Make your life fun and happening by investing in whitezirkon gemstone
Physical Features:
Chemical | ZrSiO4 |
Color | White |
Crystal Habit | Prismatic with pyramidal terminations |
Crystal System | Tetragonal |
Cleavage | Indistinct |
Fracture | Conchoidal, Uneven |
Hardness | 7.5 Mohs scale |
Luster | Vitreous |
Streak | White, Blue, Violet, Yellow |
Transparency | Transparent,Translucent |
Specific gravity | 4.6 - 4.7 |
Refractive index | 1.930 - 1.987 |
Birefringence | 0.045 - 0.059 |
In todays date, gemstone hold an important place inastrology while on other hand, many people wear it as a fashion accessory. So,no matter whatever the reason is gemstones have become very popular and due totheir healing properties and magical benefits their demand is increasing continuously.If you are also planning to buy one for yourself then without any doubt go withwhite zirkon which is very beautiful and appealing. In fact, in list of gemstoneit is known as gemstone of Venus and is also termed as upratna. This gemstoneis very beneficial for such people who have Libra and Taurus moon sign. Although,this stone is very beneficial and have numerous uses but it is mostly used inceramic factory and has wide popularity due to their use. Along with whitecolor, it also comes in many other colors such as orange, yellow, brown andblue. This stone is bright and brilliant in texture.
In which finger you should wear white zirkon?
There are many things that you need to take care of if you planningto wear white zirkon. It is important that you must wear this precious gemstonein suitable day and in the right finger. According to astrology, this gemstoneshould be wear in silver or gold ring and in the middle finger of any hand andat suitable date and time. Along with this, in order to remove all the negativeenergies it should be washed with water and soap. While on the other hand, itshould be purified with milk before wearing. Not only this, there are certainsteps that you must follow to get best result; some of them are mentionedbelow:
First of all, examine the unmounted stone
Second step is to make sure that the gem is clean and has no dirtand dust at all. Presence of impurities in form of dirt takes away thecapability of a gem to cherish its wearer.
After this, hold the gemstone in such a way that only yourfingers touch its girdles. Any uneven texture felt should be followed byrejection of the stone.
Have a look on your gemstone under proper and bright lighting.Doing this will give the best knowledge of that particular stone that it isworth using or not.
Last step is to look stone from all angels so that you can havean idea about its properties.
Wear white zirkon after reading Vedic mantra for extrabenefits
Om Shah shukrayae Namah is the Vedic mantra for wearingwhite zirkon and if you will wear this precious stone after reading this mantrathen you will surely get many benefits. In fact, most of the people preferchoosing a suitable date and time on which they will wear the white zirkongemstone. This time and date is taken out on the basis of date of birth andbirth time. Not only this, some people also prefer doing pooja by placing a maton floor facing north, north east and east direction. After this, the gemstoneis purified with gangajal which is a holy water. Then kum Kum is applied andincense stick is also lighted and flowers are donated along with enchantingmantra. Not only this, purohit also enchants the name and date of birth of thewearer and thus, this completes the process of pran prathistha.
Right time for wearing white zirkon
Most of the white zirkon gemstone wearer remains confusedthat is at what time they should wear this gemstone. Well, for all of themFriday sunrise is the best day and time which usually falls between Ashtami ofShukla paksh. It is the eighth day of waxing moon period and considered veryauspicious.
What benefits you will get by wearing white zirkon?
White zirkon offer numbers of benefits that will blow offyour mind. It has healing properties which will help in overcoming almost alltype of health related issues no matter whether they are chronic or severe. Alongwith healing properties, this gemstone also has anti-inflammatory propertiesthat are really very beneficial and will look after your health. Not only this,most of the people even believe that bywearing this gemstone they can achievesuccess in their life and make their life much better. So, mentioned below aresome of the highlighted benefits that you will enjoy with this beautifulgemstone:
White zirkon gemstone will help in improving your relationshipswith your family and partner. It will make your martial life happy, healthy andfit.
This gemstone is very beneficial for those people who suffer fromdelays and facing marriage related issues.
Gemstones have strong connections with health relating problems.White zirkon is beneficial for overcoming ear diseases and other problemsrelated to hearing.
It also bestows beauty, health and intelligence to the wearingperson.
It will have positive impact on the body of wearer and mostimportantly the wearing person will get powers of attraction.
It is beneficial for diabetic people as it helps in managingdiabetes and problems related to reproductive system.
White zirkon help wearer in overcoming fearful thoughts and alsoremove evilness from the wearer body.
It has direct impact on appetite and help in increasing it andalong with this, is also beneficial in overcoming anorexia.
This gemstone helps in maintaining immune system and assures thatthe wearer will have better health and always remain healthy.
It also works as a guard shield against negative thoughts andnightmares and make sure that the wearer has a good sleep.
It is very beneficial and proves to be lucky for such people whoare involved in creative and entertainment work such as dancers, singers, actors,designers, public relation, event management and many more.
It brings harmony, love and happiness in interpersonalrelationships. Overall, this gemstone is very beneficial for married couples.
It is very powerful and also provides relief against manyproblems including cough, asthma, bronchial problems, cold, fever, respiratoryproblems and many more.
Tips for buying white zirkon
There are many things that you must keep in mind whilebuying white zirkon. Mentioned below are some of the points that can prove tobe very beneficial for you and will also act as buying guide.
Cut: White zirkon are available in differenttypes of cuts that you can prefer buying as per your preference and choice. Infact, the cut of the gemstone affects its value and also show that howbrilliantly it is given this shape. Out of all other cut, zircon cut is veryfamous and attractive as itmakes your gemstone look more appealing and alsoflaunts its beauty which will make it an antique piece.
Carat: Weight and size of the zirkon completelydepends on its color such as orange and yellow gemstone can weight up to fivecarat in size, while on other hand purple and red are small in size. Along withthis, blue and green zirkon are mostly found one to ten carat.
Clarity: Basically, white zirkon are crystal clearbutsome of them have inclusions that can affect its quality, clarity andappearance. So, it is important that you must look after this and buy suchzirkon that has minimal or no inclusions as it will have direct affect on itsvalue if you are planning to sell it in coming time.
Astrologers since ancient period have been providing thegenerations great knowledge on how to benefit from studies that explain humanrelations with celestial bodies floating in space. Explaining such blur factswith maximum perfection is something unbelievable and the results which peoplehave experienced are very much successful in providing transparency to thesefacts. The advantages of gems are more to come as one cannot imagine what theupcoming day is going to show and the astrological concepts on the other handare ready to face any of the upcoming challenges quite impressively. More andmore the people are gaining trust towards astrology the more its concepts areprospering.
Zircon is used as a substitute to Diamond and used as a Remedy for Venus in Indian Vedic astrology.
Zircon is capable of bringing about the understanding of life and reality, and pleasant dreams for its wearers. It is hypothesized that Zircon had got its red color from the blood of Hyacinthus who was murdered by Apollo in jealousy.
Zircon exerts its magical effects on the respiratory system, healing asthma, bronchial infections, severe colds etc.