If 10th house is occupied by the Sun and Saturn in the birth chart and also aspected by malefic planet(s) then Apakeerti Yoga is formed.
A planet benefic chart is as following. Yes- benefic, No – malefic

For example, Taurus be the ascendant and 10th house (ie, Aquarius, 10th from Taurus) has Sun and Saturn together, also say malefic planet Venus ( Malefic for Taurus ascendant) present in Leo (aspecting Sun and Saturn from 7th or opposite house) then this yoga is formed.
Note that unless a raj yoga is formed by sun and Saturn, if Sun and Saturn present in any house together, makes that house bad and native is unlucky on that direction. If a person is having this yoga then the native will have a bad reputation. This is a malific yoga for the native.
There are few cases where Apakeerti Yoga is partly beneficial. Following are some cases.
a) If native has Taurus (Vrish) as ascendant in birth chart then Sun and Saturn becomes 4th and 9th House lord together and if they are placed in 10th House which is owned by Saturn then this combination forms a great rajyoga and Apakeerti yoga is beneficial in this case.
b) Similarly, if the person has Arias as Ascendant then 5th House lord is Sun and 9th and 10th house lord is Saturn if placed together in 10th house which is owned by Saturn then Great rajyoga is formed and this yoga becomes benefic.
There is no good remedy known for this yoga. Person may loose father at early age and gets less benefit from father. Pray to God to change your future. Some astrologers suggest the remedy for lord of 10th house in case if 10th hose is not Leo, Capricorn or Aquarius.If any planet is located in the sixth, eighth, and twelfth house from the Ascendant or the first house then this yoga or yog is created.
If any planet is located in the sixth, eighth, and twelfth house from the Ascendant or the first house then this yoga or yog is created.
Apakeerti Yoga or Yog may be divided into 3 parts. They are Subha Adhi Yoga, Paap Adhi Yoga and Mixed Adhi Yoga. It is based on the placement of the evil and benefice planet in the sixth, eighth, and twelfth houses. When this yoga or yog is built due to the Chandra Lagna then this yoga is known as Chandra Adhi Yoga or Yog. This yoga is one of the most important yogas in Indian Astrology. This yoga is compared to the Raj yoga. The sixth, seventh and eighth houses which are marked in this yoga turns into strong one and their effects are developed. Whether it is malefic or benefice it is depend on the standing planets in the houses.
If a native gets this yoga he will be victorious. He defeats his foes. He will not suffer in any major diseases. He may possess a joyous and long nuptial life with his or her partner. The person belongs to the Apakeerti Yoga may turn into a minister. He will be free from debt and wretched conditions. He will earn fame and name. He possesses the leadership quality.
Apakeerti Yoga or Yog may be divided into 3 parts. They are Subha Adhi Yoga, Paap Adhi Yoga and Mixed Adhi Yoga. It is based on
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