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Personal Year Number 7

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Personal Year Number is a cycle of nine years. Starting from 1 it goes on as 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and lastly till 9. The essence of vibrations will enable you to decode this message with correct calculations. After calculating, you need to know the meaning behind the root number to predict correctly.
Both Universe and our own birth play a significant role in turning our life as it is. This is why; Personal Year Number is calculated using both Universal Year Number and Life Path Number.
To calculate the Universe Number, take the current Year, 2019. Now add up all the digits in the year with each other and see the result.

2+0+1+9= 12.
1+2=3. This is your Universal Number.

To calculate your Life Path Number, take your date of birth first. Say it is 25th September 1968. Now take all the digits in the year and add them up with each other.2+5+0+9+1+9+6+8= 40.
4+0=4. This is your Life Path Number.
Now add up the Universal Number with Life Path Number, 3+4=7.
Thus 7 is your current Personal Year Number.

Special Seven !

  • The connection towards spirituality :

    Number 7 in the Numerology always hints towards spirituality and mysticism. Therefore, this year, feel free to unleash your spirituals side. Start involving yourself to spiritual activity, devotion, or spiritual retreat to heal up your body and mind. It will make a massive difference in your outlook.

  • Faith and prayer :

    You will get the immense opportunity when your belief and faith into something are tested. You will sometimes feel; like escaping and running away from the situation. It will make you more and more detached and quiet.

  • Depth within :

    This year will be the year when you will know more and more about yourself. You will go through your inner depths and question each and everything in your life. This will allow you to explore the perfection of opportunities.

  • Rely on self :

    You will finally know all about the path that you need to undertake to become self-independent. You will also evaluate the things that you have chosen or decision you have made. You will finally know if you are finally ready to walk through your choice.

  • Reboot your life :

    Your main goal—should you acknowledge it—is to investigate the profundities of your spirit's calling and be eager to recalibrate yourself, so you come into an arrangement with the you that you're unearthing this year. This can be a necessary time to assess your feeling of freedom and how you've led the pack in your life.

  • Love and friendship :

    This year you will find new components of profundity and importance as the profound noteworthiness of friendship turns into a need over pure arousing delight. The individuals who travel may be able to find their perfect partner on their adventure.

  • You have a purpose :

    Number 7 year is full of messages that the Universe will be sending out to you. All you need to do is to find the real meaning of those messages. You will get a potential growth in your career and surge towards victory. You will experience overall growth and open newer dimensions.


The secret to promote !

You can only improve you improvise! That is the secret of the survival of humankind. Number 7 year will make you realize the ultimate secret to thrive and survive.

Know More About Personal Year Numbers
