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Garnet creates magic in your love life& health

Buy Garnet Online Buy Garnet Gemstone Garnet

Physical Features:

Color Red, Green, Yellow, Orange, Brown, Pink, Purple, Gray, Black
Crystal HabitDodecahedral
Crystal SystemIsometric
Hardness6.5 - 7.5 Mohs scale
TransparencyTransparent, Translucent
Specific gravity3.55 - 4.33
Refractive index1.780 - 1.889

Astrologyis a part of science but it is always not called as exact science but insteadit is called as inexact science. Still a lot of people believe in astrology& don't as they think it cannot be taken seriously & the universitiesdid not have astrology as a subject as they want to keep that section ofscience only which gives them facts & data.But we cannot deny that astrology is very much connected with our lives. Likewe all know that when a child is born in India,the doctors keep a record of the time the child was born so that horoscopes canbe made later with the help of it.Sometimes children are named by following the alphabets in their birth chart.Astrology is mainly studying the positions of the planets & how they canchange the life of people in this earth. By learning about these planets positions astrologers try topredict future of a human being. In marriage also the horoscopes of bothhusband & wife are matched and checked that they will make a good pair ornot. Horoscope is the most important thing when it comes to astrology.Astrology helps in finding the talent people have, it helps people to live ahappy & prosperous life. There are many problems in human lives which canbe solved by using astrology like, healthrelated problems, marriage problems, love related,extramarital affair, divorce, manglik,lucky date, property & the list goeson long. We could simply say that our canbe made real beautiful if we consult a good astrologer. There is also a lotwith the planets as different planets create different zodiac signs. Zodiacsign of sun is Leo. There are others as well likethe planet mercury has two zodiac signs Virgo & Gemini. Venus also has twosigns Taurus & Libra. Zodiac sign for moon is cancer. Mars have Aries asits zodiac sign. Likewise Jupiter has Sagittarius. Saturn the most notoriousplanet has Capricorn as zodiac. Saturn & Uranus both planets have combinedAquarius as zodiac. Neptune has Pisces as zodiac sign & Pluto have Scorpioas its sign. Astrologers keep in mind all the directions of the planet &help the person who is seeking help from them likewise after deeply observinghis horoscope. So it can be said that it is not an easy job but you can say itis also a research. Astrologers researchabout observations from historic & scientific fields, and then only theycan predict the future of any person. Astrology can be divided in three parts,mundane astrology, which deals with natural problems like flood, earthquake,etc. The other part is Natal astrology which deals in prediction of future bychecking the horoscope of the person & the third & the final part ishorary astrology, this portion deals with preparing a chart according to thehoroscope & answer questions according to it.

Gemscome as very important aspects when we talk about Vedic astrology. Gems canhelp to give power to the weaker planets & brings benefit to the peoplewearing it. Every planet has own gemstone & that gemstone can certainlyattract the cosmic rays send by the planet. In old days kings used to have alot of gems. Some use them in dresses, some in crowns thing it will bring themmore wealth & help them maintain agood health. Gems are beautiful to watch & attract all specially women. Butthese gems will not give any good result until cut in proper shape. In oldAyurveda gems are used to cure some diseases, mainly the ash of the gem is usedthere. We can say that gems are not only beautiful & used in jewelries butalso can be used in a lot of ways. There are a lot of gems of different values. We will certainly know aboutsome now, starting with Ruby, it is one of the most costly stones. This gemgets the power of very powerful Sun. Bywearing ruby the person wearing it will be protected from any kind of negativeenergy & will get a lot of energy within him. It can also cure a lot ofhealth problems like high blood pressure, heart problems, eyesight problems,etc. It can be worn in gold for some zodiac sign peoples & for others itcan be used in silver as consulted by the astrologer. Another important gem ispearl which is very popular in jewelry for jewelry purpose. Pearl can be ofvarious colors but its shape is normally round. It is an oxygen & calciumcompound. Pearl gets the power of the moon. If a person wears pearl he will be protected from negative energy& get power of positivity. Pearl can also cure a lot of health issues likeeyesight problem, heart problem, disorder in menstrual, etc. Pearl can be wornin a silver ring on Monday. Other gem which is widely used is Red Coral. It isfound in deep sea & is made of magnesium calcium carbonate. Red coral isused for gaining positive energy & is very good for happy married life. Itis used to get rid of Manglik problems.It gets the power of mars. The red coral helps in curing fever, small pox,acidity, piles, etc. Red coral must be worn on Tuesday in a gold or silverring. The next important gem is Emerald. Normally we find it in green color& are made of oxygen, beryllium & silicate of aluminum. Emerald has thepower of mercury. The person who wears it gets energy & concentration. Thepeople who use it are mainly children who have a weak memory & students oflaw, commerce, etc. It helps in curing insomnia, mental disorder, stomachproblems, asthma, etc. It must be worn on Wednesday using gold or silver ring.The next gem is blue sapphire which is made of aluminum oxide. It gets thepower from Saturn. It has a myth that it brings pretty quick effect to theperson wearing it. The wearing person gets wealth, health & good fame bywearing it. It helps in the health matters such as lack of energy, kneeproblem, paralysis, etc. It must be wornon Saturday in silver ring. The gem in this category is Yellow sapphire or pukhraj. It is yellow in color & made ofaluminum oxide. It gets the power of Jupiter. The person wearing it gets wealthwisdom & gains knowledge. It prevents a lot of health problems like hernia,jaundice and kidney problems. It should be worn in a gold ring on Thursdaymorning. The next expensive gem is diamond. It is a widely used jewelry gem. Itgets its power from Venus & is made of pure form of carbon. It is very goodfor those who are in arts field like movies, music, drama, stage shows, etc. Itcan cure many diseases like diabetes, urinary problems, genital problems, etc.Diamond should be worn in 18 carat gold ring on Friday. The next one is Catseye. The color of it normally will be brown. It is made of beryllium aluminumoxide & gets its power from Ketu. Thewearing person will not be affected by ghosts, black magic, bad dreams, etc.The gem gives a lot of positive energy. It can cure urine problem, stomachproblem & mental problems. It can be worn on Tuesday in a silver ring.

