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Buy Spinel Online Buy Spinel Gemstone Spinel

Physical Features:

Color Red, pink, orange, blue, violet, blue-green
Crystal HabitCubic, Octahedral
Crystal SystemIsometric
Hardness7.5 - 8 Mohs scale
TransparencyTransparent, Translucent
Specific gravity3.54 - 3.70
Refractive index1.710 - 1.735

Spinel is a flat triangular shaped stone, coming fromthe magnesium aluminum family. It is hard vitreous stone present in differentcolors such as pink, red, blue, lavender, Violet, dark green, brown, black, andsometimes even colorless. It is transparent to opaque in various cases. A fewSpinels made its way to worlds famous gemstones, for example- The BlackPrince's Ruby and Timur Ruby in the British Crown. The Samarian Spinel isthe largest Spinel in the world which weighs 500carats that is 100g. The oldspinel has been named as Balas Ruby due to its rose-tinted color feature andsometimes is mistaken for Ruby due to its highly appealing rosy red color. Itcan be distinguished by its octahedral crystal and single refraction feature.They can be seen in octagons, trillions, squares, and other shapes.

Use and purpose:

  • Boostshigh energy and sense of faith in oneself.
  • Helpsin attracting money, fame, power, reputation.
  • Buildsprogress path of the individual.
  • Itbrings vitality to any endeavor made by the person.
  • Itbrings power from the Earth and thereby strengthen the spiritual energy.
  • Widensthe scope of favorable destiny.
  • Helpsin focusing on the set target.
  • Itreduces the forgetfulness disorder.
  • Helpsin astral traveling and aura cleansing.
  • Helpsone to bring energy within in order to calm from distress.
  • Increasesthe intellectual power of the mind and tends to cement the system withpositivity.
  • Ithelps in building stamina.
  • Itbrings energy in order to benefit the teeth, gums, roots, skin and whole body,balancing the health structure well.

Different Spinels has different benefits to the body.Some are related to throat chakra while some to root or other areas. ButSpinels are considered as one of the most beautiful and powerful gemstones inthe gem trade industry by the gemologists.

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