Baby Name Dushyanta meaning and Astrology


baby names > Dushyanta


Baby Name : Dushyanta
Gender : boy
Origin : Bengali, Hindu, Indian, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Tamil, Telugu
Dushyanta Meaning: A king from the epic Mahabharata
Variant: Dushyanta
Number : 3
Moon Sign (Rashi) : Pisces (Meen)
Star (Nakshtra) : Uttara Bhadrapada

baby Dushyanta Name Dushyanta is combinations of , two occurrences of A , one occurrence of D , one occurrence of H , one occurrence of N , one occurrence of S , one occurrence of T , one occurrence of U and one occurrence of Y has a lots of significance in Astrology.
As per naming astrology the persons with name Dushyanta will be the person of success. They will be able to gain any kind of hurdles at their ease. The most important thing is that most of the things of their lives come very easily and smoothly. The persons with this name are always very responsible at their works and social responsibilities. These persons are usually emotional by their nature, but this is also true that they may not get the exact justification of their emotions towards others. They are with the philosophical mind and heart as well. They are prone to think all things deeply. These people are asked to be realistic while they need to take any decision. They are requested to use their brain in -stead of their heart in terms of taking any decision. They will have very helpful and loving relatives. Their relatives will help them to grow in them in life in every aspect. They are very methodical and time conscious in their life. These qualities will give them success in their life. But these people with this name should be more dedicated towards their proposed jobs and actions, so that they will get more flourishing career.


Name Dushyanta or (Dushyanta) means A king from the epic Mahabharata.
Person with name Dushyanta are leads an eventful and active life. They are regarded as people who want total luxury and enjoyment during their living days. Though too much of the impact of this name in someone's life may be detrimental as well. These individuals are too much concerned with the way of dressing. They want to have a perfect outward appearance. Throughout life these men need to be aware of this fact. An ambitious nature is good for then, as it will take them to a height of fame. These natives may find a solitary character deep within themselves. Even if they are in a group or gathering, they may often find it difficult to join them mentally and stay alone. In terms of domestic life, these natives prefer to maintain a balance. If they take part in some charity Institute, then they will have higher fame.

The natives with name Dushyanta normally have a kind heart. They are generous and try to help people out of their nature. A very enviable quality in them is that that have a balanced temperament. These individuals are born thinkers. They can delve deeper into any matter and have a capacity to think from different point of view. Therefore, people under this name mostly choose a profession like research, philosophy, or spiritual one. They have a splendid skill for analytical problem. They can start any conversation with anyone present. They also have a negative side in their character, as they sometimes behave very odd with a self-centred purpose. These natives can have an inherent interest in property related issues. They certainly enjoy material growth. Too much greed of money list is what ruins them. Cool and composed attitude characterize them. People of name Dushyanta can easily change other's mind. Moreover, they can communicate their ideas a very effective way. Sometimes they lack enthusiasm for important matters of life. Since they are careless about that, they postpone important things of their life. When they face an afflicted moon, they lose control of their inner self. People around them have an outburst of emotions. Because of their adaptive nature that can adjust to anything.

Name Dushyanta with the meaning for each letter (D, U, S, H, Y, A, N, T)

DSometimes full of negativities, and sometimes full of positive energy. You are whimsical. You are creative by heart.
UYou are good artist. You have short features. You are day dreamers. You are back packers.
SYou are hard worker. You are dedicated. You are true poet. You are sea lovers. Sometimes you are selfish.
HYou are self centered personality. You are very intelligent. You are born talented. You possess excellent hand writing.
YYou are focused to your dreams. You love travelling. You are intelligent. You are self centered.
AYou are born leader, over thinker, focused and dedicated. You can achieve your success with your hard work and passion.
NYou are beautiful. You are kind hearted. You are day dreamer, you are hard worker.
TYou are patriotic by heart. You are born leader. You are dedicated. You are good human being. You are foody.

The person name with Dushyanta, they are very optimistic and brave by nature. They are over- thinker. They constantly think about their future and sometimes this may cause their heart and various physical damages. They are very much determined and focused in their life; through these qualities they will able to achieve any kind of dream of their life. They know how to bring joy in their life. They love to spend their time through various types of social activities, social gathering, enjoying with friends, travelling here and there and many more. They are creative by nature. They love to spend their time through different types of creative works, like singing, painting, writing stories, poems, novels and many more things. They are very good at cooking. They are very emotional, so people can easily hurt them. They can able to express themselves easily. They know how to make money and they can able to achieve success in their career.

According to Vedic Astrology the persons’ name start with Dushyanta are very good at communication skills and they have strong power to be a good leader with this combination. They can able to be a good and successful political leader in future. They have good career as a political leader or as an organization head. They are very much focused about their career. They can do anything to achieve their success. They have the power to win hearts of everybody by their skills and sweet communication skill. They are very sweet talker and they can able to make friends very easily. They are fond of travelling. They love to roam around new places. They love to trek at mountains; they love to explore cities, mountains and even sea beaches. Their communication skill is very powerful. They will have the power to communicate fluently in multiple languages and this will help them to get success in their career. Apart from that they will have good future in business also. But they have some bad habits as well. They are addicted of smoking and alcoholic stuffs. This will lead their heart and health condition weak in future. They will able to balance their professional life and personal life hand-to-hand. They are very much emotionally attached with their family persons, with their friends and near and dear ones. They are homely person by nature. They always love to be surrounded with their family members, friends.


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