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Buy Calcite Online Buy Calcite Gemstone Calcite

Physical Features:

ColorWhite, yellowish, pink, bluish, orange, colourless
Crystal HabitScalenohedrons, rhombohedrons, stalactite
Crystal SystemTrigonal
Hardness3 Mohs scale
TransparencyTransparent, Translucent, Opaque
Specific gravity2.67 - 2.73
Refractive index1.486 - 1.658

Calcite is one of the most importantgemstone for industrial as well as for astrological application. In most casesthis gemstone is used for jewellery production. It is actually a rock formingmineral which is extremely common in the world of rocks like metamorphic,sedimentary and igneous rocks. They form a significant form of earth crust.This gemstone is used to create positive habits and promotes new ways ofthinking. It helps to radiate a positive energy throughout the body. Thisgemstone is very effective for zodiac signs like cancer. There are severalpsychological and health benefits associated with these precious gemstone.

Health benefits of calcite:-

This stone is supposed to have theenergetic, refreshing and cooling properties. It also improves the immunesystem of an individual. It is also very much helpful in curing the wounds ofbones, ligaments, and muscles. It helps to improve the immune system of anindividual. It also provides a stability of mind by removing the stress factor.So in most of the cases this gemstone has been recommended by the astrologersto heal up the wounds and to provide the calmness of mind. It also promotes thedistribution of nutrients throughout the bones of an individual.

Psychological benefits of calcite:-

There are several psychologicalbenefits associated with this gemstone. In most cases it improves the memory,power of discriminant and learning skill of an individual. It keeps the mindcalm and helps to face off the difficult situation with determination andfortitude. It reduces the negative energy from the surrounding environment andpromotes the positive energy around the person who wears this gemstone.

This gemstone can prove to be a veryvaluable asset in overcoming the difficult situations of life. Thus this gemstonecan play a very vital role in sorting out all the difficulties and provides apeaceful, happy life to a person.

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