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Buy Emerald OnlineBuy EmeraldGemstone Emerald

Physical Features:

Crystal HabitPrismatic
Crystal System Hexagonal
Hardness7.5 - 8 Mohs scale
TransparencyTransparent, Translucent, Opaque
Specific gravity2.67 - 2.78
Refractive index1.565 - 1.602
Birefringence0.004 - 0.010

Obstaclesare pretty normal in every human life but what matters the most is ones way ofhandling the various obstacles and continue to find ones way. As a matter offact, every problem has a solution but one can only find a solution if onefollows the right strategy or method towards fighting off an obstacle. Mostoften people either get frustrated or respond unwisely to an obstacle andeventually end up being really hurt. Astrology has been a great problem solversince a long time. It involves a deep study and analysis to find the right mixof the various measures to handle several adverse situations in life and also,it has proved its effectiveness to a large extent all over the world. Astrologycan hugely help us sometimes in breaking out of various tough situations andfor those who arent very familiar with the term, Astrology, it is a studycum approach to finding a fix to the various life-problems. Sounds crazy,doesnt it? However, many see Astrology as a science and in fact, it is popularall across the globe for its amazing effectiveness in resolving the variousadverse situations as well as in making the future much secured and pleasant inadvance. Technically, Astrology is the analysis of the various situations inhuman life in relation to the planetary movements and planetary positions. InIndia Astrology has been prevalent since Vedic times and the country witnessedmany excellent Astrologers from time to time. Even though, some people are ofthe view that Astrology is merely predictions but in reality it is by fardifferent from this perception and is based on various calculations to attainto maximum accuracy. As a matter of fact, people from all over the globe havefound Astrology immensely helpful which is why Astrology continues to find itsway. Human life is not a bed of roses for sure and as a matter of fact everyhuman life goes through a lot of good and bad situations. Obstacles are partand parcel of every human life. However, sometimes as it gets really difficultto acclimatize, one may get really frustrated but do you know certainsituations can be prevented from happening in advance if you like. I amcertainly not taking about magic and what I mean to say is situations can beprevented from occurring by ones proper way of handling things. Astrology onthe other hand has various effective ways of helping people in becoming calmmentally and seeing things much positively. The use of gemstones is not a newdevelopment for sure. Gemstones have been used by the people since ancienttimes and people have found it exceptionally helpful in their lives. Astrologydepends on the natal position of planets that gives a total photo of the lifeof a man. In soothsaying, horoscope is accepted to reveal to us how muchmalefic impacts are there, how and when will they show, and if there are anycures.

Astrologyis a significantly bigger collection of information that tosses light on theidea of reality. As said crystal gazing is exceptionally logical and expects tobring something better than what individuals might suspect. It is a karmicexamination that improves us. Soothsaying plans to connect with the superb andnormal characteristics of the spirit, and build up our association with God.Vedic crystal gazing is transformational in nature, pointed with helping theprocedure of development, advancing awareness and defeating confinements.Astrology causes you know the pith of life and give you a chance to take in thecapability and abilities you have conveyed into this world. It additionallyencourages you to contribute your aptitudes and offer these qualities for theprosperity of this world. Astrology causes you to lead a quiet and glad life;specialists trust that each individual conceived for a reason, and it ends upnoticeably unmistakable as he contributes his/her qualities to this world. Itis just through soothsaying we can examine the period when circumstance is wellon the way to happen in our lives.

Astrologyis a way that focuses out the successful measures and guides us to improve ourlives. These measures help in building a superior and happy life for ourselves.It likewise causes us to pick companions and individuals who are perfect to usover the long haul. Through Astrology similarity investigation, it drives us tointimate romance of our lives for a happy married life. It is essential to knowthe investigation of Astrology instead of dreading it since it has awesomeimpact in our lives. Understanding the significance of soothsaying will justhelp an individual have a glad existence.

Onone hand Astrology analyses the various aspects of human life in relation tothe movements and position of various planets and on the other hand, itcontrols the situations with the help of various gemstones. Gemstones have aunique essentialness in Vedic soothsaying. Gemstones are utilized from times ofages to free the issues cussed via planets. In the prior days just the lordsand People with abnormal states used to wear gemstones suggested by Astrologersand have their advantages, however now a day's anybody can wear and get theadvantages of the gemstones. Wearing gemstones for planetary mitigated todaypervasiveness is developing quickly. Since the general population who areholding these diamonds are profiting them in each region of life regardless ofthe possibility that advance in Business, instruction, disease act pearls arevital in Vedic crystal gazing. Presently from the Bollywood to industrialisteverybody is exploiting gemstones.

