Ruby Chuni For Various Ascendant Horoscopes
Aries Ascendant Sun is the lord of 5th house in birth chart for the person with Aries ascendant or Mesh lagna. Being the lord of 5th sun, it is the most benefic planet. If Sun is positioned with Moon, Venus or Jupiter would create raj yogas. We do recommend Ruby or Chuni here to get most benefit from Sun. As 5th house lord is an important planet, in case if Sun is placed in 6th, 8th, or 12th house or in conjunction with Saturn or Rahu or Ketu then it’s a must to have Ruby or Chuni for the person with Aries ascendant or Mesh lagna. Taurus Ascendant Sun is the lord of 4th house in birth chart for the person with Taurus ascendant or Vrisha lagna. Sun is a benefic planet for this ascendant as being lord of Kendra house. If Sun is placed in 4th House or 10th House then it is recommended for the person with Taurus ascendant or Vrisha lagna wearing gemstone Ruby or Chuni. If sun is placed in 6th, 8th or 12th house then it is a must that the person of this ascendant wears a good quality Ruby or Chuni. Gemini Ascendant Sun is the lord of 3rd house in birth chart for the person with Gemini ascendant or Mithuna lagna. Sun is not a benefic planet for this ascendant and hence we generally do not recommend wearing Ruby or Chuni to the native born with Gemini ascendant or Mithuna lagna. If Sun is placed in Leo or Simha of with Mercury then we recommend wearing Ruby or Chuni to the native for better and peaceful life. Cancer Ascendant Sun is the lord of 2nd house in birth chart for the person with Cancer ascendant or Karkat lagna. Sun in this ascendant is known as the marak house or a malefic house so we generally do not recommend gemstone Ruby or Chuni to the native born with Cancer ascendant or Karkat lagna. In modern astrology we do not consider 2nd house to be bad and we recommend ruby in some cases when Sun is in conjunction with Mars or Venus. Leo Ascendant Sun is the lord of 1st house in birth chart for the person with Leo ascendant or Simha lagna. The ascendant will get a great scope of positive action wearing Ruby or Chuni. The emphasis of Yoga karaka is provided as and when the sun is placed with Jupiter or Mars. The combination of Sun with Mars and mercury in 1, 4, 9 and 11 houses would be great yogas. Also there is more implication of houses in combination of the planets which would again create great yogas. If the ascendant has got the sun’s period running, the ascendant would be equipped with the great quality by wearing ruby. It is also god to wear Ruby all the times for the person born with Leo ascendant or Simha lagna. Virgo Ascendant Sun is the lord of 12th house in birth chart for the person with Virgo ascendant or Kanya lagna. Sun is a malefic planet for this ascendant, hence we generally do not recommend Ruby or Chuni to the person born with Virgo ascendant or Kanya lagna. If sun is placed in Leo with either of Moon or Venus then raj yoga is formed and in these cases wearing Ruby can be a big help to the native. Libra Ascendant Sun is the lord of 11th house in birth chart for the person with Libra ascendant or Tula lagna. Since sun is the enemy of Venus, the rule of 11th house is been indicated with this purpose. We do not generally recommend Ruby for person born with Libra ascendant or Tula lagna. If Sun is placed in Leo or in any dosha period of Sun, native of this ascendant can wear Ruby or Chuni. Scorpio Ascendant Sun is the lord of 10th house in birth chart for the person with Scorpio ascendant or Vrischik lagna. Sun is being a lord of Kendra house and is an benific planet for this ascendant. There is a wonderful advantage if the sun is been placed in 10th house. For such situation the ascendant can eventually get raja yoga. . Ruby or Chuni is always a favorable gemstone for the person born Scorpio ascendant or Vrischik lagna. Sagittarius Ascendant Sun is the lord of 9th house in birth chart for the person with Sagittarius ascendant or Dhanu lagna. Sun is the lord of trikona house and is a highly benefic planet. Ruby or Chuni is a favorable gemstone for the person born in Sagittarius ascendant or Dhanu lagna. If Sun is in conjunction with Jupiter or Mercury, raj yoga is formed and in this case ruby makes the yoga most powerful. Capricorn Ascendant Sun is the lord of 8th house in birth chart for the person with Capricorn ascendant or Makara lagna. Being 8th lord Sun is a malefic planet for this ascendant. Hence we do not recommend Ruby or Chuni to the person born with Capricorn ascendant or Makara lagna. If Sun is placed in Leo, then wearing Ruby can give good results. . Aquarius Ascendant Sun is the lord of 7th house in birth chart for the person with Aquarius ascendant or Kumbha lagna. Sun is a malefic planet here and we generally do not recommend Ruby or Chuni to the person born in Aquarius ascendant or Kumbha lagna. In case if there is a problem related to marriage then Ruby is recommended to the native. If Sun is in conjunction with moon then wearing ruby gives good result for this ascendant. Pisces Ascendant Sun is the lord of 6th house in birth chart for the person with Pisces ascendant or Meena lagna. An inauspicious planet with the placement of its own sign in a running period is related to this ascendant. We generally do not recommend Ruby or Chuni to the person born in Pisces ascendant or Meena lagna. But is Sun is placed in Leo or in conjunction with Moon, then wearing Ruby is recommended for better result. |