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HOME >Gemstones > Yellow_Sapphire_Pukhraj_Topaz

Buy Yellow sapphire Online Buy Yellow sapphire Gemstone Yellow sapphire

Physical Features:

Crystal HabitMassive and granular
Crystal SystemTrigonal
Hardness9 Mohs scale
TransparencyTransparent, Translucent, Opaque
Specific gravity3.95 - 4.03
Refractive index1.762 - 1.788
Birefringence0.008 - 0.009

The real meaningof the sapphire gem stone lies in its colour. Mostly, you would have seen theyellow sapphire stone which is called Pukhraj Ratna in India. However, we donot have any real idea of its meaning. It would not be wrong to say that eventhe people who wear it are not aware of its characteristics and meaning. Thus,this article will provide your insight about yellow sapphire and clear the mistabout its meaning.

Yellow SapphireGemstone

Yellow sapphire isan attractive gemstone which is in a light-yellow colour shade. The stone looka glimmering beauty due to its extraordinary colour with its various cuts whichgive it a more distinctive look than another gemstone. This is one of thereasons why this gemstone is used by most of the people. Especially womens andgirls like this gemstone to be embedded in their jewellery items likeengagement rings, earrings, and necklace.

Apart from itsuse as jewellery it is also wear by some of the people due to its auspiciousproperties. Some people with specific star signs are recommended to wear thisstone in their fingers. This is one of the most contemplated and auspiciousgemstone out there. The reason why this stone is a bit different from all theother stone is it symbolizes the largest planet Jupiter.


Jupiter is said tobe the largest planet in our solar system and has its astrological value. TheJupiter is also said to be as a teacher in various civilizations. The planetJupiter has its significance cause of its strong gravitational pull and in thesame way it also has influential forces which impact the person wearing it.Thus, this planet is said to be the most auspicious planet. The Jupiter Planetsignifies wealth, Luck, fortune and other bliss etc.

Jupiterrelation to Yellow Sapphire

The benevolentJupiter emits or appear in yellow colour which makes it somewhat in appearancelike Yellow Sapphire. The Yellow sapphire has the ability to trap its yellowcolour light beam which is emitted by the planet Jupiter. This makes thisgemstone the birthstone and the most significant stone of Jupiter in astrology.It is said that the yellow sapphire stone possess all the powers of the planetJupiter and the person who wears this gemstone would certainly witness itspositive powers on himself and surrounding. Thus, those individuals who wantthe properties of the planet Jupiter in their lives are suggested to wear thisyellow sapphire stone.

Benefits ofwearing yellow sapphire stone

As you are awarethat this stone is associated with the planet Jupiter and provide numerousbenefits to the person who wears it. Some of the advantages of wearing thisstone are enlisted below -

The yellow stone issaid to attract wealth and can make its wearer rich than before.

It is said that if itsworn by any person, luck and fortune will be on his way. It also provides you alot of opportunities in life.

The yellow sapphire isone of the benevolent auspicious stone just like the planet Jupiter, for theunmarried girls according to various scriptures and holy books. Thus, the girlswho want to get married and who are unable to find competent partner accordingto themselves are suggested to wear this stone.

This gemstone is verypositive and it is recommended according to astrological point of view to helpthose individuals who are full of negativity and depression.

Thus, marriedindividuals if wear this stone, it fills their life with happiness andserenity.

Those persons who workin government offices or in accounting, writing and acting are suggested towear this stone as this stone would definitely help them achieve their goalsand helps them grow at their respective career.

Yellow Sapphirestone health benefits

According tovarious ayurvedic scriptures it is said that the yellow sapphire does not actas ornamental use but it can help you fight some pretty serious disease. Adetail list is enlisted below which showcase some of the know health benefitsof this stone -

The yellow sapphirestone is beneficial for those who have some problems related to bones, indiseases like rheumatoid arthritis and other similar disease it helps you torecover fast. Its also suggested to those who have joint pains. Apart frombones, this can also provide help in illness like cough, piles and lungdiseases.

If a person issuffering from fever which is caused by jaundice then the dust or powder ofyellow sapphire or pukhraj is mixed with honey and given with water. It helpsthe person to recover from jaundice.

The yellow sapphire isnot limited to only liver the pukhraj powder has few medicinal properties whichare beneficial for the kidney. To get rid of kidney related diseases it is saidthat pukhraj powder should be taken with kewda water or screpwine essence whichwill help you in fighting diseases.

There are yellowsapphire pills which are taken with water to provide recovery or fight illnesslike heart diseases, blood related disease, cholera and dysentery.

Those individualssuffering from the problem of bad breath and mouth problems can keep pukhraj oryellow sapphire in their mouth which will help in reducing the mouth odour andother related problems.

