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Baby Name Gotra meaning and Astrology

baby names > Gotra

Baby Name : Gotra
Gender : Boy
Origin : Indian
Gotra Meaning: Family; Race
Variant: no variations
Number : 8
Moon Sign (Rashi) : Aquarius (Kumbha)
Star (Nakshtra) : Satabishaka

baby Gotra Name Gotra is combinations of , one occurrence of A , one occurrence of G , one occurrence of O , one occurrence of R and one occurrence of T has a lots of significance in Astrology.
In Moon sign based Vedic Astrology, person with name Gotra will be the person of generous love and care. These people are generous by nature. They selflessly love the distressed people especially the physically challenged people. They may be the part of NGO to help such people. Their noble thoughts and deeds earn respect from the surrounded people. These persons most of the time likes to appreciate the good arts and creative works. They are hardworking and very much sincere towards their proposed tasks. They will have good communication skill. They may select careers where they can use their excellent communication skill, like Public Relationship jobs, Communicative officers and many more. They are also very creative. They love drama. If they are part of any drama or theatre group, they will get lots of recognition through their excellent performance. They love to make new friends and they are very much friendly with their near and dear ones. They will get cooperative colleagues as well in their office arena. But this is a small suggestion to the person with this name that please try to be selective while you are going to select any new friends in your life.


Name Gotra or (no variations) means Family; Race.
Person with name Gotra have the effect of material success with any individuals who having name number as 4, 8, 13 and 17. Therefore, these natives have luck in monetary term. They are likely to earn a lot of money in their lives. The people with this name can try their luck at corporate sector. They would be fairly successful as a teacher. These people may have a certain goal in life, but they should be ambitious and centred on their goal. They are intelligent enough to stand apart among the multitude. They really want to be the piece of attention of everyone. They are also capable of making people understand themselves very well. Individuals with the effect of this name are sly enough to make multiple sources of revenue. They can also be leading personalities of political teams at a national level. In this way they can draw attention of people and have a manpower of their own. While running for money and rank they should also be conscious that their activities are not creating problem for anyone.

The natives with name Gotra know the worth of hard work. They have a concentrated goal in life. All they do is to progress further in their way to success. They try to achieve a lot and have an ambitious character. But they sometimes lack control over their ambitions, and this may result in negative for others. These people have a inherit power of organization. Their interpersonal communicative skills help them to maintain a good relationship with people. This is a reason for their abundance of friends. These natives proceed in their life following a certain method. If any difficult comes their way, they would rather face it than trying to escape from it. A flicker of confidence shows up in their personality. Nothing can make them wobble from their focus. Generally, person with name Gotra behave in a composed manner. But at times they suffer hyperactivity. There is a common belief that these individuals are guided by secret characteristics. However calm, they become much aggressive while defending themselves. Generosity is a common trait in these natives. They may have abrupt outburst of emotions, and at such times, it becomes difficult to cook them down. They succumb to any addiction very quickly.

Name Gotra with the meaning for each letter (G, O, T, R, A)

GYou are good singer, impressive painter. You love to do gardening. You are creative. You have decent personality. You are friendly with strangers as well.
OYou are patriotic by heart. You are born leader. You are intelligent. You are fitness freak.
TYou are patriotic by heart. You are born leader. You are dedicated. You are good human being. You are foody.
RYou are honest. You are good human being. You are helpful towards needy and distressed people. You are intelligent.

Person with name Gotra are happy by themselves. They plan to stay aloof from the outer world and thus let their hard working, analysing and criticizing mind look out for the world. Laid back in nature these people will like it if they are left all alone with a book. They are constantly striving to gather and analyse their thoughts. They dream big and have very unique ideas. They will be sentimental, emotional, religious and spiritual. These people will be very cynical and also intellectual. They are mostly philosophers, artists and thinkers. These people have difficulty in their romantic lives. They pursue the one they love and their mind drags to spiritualism, thus leading to a dilemma of the both. It helps them get over their troubles easily and move on. Their spirituality also helps them understand or go to things on a deeper level, thus making them forget things and escape into a different universe altogether.

Indian Astrology indicates that person with name Gotra are lovable to their neighbours. People of their society like to talk to them because of their friendly nature. But they are not same personality in their office environment. They do not like to open with their colleagues sometimes. This may hamper their career graph as well. Due to this type of nature, some people assume that they are self-centred. But this is not true. They are very friendly and open-minded persons. This happens due to their lack of communication skill and lack of workplace confidence. They are pretty much focus towards their careers. They are laborious and hard workers and at the same time they are determined too. They are peace loving persons too. They need to careful and selective in terms of making new friends. They are charitable person and humble by nature. They like to help poor and distressed people selflessly. They believe in slow but steady theory. They always try to finish any work with full of perfection. They seek for more mental peace than worldly comforts. Their hard working nature sometimes may affect their health as well. They are prone to some chronic disorders. So, they need to balance their career and health at the same time. Actually this is applicable to each and everybody in this planet.


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