Physical Features:
Chemical | CaC03 |
Color | Play-of-color - mostly red-green mosaic-like |
Formation | Found in rare strata of fossilized ammonite beds in ancient sea floors which have been uplifted to the Canadian highlands. |
Hardness | 4 Mohs scale |
Luster | Vitreous to resinous |
Specific gravity | 2.75 - 2.80 |
Refractive index | 1.520 - 1.670 |
Birefringence | 0.150 |
Source | The finest are from Alberta, Canada |
Ammolite is a gemstone found in the Rocky Mountainin the North America. It is oval shaped stone, made from the fossilization ofammonites. It displays spectacular colors when viewed in reflected light. It isalso known as calcenite or korite in the trading industry. It can display redto brown color or radiant blue primarily red to green iridescence. It may fluoresceyellow mustard when brought into contact with ultraviolet light. It displaysbright green and red color when the layer is thick and bluer and violets if thelayer is thin.
Use and purpose:
Ammolitesallows to connect to the divine power and revitalize our body and also gain thelost charm.
Ithelps in developing the ideas and giving the energy to execute them. It helpsone to develop leadership qualities.
Ammoliteconverts negative energy into positive, healing vibrations. It improves themood by helping in regaining the lost dedication, motivation, stamina and alsorelease one from the traumatic condition.
Itattracts miracle and abundance of new scope in life. It opens the gate to newopportunities and helps in attracting the best one.
Itis extremely beneficial in detoxification of body by clearing the pores ofdoubts, stress, anxiety, depression, and other such disorders. Itlets the flow of energy circulate through the body.
Ittransforms the body in a whole new soul having good vibes and good thoughts.But the process generally takes time. One needs to have patience after wearingit.
Ammolites are incrediblestone, less worn in the form of jewelry in the earlier times. People nowadayshave incredible demand for the stone due to its miraculous characteristics andradiant colors. The stone is an ultimate healer for the one who suffers frombipolar disorder. It is the birthstone of zodiac signs like Aquarius, Taurus,and Gemini.