Identificationof a real yellow sapphire stone

A yellowsapphire has certain properties by which it can be easily identified few ofthem are given below -

The yellow sapphire ifit is real it feels heavy when kept on the hand for a longer while. Inappearance wise it is mostly crystal clear and it is one of the large stonewithout any physical layers on it.

The real yellowsapphire feels soft and glib on touch, the colour quite much resembles toyellow oleander.

The real yellowsapphire colour quality improves if it is rubbed against a hard surface ortouchstone.

The stone which reflectdifferent colour and has black smudge is said to be fake or one which issynthetically produced.

It is also said that ifthis stone is rubbed for a long time it will produce fire.

It is a very smoothstone thus it is slippery and can slip from your hand due to this property ofyellow sapphire.

A good quality ofyellow sapphire is similar in shape of setting sun when it is put in the fireor warmed by it.

Origins ofyellow sapphire stones

The yellowsapphire stone can be found in various parts of the world. There are fewdifferent origins of yellow sapphire around the globe -

Russia: Russia is one of the major supplies ofthis stone in the world. There are numerous mines in Russia from where thesestone can be extracted.

Brazil: Brazil is known for its best quality ofyellow sapphire stone. The stones which are found in Brazil are light yellow incolour. Thus, because of this the stones extracted from Brazil are consideredbest quality yellow sapphire.

Rhodesia: Rhodesia provides yellow sapphire stonewhich is mostly colourless which are of very bad quality and its notconsidered as good quality stones.

Sri Lanka: The Sri Lanka produces the famous Lankansapphire stone which is very much Famous. The stones which are extracted from SriLanka are flexible and come in light yellow colour. It is one of the leadingmarkets due to the amount and the quality of the stones found here.

Apart from thesecountries there are some other countries which also produce yellow sapphirestone are Japan, Mexico and England etc.

Most auspiciousday to wear yellow sapphire stone

As it iscommonly known by most of the astrologers that yellow sapphire stone symbolizesJupiter and the planet has the most influence on the day of Thursday so it ismostly suggested that it should be worn on the Thursday morning (Shukla Paksha)to get more benefits which are given by the Jupiter by the means of the yellowsapphire stone.

In which fingeryellow sapphire should be worn?

The yellowsapphire stone represents the planet Jupiter and it is suggested by astrologersto wear it on the ring finger of the right hand so as to gain the maximumbenefits from this respective stone. There are different hands for men andwomen, it is suggested that men should wear it on the right hand and women towear in the left hand.

Most suitablemetal

The mesmerizingyellow sapphire should be embedded with either gold or diamond. It is alsorecommended that the stone be embedded in such a way that it should certainlytouch a small portion of the skin, so it power can be channelized properly tothe body.

Price and typeof sapphire stone

The price of theyellow sapphire stone varies, the price greatly depends on the quality of thestone. It is categorized in four types and the finest one is the costliest. Thequality depends on the colour of the stone mostly.

A yellow sapphire which is used in form or a gem to get the benevolent blessings of Jupiter is known as Pukhraj. The stone in a real form would be really expensive in the market. This would provide an emblem of truthfulness, righteousness as well as piety.

There are many astrologers who recommend this stone for the economic prosperity of a individual. It is mandatory to wear Yellow Sapphire, if the native have got Jupiter as their benefic.
Yellow Sapphire Pukhraj Topaz
Yellow Sapphire is used as a Remedy for Jupiter in Indian Vedic Astrology.

Yellow Sapphire/Topaz can also reflect the shade of the metal in which it is embedded. Word “Topaz” has two origins. Firstly, it can be rooted back to Arabic word ‘topazos’ or ‘found’, and secondly in Sanskrit, it is associated with ‘tapas’ or ‘fire’. It is also commonly known as Pukhraj in India.

In Mexico, people used to use Yellow Sapphire to distinguish between true and false as it became a little bit darker if someone used to telling false.

When to wear Topaz or Yellow Sapphire or Pukhraj Gemstone

    1. Pisces or Sagittarius ascendant
    2. Since the benefic placement of Jupiter is at 8, 12 and 6 houses.
    3. Jupiter , a benefic in Capricorn sign
    4. Jupiter is aspected by Saturn with a benefic place in 6 and 8 houses
   5. Jupiter with an indication of second lord with 4th and 9th lord /4th or 10th lord/7th Lord in 2nd.
   6. The placement of retrograde Jupiter in Cancer, Scorpio, Libra, Pisces etc Pukraj plays a vital role for all people who are suffering from financially weak status.