Nowwe will talk about Garnet gemstone which is called Gomedh in Hindi. Garnet gemstone is a gem which gets its powerfrom rahu. Normally you can say that rahu is a harmful planet so why should weuse a gem for such a planet? The answer is though rahu can be said as a harmfulplanet if it is in your horoscope but if the rahu sitting in centre madefavorable by wearing garnet or if it is worn in state of rahu (rahu dasha), it can give the person wearing it a lotof wealth, good health & sudden fortunes. The color of the gemstone ismostly red but it has other colors alsolike black, blue & purple. Normally it is a mixture of different compounds. The red garnet is made ofalmandine and pyrope. It is used in Europe from very old age, you can say bothduring middle age & antiquity. It was used to convert Constantine toChristianity. The stone is meant to be very durable & is discovered in thegraves older thousands of years. The stone is used also as jewelry. Peopleassociate gemstone with journeys usually. Businessmen, tradesmen, travellingpersons carry it a lot. This stone is highly popular in east Africa &Australia. Some samples more than ten feet long red garnet is found there. Thegarnet which is used for astrological purposes must be Hessonite garnet. Itmust be worn on (Shukla Paksha) Saturday morning in a silver ring, dipped inmilk that is not boiled or gangajal withthe use of appropriate mantras. By nature you can call it a cold gem.

Thereare many benefits of the garnet gemstone which saves us from the harm of rahuare as follows

●Rahu is the rulerplanet which gives power to this gemstone. The persons who have sarp dashalike kalsarp dasha are very much helped by the stone. Mainly it is a disorderof fear of snakes. The person who uses the gem for this problem gets a veryfast relief from the problem & all its effects.

●As I told beforeRahu is a harmful planet & it creates harmful effects to human like lack ofconfidence, illusion & other confusing problems which target the mind of aperson. After wearing garnet you will get relief from these kinds of mentalproblems created in rahukaal & yourmind will be fresh & balanced.

●A lot of diseasescan be cured using this gem also which are created by the effect of rahu onhuman mind like cancer, fear, mental disorder, multiple personality disorder,psoriasis. If the gem suits the person wearing itthen all these complicated problems will be cured fully as the problems areeffect of rahu on human beings.

●It brings yourenemies on their knees & you will rule over them & they will never beable to defeat you.

●Some people facehuge gastric problems & bad metabolism. This stone cures these problemscompletely.

●If a person issuffering from problems like black magic,ghost or spirit problem or evil eye. Youneed to get this stone as the stone is the answer for all these problems. Itcan protect you from such kind of bad influences.

●This stone bringsout the fear inside you & makes you strong both from inside & outside.The courage & the confidence you will get after wearing it is very high& you can take on any difficulties in life further on.

●It is very important to persons fromvarious fields like politicians, businessmen, public relations, etc. It cancreate good effect there as well as it will bring success, power & fortunesalso to the person wearing.

●There are somebirth charts where we can see that rahu is added there. For those people itcreates a lot of problems like bad health, relationship problem, alcoholconsumption, drugs problem, etc. Wearing this garnet gem will give a lot ofrelief in all these matters.

●It stops negative energy fromattacking you & you will fill energetic due to the positive energy itcreates within you.

Nowyou may have a question in mind that how should I buy the right garnetgemstone. Actually there are a few checkpoints you have to check before buyinga good quality garnet gemstone. First of all if you want to wear the stone forastrological purposes then you should search for Grossularite Hessonite garnet.The color of a good garnet must be like cow urine or pure honey. If we checkagainst light a good garnet looks like itis filled with honey. The surface of the garnet must be clean & no scratchor dent must be there. The gem must not be broken from any side. There must beno black spots inside the garnet gem. Now there is also a question of how totake care of the gem there is process for that also.Garnet is a lot tougher if compared to other gems so chances of its breakingare less than others. The hardness of gems is measured normally in Mohs scale& garnet is 6.5 to 7.5 hard according to the Mohs scale. But if faces ahard blow or wearing roughly will certainly make it vulnerable. Garnets can beattacked by hydrofluoric acid so it must be kept away from that. Garnet shouldnot be cleaned in steam. It must be cleaned in warm soapy water. Other safething to clean garnet is the ultrasonic cleaner but it must not be used againsta fractured stone. Garnet can be treated by fracture filling but very rarely.

