are blue in color and is a typeof blue zirkon gemstone. They look very appealing and mostly used for makingjewelry.
Jacinth: This gemstone is red, yellow, brownand orange in color because of which they give attractive appeal.
Cyrtolite: It is unstable and metamictmaterialwhich traces radioactive elements in term of its structure.
Seiland zirkon: This gemstone is lustrous andred in color which is mostly found in Seiland Island in Norway.
How to take care of blue zirkon gemstone?
Blue zirkon require proper care and maintenance as they arenot like other hard mineral. When misused they can break, have scratches oreven shatter so it is important that you must take out sometime and invest in cleaningit. You can also polish your gem with help of polishing serum that will help inmaintaining its gloss and shine. In fact, blue zirkon is very sensitive andcrack can occur due to many unforeseen situations such as sudden change intemperature thats why it is advisable that you must look after your gemstoneon regular basis. Since, it do any have any type of harmful effect on thewearer so the person can wear it all time. Although, they emit some radiation dueto presence of uranium but it do not have any type of effect on body of thewearer.