Accordingto Vedic Astrology, only characteristic gemstones can give the advantages andas indicated by Vedic soothsaying our 9 planets speak to, the 9 extraordinarygemstones, Ruby speaks to the sun, pearl the moon, coral the blemishes, emeraldthe mercury, yellow sapphire the Jupiter, jewel for Venus, blue sapphire theSaturn, hessonite the Rahu and feline's eye for Ketu. Its important to thinkabout the gemstone you are going wear if that will give great or terribleimpacts as indicated by your horoscope, Otherwise, on account of resistance,that can likewise do hurt instead of advantage. So on the off chances that youneed to wear a gemstone do counsel an accomplished soothsayer before you wearthem. The Emerald gemstone holds a first rate position among gemstone darlingsnowadays. What's more, is there any good reason why it wouldn't, all thingsconsidered, it holds a telling position among the Big Three (rubies, sapphires,and emeralds) in the realm of hued gemstones. Emerald gemstone with the freshenergetic shading is a champion among the most charming gemstones. As a resultof its shading and in addition in light of the way that it incorporate amongthe Big Three the universe of toned gemstones - rubies, sapphires and emeralds.Furthermore, if one goes by the parameters for gaging estimation of gemstones,there is another credit to its by morals of being the gemstone of PlanetMercury and being used generally in planetary jewel treatment to handle theenergies of Mercury that abide in emeralds. Vedic gem looking insistentlyrecommends using Mercury engage - basic emerald gemstone ring or an emeraldpendant to get the best from decidedly place Mercury in the horoscope. Emeraldis the birthstone for May. Another well known trademark that makes the Pannastone class-separated is its ruler Mercury, who is widely followed in pearltreatment. What's more, a standout amongst the best approaches to pick upadvantage from the energies of Mercury is to get to know this shining gemstone.Emerald gemstone with the crisp enthusiastic shading is a standout amongst themost alluring gemstones. Because of its shading as well as in light of the factthat it include among the Big Three the universe of hued gemstones - rubies,sapphires and emeralds. What's more, on the off chance that one passes by theparameters for gaging estimation of gemstones, there is another credit to itsby ethicalness of being the gemstone of Planet Mercury and being utilizedwidely in planetary diamond treatment to tackle the energies of Mercury thatdwell in emeralds. Vedic crystal gazing emphatically suggests utilizing aMercury charm - common emerald gemstone ring or an emerald pendant to get thebest from positively put Mercury in the horoscope. Emerald is the birthstonefor May.

Benefitsof Wearing Emerald

Life gets even harder if you dont have a decent idea of handlingthings and it of course needs a whole lot of positivity of seeing things.However, it is not as easy as it seems to be. Cultivating a positive outlooktowards things is difficult. The use of Emerald is prevalent since old timesand its believed to accentuate the intelligence and understanding to a massiveextent which eventually helps the wearer with a consistent positive outlooktowards everything. Also, it helps in better concentration and helps the weareralways stay focused on life. Many people found it incredibly helpful withabsolutely stunning results and life wasnt really the same thereafter.

Creativity and innovation is something which cant be taught.Some call them in born qualities while others believe that these qualitiesdevelop out of ones deed experience on a certain something. Emerald has beenfound massively effective in elevating the artistic skills, creativity andinnovation in the life of the wearer which in turn leads to better recognitionand success. The wearers of this gemstone have noticed a stunning fascinationtowards art. Also, they have witnesses a great improvement in handling thingsbe it at the workplace or at home. Now, they have a much creative and innovativeway of handling things which has led to huge optimization.

Communication can be a great deal of help in the current world.It widens the scope for one to steadily march towards more success andachievement. Despite great aspirations and dreams, one will not be able tomaterialize them until one has achieved a decent level of communication.Communication gaps can be devastation sometimes. Interestingly, the wearers ofEmerald gemstone have found outstanding improvement in communication. Peoplewho had been struggling with their communication skills once have now turnedout to be the experts of communication with an absolutely brilliant way ofexpressing things. This has subsequently brought about a huge level ofsatisfaction and happiness in their lives now that they are no longer set apartfrom others and since the time they have begun to use this gemstone, lifes nolonger lonely and they are always surrounded by a lot of people.

