Physical Features:Chemical | Al2SiO5 | Color | Colorless, blue-green, blue, green, gray-green, brownish | Crystal Habit | Prismatic | Crystal System | Orthorhombic | Cleavage | Perfect | Fracture | Splintery | Hardness | 6.5 - 7.5 Mohs scale | Luster | Vitreous, silky | Streak | White | Transparency | Transparent, Translucent | Specific gravity | 3.20 - 3.26 | Refractive index | 1.653 - 1.685 | Birefringence | 0.014 - 0.021 | Chatoyancy | Yes |
Sillimanite is an Aluminosilicate mineral which iscomposed of Aluminum, Silicon, Oxygen, and others. It is actually a polymorphcontaining both Kyanite and Andalusite. Among the two of this Sillimanite isthe rarest form of the known gemstone but, neither it has any astrologicalconnection neither nor it is a birthstone. But according to mythology, wearingSillimanite will give you good vibes while wearing it can be helpful for oldaged people for healing purposes. Sillimanite is generally known for its catseye chatoyancy that is varying in color when seen in different lights or fromdifferent angles. It also increases the number of buyers as well in the jewelrytrade for having that cats eye lookalike. Its uses and purpose Itcan be used as a gemstoneArtificialimitation of Sillimanite can be made using dyes.- Mostof the Sillimanite is used as refractory raw material in the industries. Theterm refractory means that it will remain stable at all physical and chemicalconditions.
- Usedin producing refractory bricks and gunning mixtures.
- Endmaterial of Sillimanite is used in the iron industry for furnaces, steeldegassing chambers, soaking pits.
- Mulliteis an important component that is present in the Sillimanite which remainsstable until the temperature is raised above 18000C therefore it used in themanufacture of metals, glass ceramics, and cement.
- Sillimaniteis most commonly used for industrial purposes. It is the best material forshaping other materials. It is believed that it protects the user from past,present, and future bad effects and if used properly it can also improve eyesight, cataracts, and other eye related problems.
- Sillimanitecan withstand high temperatures and is of great use in the iron industry forthe lining of furnaces.
Even though Sillimanite is highly cost effective it'sbetter not to compromise it with any other stone as it provides better resultsthan rest. |