Vastu Parking Tips

A right parking slot must be fixed as per Vastu so that all the vehicles are safe. There are some rules according to Vastu Shastra for a right parking area. The vehicles must be parked properly and in the right way, else it may be caused for many expenses. But it is very necessary to maintain the tips and rules of the Vastu Shastra to make a parking place for the cars.

The floor of the garage must be sloped towards the northern or eastern direction. You should also keep a 2-3 feet space for walking after parking a car inside the garage. It also insures that the air and light can be moved easily inside the garage.

You have to take attention while making the roof of the building that the shed of a car does not touch with the ceiling or the wall of the garage. If you have planned for an underground garage then you must avoid the northern or northern eastern side parking.

Parking at the northern eastern direction is strictly restricted, because northern eastern direction viewed as the entry point for tremendous forces. If a car is parked in northern eastern direction it may obstruct the powers. Still, if you have a garage at the basement then parking at the northern eastern area is allowable.

You must remember that if you have a garage at the southern western side then the car may rare in use. The car will rarely appear in the parking area and will require continuous repairing.

Dark colour is not allowed in a parking garage. You must use light colour while painting the garage. White, light green, sky blue, pink or yellow is the best option.

When you park a car, you always park its front face towards the northern or eastern side. It ensures that the car remains cool. Fire chances are there if you park your car facing the southern or western side.

The main entrance of the parking slot must be at the northern or eastern direction. Look into the matter that the main gate’s wall is higher than the garage gate. The main entrance of the garage must open easily. If the path of the garage gate keeps clear it will help for the movement of the car.

Any light colour is auspicious for garage. Inflammable or waste material should not be stored in the garage as it is dangerous for garage.

You are not allowed to build a garage on the septic tank or any wall.