Theres an old time saying, Health is Wealth and its justifiedto a large extent. Every other thing will fall flat on its face if the healthdeteriorates as health is directly proportional to the efficiency. Emerald hasa huge significance from the medical perspective as well. This gemstone, to alarge extent can help in fixing speech difficulties, nervous disorders,allergies and respiratory troubles. Hence, wearing the Emerald has broughtabout huge relief and comfort in the lives of many people with an absolutelyamazing improvement in Health.

What is life without relationships? We are all but family trees.However, human relations can get pretty complicated sometimes. While some arestill struggling to find a true love in their lives, others are struggling withtheir married lives. Relationships are pretty delicate and need to be handledwith utmost care. People who had been struggling with relationship once, in oneway or other have now been able to find great stability ever since they haveworn the Emerald Gemstone.

Emerald Gemstone can be a great deal of help in healing themental wounds of people who have been through some kind of most difficult andpainful phase of their lives being cheated or betrayed by others. This helpspeople move on faster without wasting any more time thing of the damage thatthey have been caused. Emerald rejuvenates people mentally and instills a greatdeal of mental stamina to acclimatize to any situation in their lives.

Tipsfor buying the right Emerald

Allthough it is always advisable to have an expert by your side when buying anEmerald gemstone yet there are a few important points you may keep in your mindabout the Emerald. The shading shade of the stone is an essential trademark asit is a method of judging the creativity of the gemstone. With the shade of thestone, its delivering nation is resolved. It is green hued magnificence and isaccessible in all shades of green. The varieties in the green shading happenbecause of the adjustment in the chromium content present in the substancearrangement of the precious stone. No two mines or stores creating the gemstonewould have the very same structure a few changes are clearing so unique shadesappear. With the expansion in the measure of chromium the shading ends upnoticeably rich and dull. The Cutting is an extremely pivotal angle as a decentcut upgrades the shade of the stone and expands its value as far as cash. It isa hard and intense stone yet at the same time cutting remains a testing workfor the cutter. In any case, with the cutting edge systems it can be cut invarious shapes viz. round, pear, oval, marquise, cabochon, square, emerald cut,stride cut and some more. The most favored cut is emerald cut, as the shade ofstone is best obvious in this shape. This cut is really rectangular stride cut.

Takingcare of the Emerald Coral Gemstone

Itshould neither be soaked in water nor cleaned in home ultrasonic cleaner elsethe oiling would be damaged or removed from the stone and the inclusions wouldbe clearly visible through the naked eyes. In the same way soapy water, steam,hot water or even the moisture is harmful for the stone as water can seep intothe fractures and dissolve the oiling. Instead clean the stone with dry softcloth and store in a separate jewelry box lined with soft cloth or cotton orvelvet. Gems should be cleaned once in couple of years and not regularly.Repairing of the jewelry items holding this valuable gemstone should be donewith an extra care. First the stone should be removed and then only therepairing work must be done. These precautions are too little effort as comparedto the price paid to acquire this fascinating gemstone. Despite having high onthe hardness scale it requires exceptional care and safety measures. As it istreated with dreary oil to upgrade the clearness, it ought to be shielded fromcruel chemicals and acids introduce in the cleaning arrangements andbeautifying agents else the oil would be washed off. Additionally over the topwarmth and sudden temperature changes are destructive for the stone. It oughtto be shielded from sharp blows and scratches else some inward breaks can beproduced inside the precious stone.

Panna or Emerald is one of the most expensive stone of the world. The stone is also been ruled by Mercury which is known as the ruler of intelligence. The color of the gem is green and is really a soft gem. The gem would never come into existence unless intermingling of fiber is been found. There is an identification mark through which individual will understand that it ius a true gem. If the mercury is at Virgo, it would bring the individual to the top of academic as well as the fields of literacy.
Emerald Panna
Emerald is used as a remedy for Mercury in Indian Vedic Astrology.

In this way, Emerald is effective in treating all the disorders in which a person loses his harmony or equilibrium, such as, Parkinson disorder, epilepsy, sclerosis, dissociative disorders etc.

God Mercury is associated with travelling, omens, and indications. Emerald's association with God Mercury makes it the "stone of travelers".

As far as healing properties of Emerald are concerned, watching Emerald can improve the eye sight.

