Physical Features:
Category: | Feldspar; |
Colour: | blue-grey-green; |
Energy Vibration: | 6 & 7; |
Protection: | Protects the Aura; |
Crystal Habit: | Archangel; |
Spectrolite is a rare variety of labradorite mineralespecially used as a gemstone. It belongs to the plagioclase family.Spectrolite exhibits green, blue, red, yellow in color when the light hits fromdifferent angles. It was excavated after the darkest period of Second World Warwhen stones were quarried to country's border to form an antitank. Spectrolitewas only found in Finland, but since the country ceased to produce it anymore,Madagascar became the ample supplier of the gemstone. Gemologists regards it asthe worlds most beautiful labradorite. It flashes astounding colors andsometimes just remain black. Spectrolite's color flashing depends on how wellit reflects light across the top. It is also used as healing and meditationstone. People around the globe are getting aware of this excellent depth colorsdisplaying stone, and the best thing is you can also flaunt it as a jewelry.
Use and purpose:
Itimparts strength and perseverance being the ultimate companion of the person.
Protectsand maintains the aura of the individual.
Groundsspiritual energies and raise the consciousness thereby strengthening the alertzone of the mind.
Strengthensintuition power and psychic abilities.
Helpsin developing confidence and faith in oneself.
Reducesfear, anxieties, and insecurities from the mind.
Rejuvenatesone with high enthusiasm and positive energy.
Calmsoveractive minds.
Treatsthe mind and eyes disorders and helps in stimulating mental acuity.
Helpfulin menstrual cycle by keeping a hormonal balance and regulating metabolism inthe body.
Beneficialin digestion related problems, low blood pressure, cold, gout etc.
People tend to wear it according to their zodiac signsfor gaining positive impact on their life which is generally suggested by thegemologists. The guardian planet of Spectrolite is Uranus. The zodiac signs whoacre benefitted by this stone are Leo, Scorpio, and Sagittarius. The one bornin the winter season especially January (wolf moon) should own a Spectrolitefor sure.