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Libra Moon Sign Tula Rashi april 2025 Monthly Prediction

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Libra moon sign Tula rashi Libra  House is Ownes by Venus (Sukra). Moon sign (Rashi) Libra  means that Moon was present in Libra Sign in birth time. If you do not know your moon sign, Please generate free Horoscope Prediction to know this. Please note that this is not Western Sun sign based prediction.

Moon Astro Brings Free monthly report for Libra  Moon Sign.This prediction is based on Indian Vedic Moon sign (Rashi) based astrology.

Libra Tula, april 2025: 1st April to 7th April:

Apply a methodical approach that will help you keep on track and stay organised. Your family peace will be hampered due to some of your family members. You may be suffered from neurological problems. So be careful regarding your health. Otherwise it would be a serious one. This week is not financially well because you cant be able to finish your due works in time. So you need to give extra labour at your work. You will be assisted by your brother. During the last phase of the week you will able to solve your problems at your working place. A magnificent day is store for you. Expressing your vulnerability will make you more lovable while increasing your chances to manifest your dreams. Love may not be an exciting factor in your life right now. Act with integrity and time will tell you need to know.

Libra Tula, april 2025: 8th April to 14th April:

Instead of making empty promises, put your actions where your heart is and make well on what-ever you have committed to do. Your family peace will be interrupted for some unexpected reasons. Dont give your ears to others words. Take your own decisions on your-self. You will get you priority at your work place. You will make your harm due to your bad manners. Your business will be in sudden loss due to the price hike. You will get a lot of option of new works. So must try to use the things or opportunities. If you able to give more labour and attention towards your business, you will achieve your success. You will able to earn a lot of money from your works. But you can-not be able to save them.

Libra Tula, april 2025: 15th April to 21st April:

The problem regarding property will be solved soon. This time is an expensive one in terms of money because you will start to reconstruct your house. You will be worried due to some reason. Your health will well. You will get the opportunities of new works. You will achieve your success with the help of your courage and labour loving attitude. You dont really have the confidence to win a war of words. Slowing down might actually be just the thing you need to do in this week. Your natural charm is reigning supreme on this week. Question your own beliefs just as much as you question that of others. You will be happy due to the maintaining peace at your house. You will earn your respective respect from your society. The un-employees will get the chances of new works. This week is also profitable for the money. The business men will earn your profit.

Libra Tula, april 2025: 22nd April to 30th April:

Those who work for themselves could encounter hitches, difficulties in communicating with others or feel tired in completing urgent duties. This week is more or less good. If you able to keep your mind cool, you will able to solve some of your problems. This week is favourable for service men but this time is not lucky for the students because they will not have the proper courage for study. Some of your work will remain undone because of the excessive work pressure. Try to be restricted otherwise you will get involve into quarrel. You will be able to solve the problems related to your family. You are capable to earn a lot of money but you can-not be able to save them. There is a possibility that you may busy to attain your relatives who will come at your house. This time is favourable for the artists because they will earn their name, fame and money with their artistic genius. You will be busy to solve the problems of your relatives.

Free Moonsign Prediction for April 2025 is here..