General characteristics of Emerald

    • This stone would be highly effective for a control over the nervous system. If an individual is suffering with the problem of stammering and have a defect in memory concentration, Emerald would be an effective way.
    • People would definitely have a problem of bronchitis, asthma etc. This can even give rise to an academic downfall. An emerald with good quality would absolutely create wonder in such situation.
    • Emerald should also be used by the one with the profession of publisher, writer and business deals.
    • There are many people in our society who are really lazy and needs a lot of effort and spoon feeding to complete a particular type of job. Those people must obviously wear an Emerald to get over from such problems. There are people, who can speak anything at any point of time. They hardly have control over their tongue. These type of people would definitely need to wear Emerald.
    • If you or any one in your family has got married newly, Emerald would work as a wonder. It should be worn by a newly married couple as it would make a decrease in physical desire appetite. 

Universal indications of wearing Panna
    • Ascendant is Gemini and Virgo
    • Situation when mercury is combusted, the ascendant becomes benefic
    • When the mercury is placed in 12/6/8 houses. Benefic is observed. Individual within the age period of 24 to 32 years will be in difficulties when the association is made in 6/8/12 houses. The particular gem known as Panna can free the native from such difficulties.
    • Whenever it is retrograded and made a placement in Capricorn/Pisces/Taurus/Leo, the benefic becomes mercury.

Utility of Emerald in curing disease

If one suffers from the disease of Erythroblast sis fetalis, Emerald alone will be really effective. Other problems like psychotic disorder and depressive psychosis would be cured by wearing Emerald. People suffering from Asthma and Bronchitis would also get a solution after wearing Panna or Emerald. If one is suffering from Asthma, the best way would be to add moonstone and Pukhraj with the Emerald.

People suffering from Bronchitis would definitely have a relaxing mood as and when he is supported with the copper metal along with Emerald. There are many one who suffer from breast cancer as well as brain tumor. Those individuals must take Gomedhe stone along with the perfect rattis of Emerald. Epilepsy would be absolutely cured as and when one would make association of Moonstone with that of Pukhraj. Blue sapphire is good for the gallstone and the paralytic attack.
Emerald Panna
Emerald can improve the qualities like prediction, common sense, perception, mental clarity, intuition, and fortune whereas green emerald is particularly related with maturity and development. Emerald is most suitable for Zodiac Star “Cancer”.

Emerald needs to be washed in running water after use. It regains its energy in sunlight and even among ruby and rock crystals.

Emeralds are found in Ural Mountains, Pakistan, Brazil, Australia, Rhodesia, Columbia, and India in different shades of green.

It is one of the most precious gemstones which can be used separately but mostly people like to embed Emerald in their jewelry such as, rings, ear rings, and necklaces.

Various ascendants with Emerald

Emerald or Panna for Aries Mesh ascendant
Emerald or Panna for Taurus Vrish ascendant
Emerald or Panna for Gemini Mithun ascendant
Emerald or Panna for Cancer Karkat ascendant
Emerald or Panna for Leo Simha ascendant
Emerald or Panna for Virgo Kanya ascendant
Emerald or Panna for Libra Tula ascendant
Emerald or Panna for Scorpio Vrischik ascendant
Emerald or Panna for Sagittarius Dhanu ascendant
Emerald or Panna for Capricorn Makara ascendant
Emerald or Panna for Aquarius Kumbha ascendant
Emerald or Panna for Pisces Meen ascendant

Emerald is available in various size and shape. It is recommended that you should wear not less than 2 Carat and not more than 10 Carat depends on you need.
Emerald Panna
There is various range of Emerald available in market. Most commonly used are from Brazil and Columbia.

Emerald price starts at Rs 1,200/- per Carat. Standard price is Rs 2,000/- per Carat. I have seen Emerald of Rs 30,000/- per Carat with Crystal clear with excellent cut Deep Parrot Green Color.

Note that : 1 Gram = 8 Ratti = 4.8 Carat and 1 Ratti = 0.6 Carat.

Be aware of artificially prepared colored stone. 80% gems available are not natural stone. This is indeed a big problem in the market now. They are either glass made artificially or gem stone colored artificially to increase its price. These stones are sometime capable of passing the laboratory test (like GII test) as well like the original.

If you are using Emerald, it should actually be flawless in display. Even a single black spot in it will not work. Generally, this gem is worn with silver. Best emeralds would be with around 3 or more than 3 rattis. Individual must wear the ring with the gemstone for the first time on Wednesday.

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Gemstone For a Planet

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Gemstone For Two Planets

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