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Baby Names belongs to Ashwini nakshatra

Baby Names belongs to Ashwini nakshatra are listed here...

Baby NameMeaning
Blackburnblack brook
BladeWealthy glory
BLADUDmeaning unknown
BlaecBlack or white
BlaecleahFrom the dark meadow
BlaedWealthy glory
BlagdanFrom the dark valley
BlagdenFrom the dark valley
BlagdonFrom the dark valley
BlaikeVariant of Blake: Light; dark.
BlainVariant of Blaine: Thin.
BlaineSurname of uncertain meaning.
BlairFrom the plain lands
BlaireField of battle.
BlaisLisp: stutter. Blaise Pascal was a brilliant seventeenth century child prodigy: mathematician: scientist and philosopher who invented the calculating machine and hydraulic press before dying at age thirty-nine.
BlaisdellLisp: stutter. Blaise Pascal was a brilliant seventeenth century child prodigy: mathematician: scientist and philosopher who invented the calculating machine and hydraulic press before dying at age thirty-nine.
BlaiseA cleric
BlaizeLisp: stutter. Blaise Pascal was a brilliant seventeenth century child prodigy: mathematician: scientist and philosopher who invented the calculating machine and hydraulic press before dying at age thirty-nine.
BlakeBlack or white
BlakeleeVariant of Blakely: From the light meadow; from the dark meadow.
BlakeleyFrom the dark meadow
BlakelieVariant of Blakely: From the light meadow; from the dark meadow.
BlakelyFrom the dark meadow
BlakemoreFrom the dark moor
BlakeneePale-skinned; Dark
BlakeneyPale-skinned; Dark
BlakenyPale-skinned; Dark
BLAMORmeaning unknown
BlancaWhite: shining. A variant of the French Blanche.
BlancheWhite: shining.
BlanchefleurWhite flower
BlancheflorWhite flower
BlancheflourWhite flower


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