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Vesi Yoga

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When the planets except the planet Moon, Ketu and Rahu capture the second house from the planet Sun, the Vesi Yoga is formed.

The effect of the Vesi Yoga on an individual depends upon the kind of planets located n the2nd house from the planet Sun that is if they are positive planets or negative planets. If they are helpful planets, the existence of the Vesi Yoga on a person’s Rashi is known as Subhavesi, it is helping to make the resident rich and lucky. The resident is happy, virtuous, respected, balanced, kind, indolent, dignified and well-known in the society. He has angry eye and excellent memory. He is tall in appearance.

If the Vesi Yoga is formed by the planet Mars, an individual is often engage to the fight. He has good technological knowledge and is bound to self transport. An individual belongs to the Vesi Yoga is normally a good luck in the domain of business. He utilizes all his attitudes in the matter of business and all the time competing with the others in the matter of money.

As an example, when the planet Sun is located in Gemini for the resident and the planet Mercury is located in the Cancer which is the second house from the planet Sun, this Vesi Yoga is built.

Different results are there depending the planets position in the 2nd house.

If the planet Mars is located in the second house from the planet Moon, an individual is almost every time engage in to fight. He has good technological knowledge and is bound to self transport.

If the planet Mercury is located in the second house of the planet Moon, the resident is soft-spoken, calculative and good looking.

Vesi Yoga is called off if the planet Moon is situated with any other planet. It is and holy Yoga. So the result derives from it is optimistic.

If the planet Venus is located in the second house of the planet Moon, the resident is amiable, responsible and courageous.

If the planet Jupiter’s position is in the second house of the planet Moon, the resident is a patient and truthful.

If the planet Saturn is located in the second house of the planet Moon, the resident is handy with business matters. He uses all his aptitudes in this matter.

If the person is belongs to this yoga, he is always knocked by others. He may lack in the matter which is related to finance.

Vesi Yoga is very benefice to the native. To know if you have Vesi Yoga please generate our free horoscope.

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