Baby Names belongs to Moola nakshatra

Baby Names belongs to Moola nakshatra are listed here...

Baby NameMeaning
BhSimple; Brave,
BhaHaving a starlike quality; Star.
BhaagGod; Run
BhaageerathiName of an River
BhaagyaFate, Happiness, Goddess Lakshmi
BhaagyasreeFortunate; Goddess Lakshmi
BhaakoshTreasure of light, Another name for the Sun
BhaamLight, Brilliance
BhaamaCharming, Famous, Passionate woman, Brilliance, Beautiful
BhaamdhaviGoddess of Wealth
BhaaminiBrilliant, Beautiful, Passionate, Woman
BhaanaviDescendent of the Sun, Brilliant, Sacred
BhaanishVisionary, Having the faculty of seeing
BhaanodayaRising of Sun
BhaanuThe Sun, Brilliant, Virtuous, Beautiful, Ruler, Eminence
BhaanujBorn of the Sun
BhaanujaRiver Yamuna, Born of the Sun
BhaanujaaName of River Yamuna
BhaanumateeBeautiful Woman
BhaanumatiFull of Lustre; Famous
BhaanupriyaBeloved of the Sun
BhaanushaRaising Sun
BhaanusreeGoddess Lakshmi; Bhaanu - Sun
BhaaratiIndian, Well-groomed, Descended from Bharat, Eloquent
BhaaravaPleasant, The Tulsi plant, Adaptable
BhaargavLord Shiva, Attaining radiance, Coming from Bhrigu, An epithet of Shiva, The planet venus, A good archer
BhaargaviGoddess Durga, Laxmi, Goddess Parvati, Beautiful
BhaasinThe Sun, Brilliant
BhaaskarBrilliant, Illuminated, Creater, The Sun, Fire, Gold
BhaasuThe Sun
BhaasurSplendid, A hero, Bright, Shining, Crystal, Brilliant, The shining God, Holy
BhaasvanLustrous, Full of brightness, Brilliant, Another name for the Sun God Surya
BhaasvarResplendent, Luminious, Bright, Brillent, Shining
BhaaswarGlorious, Luminous


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