 Physical Features:Chemical | Ca2Al3(SiO4)3(OH) | Color | Violet blue to blue to bluish purple. | Crystal Habit | Prismatic, massive, columnar. | Crystal System | Orthorhombic | Cleavage | Perfect | Fracture | Uneven | Hardness | 6.5 - 7 Mohs scale | Luster | Vitreous | Transparency | Transparent, Translucent | Specific gravity | 3.10 - 3.38 | Refractive index | 1.685 - 1.707 | Birefringence | 0.006 - 0.018 | Chatoyancy | Yes |
Tanzanite was first invented in the year 1967 nearTanzania which is in East Africa. It is mined only commercially in the MerelaniHills of Tanzania. The Tanzania mines are located in the areaof around eight square miles in the area of Merelani Hills near, MountKilimanjaro. It is worlds second famous stone in blue color after Sapphire. LHEUREBLEU is the world's largest tanzanite with spectacular and amazing color.Tanzanite is usually reddish brown in its raw state but then the artificialheat treatment turns that into royal blue color. Uses and purpose - Ithelps in concentrating into a deep state of meditation.
- Italso helps in healing of connective tissue if there is any kind of damage tothe tendons and ligaments.
- Tanzaniteis mainly used in jewelry because of its beautiful hue and often used as a ring.
- Itincreases the third eye awareness, it generates happiness and relieves fromworries.
- Tanzanitehelps in conquering all types fears, crisis and generates positivity.
- Itis highly useful in treating any mental disorders like psychosis, depression, stress,and alcoholism.
- Theblue colored tanzanite brings out wisdom, dignity truth and harmony in anindividual.
- Theviolet color tanzanite helps us to interpret our dreams and try to accomplishthem.
- Emotionallyunstable people can wear tanzanite so that they can have control over theiremotions
- Thestone is also an extreme detoxifier.
Tanzanite is an amazing crystal that invites energy,satisfaction and builds self-confidence and increases decision-making power. Itis one of the rarest stone which is highly cost specific. Thereare many ways in which tanzanites can be helpful to ones life. It has thepower to convert negative energies into positive ones. It helps in manifestingyour own self rather than being impacted by others or trying to accept to thenorms. |