Baby Names belongs to Anuradha nakshatra are listed here...
Baby Name | Meaning | Ne | Nothing | Neacal | People's victory. | Neah | Moved, moving. | Neakail | Victorious people | Neal | Champion Form of Neil. | Neala | Ruler | Neale | Champion | Nealie | Ruler | NEALL | champion | Nealon | Champion | Nealson | Son of Neil | Neam | The Name of a Tree | Neapolis | The new city. | Neariah | Child of the Lord. | Nearra | Nearest | Neas | Man of force | Neason | Name of a saint | Neats | Nice | Neb | Legendary son of Caw. | Nebai | Budding, speaking, prophesying. | Nebaioth | Words, prophecies, buds. | Neballat | Prophecy, budding. | Nebat | That beholds. | Nebo | That speaks or prophesies. | Nebojsa | without fear | Nebraska | flat water | Nebuchadnezzar | Tears and groans of judgment | Nebuchadrezzar | Tears and groans of judgment | Nebula | Misty. | Nebulia | Misty. | Nebushasi_hahban | Speech, prophecy, springing, flowing. | NECAHUAL | survivor; left behind | NECALLI | battle | Nechal | Step Forward | Nechama | Comfort | Nechemya | Comforted by God | Necho | Lame, beaten. | Nechtan | Pure | Nechten | Name of a king | NECI | fire |