Physical Features:
Chemical | SiO2 |
Color | Colored by nickel: (yellowish)-green |
Crystal Habit | Aggregate |
Crystal System | Trigonal |
Cleavage | None |
Fracture | Conchoidal |
Hardness | 6.5 - 7 Mohs scale |
Luster | Waxy |
Transparency | Translucent, Opaque |
Specific gravity | 2.58 - 2.64 |
Refractive index | 1.530 - 1.543 |
Birefringence | 0.003 - 0.009 |
Chrysoprase the name of this stone isderived from the Greek word "chrys" which actually means gold oryellow. Its, green colours in Greek word refers to "leek. It has beenfound in USA, Australia, Poland, Madagascar, Tanzania, South Africa, Brazil andRussia. It energizes and activates the heart and sacral chakras. For personshaving Zodiac sign of Libra, Taurus and Gemini this stone is very useful forthem. It is believed that this stone bring universal energy in to the physicalbody. There are several psychological and health benefits associated with thisgemstone. It also enhances the state of deep mediation to increase thespiritual strength of an individual.
Health benefits of Chrysoprase:-
It is considered to be the strongdetoxifying stone. It encourages the body to get rid of all sorts of poisonthus stimulates the functioning of the liver. This gemstone helps to eliminateall sorts of waste from the body as well as from the mind. For preventingnightmares and claustrophobia this gemstone is considered to be the excellentsolution for this type of health problems. In most cases it has been found thatit promotes an excellent sleep to those who remains very much in stress or indepression all the time. It is well known due to its property to balance thehormones and reproductive organs. It soothes digestive system and very mucheffective for treating the disorders of thymus and lungs. For treating the skindisease and disorders of heart this gemstone is considered to be veryeffective. At times it also helps in assimilation of vitamin C.
Psychological benefits ofChrysophrase:-
These gemstones remove the negativeenergy from the body and create a positive environment around the person whowears this gemstone. It helps to control the angry and impulsive behaviour of aperson. Promotes the nature of love for truth in a person. It enhances thecreative talent in an individual. Mends relationship and broken heart of anindividual thus creates a positive environment all around.
Most of the astrologers todayrecommend wearing this gemstone to maintain a healthy and happy lifestyle.