Physical Features:
Chemical | NaAl(SiO3)2 |
Color | Green, white, pink, red, orange, yellowish, brown, red-violet |
Crystal Habit | Generally fine-grained fibrous, also massive or granular. |
Crystal System | Monoclinic |
Cleavage | Good |
Fracture | splintery, Uneven |
Hardness | 6.5 - 7 Mohs scale |
Luster | Waxy, vitreous |
Transparency | Translucent, Opaque |
Specific gravity | 3.28 - 3.38 |
Refractive index | 1.652 - 1.688 |
Birefringence | 0.012 - 0.020 |
Jade stone is also known as thedream stone. It is the most ancient stone of human civilization that hasbenefited mankind from 6000 years back. It has a crystal structure andexceptionally hard stone. It is composed of calcium, magnesium silicate, andaluminium silicate. It was first found in Isles of Britain. They were sometimeused to make knife and weapons by the indigenous tribes of Mexico. This ancientprecious gemstone has numerous benefits to human life from the early life ofhuman civilization. So wearing this gemstone means wearing your luck in yourhand. So the benefits of this stone are numerous.
Health benefits:-
Jade stone is considered to beresponsible to provide numerous health benefits of an individual. As,it strengthensdetoxification of cleansing system and body's filtration. It also helps toimprove the immune system of an individual. It is also responsible forimproving thymus, lungs and heart. It can also be helpful in treating kidneyand adrenal gland disorder. So this numerous health benefits are associatedwith this stone to be considered as an integral part of our life style. That iswhy most of the astrologers today recommend to wear jade stone when any one issuffering from this sort of health related issue.
Psychological benefit:-
It increases the IQ level of anindividual. As well as some of the most important beneficial feature of this Jadestone is that it removes stress and tension. Calm down the human mind totake correct decision in life. It is also believed that it brings good fortunewith it. It reduces the tension and pressure of mind to a large scale.
So to receive all those benefits ofthis gemstone it is very important that people must wear it all the time. Sothat it can work properly and can fill in your life with full of prosperity andhappiness.