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Baby Name Dharitri meaning and Astrology

baby names > Dharitri

Baby Name : Dharitri
Gender : girl
Origin : Bengali, Hindu, Indian, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Tamil, Telugu
Dharitri Meaning: The earth
Variant: Dharitri
Number : 2
Moon Sign (Rashi) : Sagittarius (Dhanu)
Star (Nakshtra) : Purva Ashada

baby Dharitri Name Dharitri is combinations of , one occurrence of A , one occurrence of D , one occurrence of H , two occurrences of I , two occurrences of R and one occurrence of T has a lots of significance in Astrology.
As per naming astrology the persons with name Dharitri will be the person of success. They will be able to gain any kind of hurdles at their ease. The most important thing is that most of the things of their lives come very easily and smoothly. The persons with this name are always very responsible at their works and social responsibilities. These persons are usually emotional by their nature, but this is also true that they may not get the exact justification of their emotions towards others. They are with the philosophical mind and heart as well. They are prone to think all things deeply. These people are asked to be realistic while they need to take any decision. They are requested to use their brain in -stead of their heart in terms of taking any decision. They will have very helpful and loving relatives. Their relatives will help them to grow in them in life in every aspect. They are very methodical and time conscious in their life. These qualities will give them success in their life. But these people with this name should be more dedicated towards their proposed jobs and actions, so that they will get more flourishing career.


Name Dharitri or (Dharitri) means The earth.
Person with name Dharitri are with pragmatic approach to life. They like to resolve any problem without taking any aid from any second person. They tend to adapt anything new that the circumstance shows them. All people with this name symbolize unlimited energy. Therefore, these natives have immense energy to carry out any job. They have a thoughtful nature. They take pleasure in thinking about something. This might happen that due to this name effect the natives may face a trouble with their parents' health. Optimistic attitude adds to the success of these persons. However much they earn, they should care for money unless they could not save anything for their future. These people are perhaps masters of their field, but if they embark on starting some new work, they should consult with professionals. Or else they may face great disaster in economy. These people have a high income. During their working life they can earn a plenty of money.

The natives with name Dharitri are generally expected to be cunning and sharp. They may also have an increased amount of intelligence. Their eyes are always set on higher things of life; as they do not waste, time being concerned with smaller issues of life. Person like Dharitri is essential and helpful to our society. These natives do not have a stable mind. They hesitate to take any decision. They face a lot of confusion in their life. This inability to take decision is sometimes positive, but most of the time this causes waste of time. These individuals are people of big career goals. They often achieve their goals, as they are mostly career-oriented persons. Another reason for their success is that they are masters of their respective fields. This name belongs to the sign is a hostile one with a fiery nature. Kind people fall under this name who would not mind doing other people service. They do not hesitate to sacrifice their own comfort. They are likely to have a good oratory skill. However, these natives cannot stand criticism from other people

Name Dharitri with the meaning for each letter (D, H, A, R, I, T)

DSometimes full of negativities, and sometimes full of positive energy. You are whimsical. You are creative by heart.
HYou are self centered personality. You are very intelligent. You are born talented. You possess excellent hand writing.
RYou are honest. You are good human being. You are helpful towards needy and distressed people. You are intelligent.
IYou have sharp features. Not so much dedicated towards your studies. You are good home maker. You have expertise at cooking.
TYou are patriotic by heart. You are born leader. You are dedicated. You are good human being. You are foody.

Independence, achievement, individuality, and leadership are the main characters of the person with name Dharitri. They come with a big heart and are free from anger, envy, and discontent. People with this name are natural leaders and they always tend to have people following them at home and around. They are independent, naturally born leaders and can always take care of themselves well. These people come with a very clear vision of themselves in their minds and mostly it becomes very difficult for anyone to turn them from there. Once they set their minds onto something, it becomes very difficult for people to tell them that they are wrong. These people come with a clear mind and can be very easily gather or optimize their thoughts. They come with great control on their lives and precise and clear. They are very protective of people too.

According to Indian Astrology person with name Dharitri are very kind-hearted as a human being. They always love to help the poor and distressed people. They like to spend their most of the time with any charitable organization. They are truly homely person. They like to spend much of their time with family members. They are friendly by nature as well. They will have many friends of various age limit. But there is a possibility to be cheated with any one of them. So better to be careful before you make any new friends. They are with beautiful physic and good face. Anybody can fall in love with them easily, just because of their physical beauty. They are the icons of love and freedom. They love to live their lives with own terms and conditions. They are usually creative persons as well. They like to do gardening, singing, dancing, painting and other creative works. They are responsible person as well. They always take responsibility of their family and sometimes of their relatives too. They can take their hobbies as their professions as well. They will get success in those fields as well. Due to their loving nature they are loved by their families, relatives and by their friends too.


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