Physical Features:
Chemical | Main constituent Formula : (Na,Ca)8Al6Si6O24(S,SO)4 |
Color | Blue, Azure blue, Violet blue, Greenish blue |
Crystal Habit | Massive |
Crystal System | Isometric |
Cleavage | Indistinct |
Fracture | Conchoidal |
Streak | Light blue |
Hardness | 5 - 5.5 Mohs scale |
Luster | Vitreous,Greasy |
Transparency | Opaque |
Specific gravity | 2.50 - 3.00 |
Refractive index | 1.500 - 1.670 |
Birefringence | None |
Everylife has its story of struggle and this is how it will continue to be evenafter. However, there is always a solution to everything. Some may find it ontheir own while others may not. For such people, Astrology can be a great dealof help. Life is a blend of various colors and it isnever the same which is why nobody could ever find an appropriate descriptionof human life in all aspects yet. Every life has its own course and story. Perhaps,this is the reason why every individual is different from each other. Wecertainly differ from each other in terms of our approach towards variousobstacles in life. Obstacles are a part of every human life. Theres not asingle life which is solely a bed of roses. Today you are happy and tomorrowyou might. This is actually a pretty normal thing. However, we tend to overreact and that way, we make things even complicated for ourselves. According toone of the oldest philosophies of this world, reacting to situations make thiseven difficult which why we need to deal with everything with great patienceand wisdom. Theres always a solution provided that we have the right outlooktowards the obstacles and stick to the right thing. On the other hand, as wereact unwisely to difficult situations, it increases the chance for us to beeven hurt. However, not over reacting to difficult situations is by fardifferent from being careless about everything. As a matter of fact, what ittakes to be really happy in ones life is to find a perfect mix of the variousthings. According to the ancient Vedanta philosophy, the qualities or mentalcharacteristics of a human can be classified in to three categories which arepopularly known as gunas. The three gunas are Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. Sattvastands for goodness, creative and harmonious. Rajas stands for active,passionate and confused and Tamas stands for dark and destructive. This mayseem to be a mere classification based on a simple observation or a mereanalysis of human nature but it is sure not that simple. In fact, we all fallunder these categories in one way or the other. However, we arent able tofigure out our real nature even till the time we make our exit. What it takesto understand ones true nature is a great deal of introspection. Now,introspection is diving deeper into ones soul to find out the answers to manyquestions. Some people believe there is a great relationship between the souland the universe. Most of us cant figure it out as we are too lost in thismaterial world but we need not worry as Astrology can help us continue to finda way no matter how difficult life may seem to be at times.
Astrology is not a mere presumption as some people mayconsider it to be but it certainly deals with a great deal of deep analysis ofthe planets and their association as well as impact on human lives. Astrology,through its deep understanding of this association can to a large extentcontrol the impact with the help of several gemstones. Despite the way thatScience has created significantly and innovation drives our lives, as it were,astrology still remains a fundamental piece of our lives. Astrology is ascience which has had its predominance since hundreds of years and itssignificance in the lives has not diminished by any stretch of the imagination.Man faces numerous issues in his day to life which influence his life as wellas people around him. Indian astrology offers arrangements and solutions forevery one of the obstacles and issues one appearance. Free celestialadministrations are accessible to control one through the issues of life. Freehoroscopes are accessible on an every day, week by week, month to month andregular schedule. The horoscopes depend on the sun sign controlled by the dateand month of birth. Free birth outlines are additionally made by specialists onthe premise of time of birth and place of birth which decides the position ofstars. The position of stars shows the life of the individual and furthermorethe real issues and the victories he will get in his life. With the assistanceof the birth outlines one can't stay away from the obstacles yet without adoubt can discover arrangements so the seriousness diminishes. In view of thestars other free prophetic administrations are likewise offered like visionaryexpectations, mysterious reports, celestial cures, exhortation on diamondstones and furthermore coordinate making seeing the similarity through the starpositions. An Indian astrologer relying upon his subject matter can offer everyone of these administrations making confronting issues somewhat simple. Theastrologer ponders the position of stars and with the assistance of mantras,vaastu and birthstone and gemstones gives solutions for the issues one is probablygoing to confront according to the stars and their position. Contingent uponthe sort of issue i.e. issue in vocation, training, marriage or connections andseeing the impact the gemstones will have according to the star positionscrystal gazers propose the utilization of stones like red coral, yellowsapphire, blue sapphire, pearl, ruby and numerous others. All these have theirown particular forces and celestial prophets prompt birthstone cures as this isone of the most effortless approaches to beat obstacles. The astrology additionallyproposes that the stone must be work in which finger, must be inserted in whichmetal like gold or silver, must be worn on which day and furthermore at whattime. Remembering every one of these things the impacts that the birthstoneshave on a man are exceedingly useful and give him the arrangement andfurthermore the quality to confront the afflictions of life. Astrology is adown to earth science which takes a shot at thinks about done and depends onrealities and the position of stars and their belongings. A decent astrologergives appropriate guidance and aides in making life much smoother with theability to deal with issues.
Lapis Lazuli is a standout amongst the most looked forafter stones being used since man's history started. Its profound, divine blueremains the image of sovereignty and respect, divine beings and power, soul andvision. It is an all inclusive image of insight and truth. The Lapis Lazulisignificance goes back to the Old Persian. Its name originates from the Persianword 'Lazur' signifying 'blue stone', as the best Lapis has dependably been ofstunning blue shading. A portion of the best Lapis originates from the old minein Afghanistan, which has been being used for a long time. While it haslikewise been found in Italy, Egypt, Chile, Russia and the USA, a considerablelot of the best stores have been mined out, so top quality stone is getting tobe plainly harder to get. Lapis is a brilliant stone for officials, writers,and clinicians, fortifying insight and decision making ability in the realworld. It helps scholarly investigation in archeologists and historyspecialists, critical thinking for legal counselors, and makes new thoughts fordesigners and writers. Lapis Lazuli is an intense precious stone for actuatingthe higher personality and improving scholarly capacity. It fortifies the wantfor information, truth and comprehension, and helps the way toward learning. Itis amazing for improving memory. A stone of truth, Lapis supports genuinenessof the soul, and in the talked and composed word. Wear it for all types ofprofound correspondence. It is likewise a stone of fellowship and acquiresagreement connections. A Lapis framework brings quiet and adoringcorrespondence for a home with sensitive young people, or youngsters with Aspersersdisorder, extreme introvertedness, or a lack of ability to concentrateconsistently scatter. For notoriety in an innovative or open execution relatedrange, wear or convey Lapis Lazuli to tryouts. In the working environment, itdraws in advancement, achievement and enduring acknowledgment in your field.Lapis Lazuli Stones resound with the vibration of truth and illumination andare effective extreme blue stones for opening the third eye and animating thepineal organ. The more blue in the stone, the more esteemed it has dependablybeen. These stones have been prized since artifact, as they are a standoutamongst the loveliest blue precious stones sold. Lapis Lazuli is a valuablestone to wear as it is said to mitigate outrage and negative considerations,and additionally facilitating dissatisfactions causing the outrage. Theyresound with the vitality of the internal lord or ruler and are generallystones of eminence, and this precious stone additionally adjusts the male andfemale parts of your identity. The Gemstone has been widely used all across theglobe for its exceptional benefits. A lot of people have experienced a completetransformation after having worn this gemstone and life was never the same thereafterwith everything getting much positive and joyful.