Yellow Sapphire affects digestion system, circulatory system, bowel movements and taste buds. It possesse ability to reduce anxiety. Yellow Sapphire helps in the accomplishment of projects, enhances aesthetic inspiration, and enhances mood especially bad temper after insomnia.

General characteristics of Pukhraj/Topaz

ü      People with political as well as intellectual background would get a success

ü      A normal person would be transformed to a religious as well as pious person. The wearer must get a protection from the evil thoughts.

ü      An unmarried person would get married soon and an individual with no issue would definitely have one

ü      A person can get increments, promotions and get an increase in professionalism.

Utility of Pukhraj/Topaz for curing diseases

Pukhraj/Topaz is a wonderful medicine in form of a stone to make a person suffering from Jaundice gets a cure. If you can use red coral with Pukhraj/Topaz, you can avoid anemia, Impotency as well as problems in bladder. The red coral with copper metal along with Pukhraj/Topaz would help in getting away from Hernia. If you want to avoid hysteria, you must use Pukhraj/Topaz with the red coral in gold. The white coral with Pukhraj/Topaz is wonderful for Eczema. People can use Emerald as well as pearl to avoid Epilepsy.

Yellow Sapphire Pukhraj Topaz
The Yellow Sapphire has been known for at least 2000 years and Yellow Sapphire is one of the gemstones which form the foundations of the twelve gates to the Holy City of the New Jerusalem.

Yellow Sapphire produces the feelings of elevation in individuals. Different colors of Yellow Sapphire are compatible with different zodiac signs such as, gold for Virgo, blue for Aquirius, and pink Topaz for Leo.

It can be found in Ural Mountains, Africa, Brazil and America in yellow, silver, white, pink, blue colors and should be cleaned whenever used.

Yellow Sapphire is available in various size and shape. It is recommended that you should wear not less than 2 Carat and not more than 10 Carat depends on you need.

Use of Pukhraj/Topaz for different Ascendants

    Yellow Sapphire or Pukhraj or Topaz for Aries Mesh ascendant
    Yellow Sapphire or Pukhraj or Topaz for Taurus Vrish ascendant
    Yellow Sapphire or Pukhraj or Topaz for Gemini Mithun ascendant
    Yellow Sapphire or Pukhraj or Topaz for Cancer Karkat ascendant
    Yellow Sapphire or Pukhraj or Topaz for Leo Simha ascendant
    Yellow Sapphire or Pukhraj or Topaz for Virgo Kanya ascendant
    Yellow Sapphire or Pukhraj or Topaz for Libra Tula ascendant
    Yellow Sapphire or Pukhraj or Topaz for Scorpio Brischik ascendant
    Yellow Sapphire or Pukhraj or Topaz for Sagittarius Dhanu ascendant
    Yellow Sapphire or Pukhraj or Topaz for Capricorn Makara ascendant
    Yellow Sapphire or Pukhraj or Topaz for Aquarius Kumbha ascendant
    Yellow Sapphire or Pukhraj or Topaz for Pisces Meen ascendant

Yellow Sapphire Pukhraj Topaz
Yellow Sapphire is one of the expensive Gem available and having is big price range depending on the color and quality.

There are artificially colored Gem is available in the market. But Natural Stones should only be purchased. Yellow Sapphire starts with Rs 3,000/- per Carat with very light Yellow color. Good quality Yellow Sapphire costs Rs 6,000/-  to Rs 9,000/-. Superior quality Yellow Sapphire costs around Rs 12,000/- per Carat.

Topaz is known as a Substitute and natural stone which is cheaper and less effective. Topaz costs around Rs 70/- to Rs 100/- per Carat depending its color and quality.

Note that : 1 Gram = 8 Ratti = 4.8 Carat and 1 Ratti = 0.6 Carat.

Be aware of artificially prepared colored stone. 80% gems available are not natural stone. This is indeed a big problem in the market now. They are either glass made artificially or gem stone colored artificially to increase its price. These stones are sometime capable of passing the laboratory test (like GII test) as well like the original.

If you really wish to avail the precious stone to rectify your weakness in planetary positions, you must give an emphasis in the weight of the stone. If you are wearing original Pukhraj/Topaz, it should not be less than 3 rattis. You must wear the stone with gold. Also it is important to have a specific day of wearing it for the first time.

Monday or Thursday would be preferable along with Pushya Nakshatra. The stone should also be worn before the sunset arrives. It is wonderful to have a look at the mantra used to put strength in the stone of Pukhraj/Topaz. This mantra is pronounced as “om jram jrim jroum sah gaurave namah” According to the expert, this mantra has to be pronounced for 19000 times before wearing the stone in your finger. Prayer should be done with yellow flower before wearing it.

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