A bold and danger’s child, 8 have some strong capacity to become unabashed and unhi8nged at the same time. With 8 by the side, one may think every obstacle to be very meager and can be easily eliminated. One of the strong personalities, they are known for their one way of; leading life. They are not very fond of talking opinion of others. They have some contradictory personalities. Some people may hate them while others may praise them with the whole heart. If you know anyone with 8, then tick marks all these points.
Personality : - They love to take control of every situations and organization.
- They like to be at the forefront of every activity.
- They love to start any new trend, idea, concept or venture.
- Number 8 individuals are always brimming with hyper energy and over-enthusiasm.
- They are very much known for their optimism and positivity that acts as powerful motivation to everyone else present in the room.
- However, when 8s cannot have their high expectations shape to their fulfillment, they become aggressive and angry.
- All they need is to control their excessive anger that can act as a negative influence.
- Another good thing about 8 is they do not dwell very long on the pats and start all over again with a new set of enthusiasm.
- 8s faces problem while accepting authority from another person, especially if they have intended to be on the lead themselves.
- For this, many 8 were known to take the pat of criminal activities.
Career and Money : - In the career path, 8 tend to perform diligently due to their enthusiasm to achieve the topmost position.
- They are the ‘jack of all trades’ and can easily make money some way or other.
- Their durable nature can lead them to try again and again even if they fail in any venture.
- Since they are an expert and practical, they can do well in almost any kind of job that provides huge challenge, variation, and most essential promotions.
- However, they must not try for the position of negotiator or diplomat as they require the ability to have thick skin and cool head, which they definitely lack. If in business, they must make someone to deal with hostile clients on their behalf.
- They must try for high-end corporate jobs if they want to become super successful.
Love and Romance : - Love and romantic liaisons is a bit distant thing for Number 8. They are very expressive and passionate that is required to bring on a fruitful partnership.
- Any potential romantic interest would be cut off to the foundation level itself as the prospective partners will find it hard to understand their emotion.
- If by chance, they fall in love, then it must be you who need to make the full effort.
- After you manage to make their heart set on you, they will chase you fully fledged.
The compatible number signs with number 8 : - 2 : Both the hardworking numbers will instantly bond over the work.
- 4 : Both of them are master planners of the future that can make a fulfilling couple.
- 9 : One with easy and one with a hard approach, this ‘opposite attracts' numbers would start a steamy passion.
Know More About Sun Numbers