Thereis a lot to say about this stone as it keeps in control one of the mostpowerful & harmful planet rahu. Rahu & ketuare the most powerful planets after Saturn because only these two planets arethe reason for the solar eclipse & the lunar eclipse. Rahu sitting in thehoroscope can be a huge problem if not treated well. It can cause a lot ofproblems both physically & mentally. It can create fear, selfishness, createssuicide mentality in people. Using the garnet after the detail reading ofhoroscope will keep away such problems & bring big fortunes, good health,and fame in politics & power to the person wearing the gem. But mostimportantly it must be worn after deeply reading & analyzing the horoscopeof the person who is going to wear it because sometimes there are other planetswith rahu who are creating problems with it.So to keep them calm garnet must be wornalong with the combination of other stones. A good astrologer can tell youabout the perfect details of the garnet you need if it is alone or must be wornwith some other stones & like that only a good gemologist & can giveyou the perfect gem told by the astrologer. So if you are facing these kind orany kind of problems consult a good astrologer first, show him your horoscopethen only he can decide whether you need garnet or some other stone. Justfollow his instructions & happiness is not far away you will feel it withinyourself & you could spread it among the people who are related with youlike your family & friends.

Soafter all I hope you came to know about garnet a lot more from before & ifyou think you are facing the same issues as mentioned above & need a garnetplease consult a good astrologer first & then use it because maybe you haveto use it attached with some other stones & also proper mantras &processes are needed while wearing it which a good astrologer can only tell. Ifyou are wearing it now then I hope afterreading this article you know its importance & you will be able to keepgood care of it by using the processes told here.

 Garnet is one of the dull colored healing stones, which gets its shine once it is cut down. It restores new passion in an person's physical relation in life, and is especially useful for the people, who have the vulnerability for developing depression. Garnet induces the feelings of enthusiasm, and happiness in the individuals. This Gem is Used as a Remedy for Bad effects of RAHU in Indian Vedic Astrology.
Garnet Gomed
During middle ages, swords and weapons of the warriors were bejeweled with Garnet as Hildegard von Bingen declared the possession of empowering effects of Garnet, that it is helpful in empowering others. Garnet is a holy stone with its vitalizing effect on an individual’s wisdom and spirituality.

Not only do garnets have many colors, they also have many names: almandine, andradite, demantoid, grossularite, hessonite, pyrope, rhodolite, tsavorite, and uvarovite, to quote but a few. But let us restrict ourselves to the most important and begin with the red garnets.

Garnet affects the blood circulation and strength of the heart. Garnet draws positive effects on catabolism and memory, and makes memory of the individual sharper. Despite of all the positive effects, it may negatively affect the passionate individuals.
Garnet Gomed
Garnet is an indication of hopefulness and enlivenment for individuals. Garnet draws good effects if used by Aries and Scorpio. When using Garnet, it should be in direct contact with skin, and if these stones are moveable, it will add to its effects. It should be washed by mildly warmed water once in a month and should be kept in sunlight in order to reenergize.

Garnet is auspicious to anyone irrespective of where is Rahu placed in one’s birth chart. Garnet is worn to achieve success, wealth and fortune.

Garnet brings harmony in one's married life. Wearing Garnet reduces distance between couples and kindle love, harmony and peace in domestic life. It is suggested that both partners should wear a Garnet.
Garnet helps win lottery, earl huge black money, money from stock market.
Garnet Gomed
Wearing Garnet in a Ring in the middle finger brings stability in life and success in achieving financial goals, one acquires property. Wearing this in the index finger or wearing as a pendent is also good.

There are two commonly used Natural Garnet is available in the market.

a) Ceylon Garnet : This is the best and trusted gem available. Depends on the quality and cuts there are gems Rs 300/-, Rs 500/-, Rs 700/- and Rs1,000/- Per Carat.

b) African Garner: This is a cheaper one but still a natural Gem and not co crystal clear like Ceylon Garnet. There are various price available in the market but it should is Rs 50/- to Rs 100/- per Carat.

Garnet or Gomed is recommended to be purchased not less than 5 Carat and not more than 10 carat. More or less can create bad effect on the person wearing it. 1 Gram = 8 Ratti = 4.8 Carat and 1 Ratti = 0.6 Carat

Be aware of artificially prepared colored stone. 80% gems available are not natural stone. This is indeed a big problem in the market now. They are either glass made artificially or gem stone colored artificially to increase its price. These stones are sometime capable of passing the laboratory test (like GII test) as well like the original.

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