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Diamond Heera For Various Ascendant Horoscopes

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Aries Ascendant

Venus is the lord of 7th and 2nd houses in the Horoscope for Aries Ascendant or Mesh Lagna..
Hence Venus is not a good planet and not recommended Diamond or Heera for this ascendant.

In modern astrology, 2nd house as well as 7th house is very important houses. Especially for Male horoscope, it stands for spouse. We often advise for remedy Diamond or Heera for week Venus.

Taurus Ascendant

Venus is the lord of ascendant and 6th house for Taurus ascendant or Vrish Lagna.

Ascendant or Lagna is the most important house in birth chart, so it is always good to wear Diamond or Heera.

In modern astrology we are very careful for Taurus ascendant as 6th house is being one of the most malefic houses. An astrologer has to take care of any malefic effect of 6th house as well before providing any remedy for Venus.

The ascendant may wear the Emerald with diamond in order to get overall prosperity.

Venus can cause Malavya Yoga which is among 5 great yoga in Hindu astrology if Venus is in Taurus or in Libra.

Gemini Ascendant

Venus is the lord of 5th and 12th house for Gemini ascendant or Mithuna lagna.

In modern astrology 5th house is the most preferred house for ones life and it brings good education in childhood, good children’s and happiness in life.

Hence, a person with Gemini ascendant or Mithuna lagna may always wear a diamond or Heera for better life.

Cancer Ascendant

Venus is the lord of 7th and 2nd houses in the Horoscope for Aries Ascendant or Mesh Lagna..

Hence Venus is not a good planet and not recommended Diamond or Heera for this ascendant.

In modern astrology, 2nd house as well as 7th house is very important houses. Especially for Male horoscope, it stands for spouse. We often advise for remedy Diamond or Heera for week Venus.

Leo Ascendant

Venus is the lord of 3th and 10th house for Leo ascendant or Simha lagna.

Venus is not a benefic planet for this ascendant. Generally, t is not recommended for the native to wear diamond or heera.

Please note that, Venus is lord of a important Kendra house (10th) so, there are cases where we still recommend Diamond or Heera if Venus is weak and not formed any bad or malefic yoga in the birth chart.

Virgo Ascendant

Venus is the lord of 2ndh and 9th house for Virgo ascendant or Kanya lagna.

Venus is a very auspicious planet for this ascendant. Good mercury or Mars can create raj yoga here.

It is always good for persons of Virgo ascendant or Kanya lagna to wear gemstone Diamond or Heera.

Libra Ascendant

Venus is the lord of 1st and 8th house for Libra ascendant or Tula lagna.

Being the lord of ascendant Venus is benefic planet here. There can be many yoga formed by Venus depending on its placement.

Another important point for Libra Ascendant is Saturn is the lord of 4th and 5th house and most auspicious planet for the ascendant.

Hence the native may use Diamond or Heera along with the blue sapphire or can wear Blue Diamond.

Venus can cause Malavya Yoga which is among 5 great yoga in Hindu astrology if Venus is in Taurus or in Libra.

Scorpio Ascendant

Venus is the lord of 7th and 12th house for Scorpio ascendant or Brischik lagna.

It is not recommend wearing Diamond or heera for this ascendant even though it is being lord of Kendra house (7th).

In modern astrology, Venus is responsible for spouse. So, we often advise for remedy Diamond or Heera for week Venus on this matter.

Sagittarius Ascendant

Venus is the lord of 6th and 11th house for Sagittarius ascendant or Dhanu lagna.

Venus is here lors of malefic houses and hence a malefic planet. Generally, native of this ascendant should never wear Diamond or Heera.

In modern astrology 11th house is considered as auspicious house and on need we often recommend Diamond or Heera for more income or money in flow.

Capricorn Ascendant

Venus is the lord of 5th and 10th house for Capricorn ascendant or Makara lagna.

Venus is very auspicious and yoga karaka planet for this ascendant. Ideally, native should consider wearing Diamond or Heera for better life.

Venus can cause Malavya Yoga which is among 5 great yoga in Hindu astrology if Venus is in Taurus or in Libra.

Aquarius Ascendant

Venus is the lord of 4th and 9th house for Aquarius ascendant or Kumbha lagna.

Venus is being a lord of Kendra (4th) and Trikona (9th) house and hence is a yoga karaka planet and most auspicious planet for Aquarius or Kumbha lagna. Person with this ascendant is recommended to wear this gemstone Diamond or Heera.

Venus can cause Malavya Yoga which is among 5 great yoga in Hindu astrology if Venus is in Taurus or in Libra.

Pisces Ascendant

Venus is the lord of 3rd and 8th house for Pisces ascendant or Meena lagna.

Since it is laid down and the lord of 8th and 3rd, Venus is known as inauspicious planet and thus, the person should never wear diamond.

It’s almost rare in astrology to recommend a person with Pisces ascendant with Diamond or Heera.

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