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Astrology and Planets

The planets influence every aspect of human life. Vedic astrology has seven planets, which has physical existence and these are the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. There are two strategic hypothetical points on ecliptic which are also treated as planets and these are Rahu and Ketu respectively the North and South nodes of the Moon.

From the astronomical view, the Sun is not a planet and is rather a star, but mainly because of its powerful radiation and magnetic influence on the Earth we consider Sun as a planet. Also the Moon irrespective of it being just a satellite of the Earth is considered a planet mainly because of its strong gravitational pull due to its close proximity to the earth.

MoonAsto covers detail information of all the planets here.

Sun (Surya)Moon (Chandra) Jupiter (Guru)
Venus (Sukra) Mercury (Budh)Saturn (Sani)
Mars (Mangal)Rahu Ketu

Each planet has one or more friend and enemy planets. If a planet is in conjunction with friend planet in the birth chart or accepted by or in the house ruled by the friend then the planet becomes stronger. Relationship table between planets are given bellow.

Friend enemy table

So in generic term there are three group of friend circle. Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter forms the first group. Second group is Venus, Saturn, Mercury and the third group is Rahu and Ketu.

There are some differences from the advance astronomical understanding with the planets in the astrology. When we did not invent telescope, we thought that night’s sky consisted with two analogous components; one is constant stars which is motionless and another is moving stars, which moved around the constant stars throughout the year.

According to the Greeks and most other astronomers, the group contained five visible planets to the nude eye. The earth is excluded. The phrase “planet” is applied only for those five objects. Later, in the middle age, this term was extended for including sun and the moon. Thus it made total 7 planets. This definition still remains in astronomy. According to the ancient astrologers, the planets symbolised the will of gods and their thorough influence upon the human relationships.

Modern day astrologers disagree on the resource of the power of planets. Some of them think that the planets use their authority through the help of gravity or any other unknown power. Other astrologers think that the planets have no straight influence in themselves. The fundamental patterns of the cosmos repeat themselves all over in the fractal-like way. Hence, the forms that the planets create in the blue reflect the recede and run of fundamental human urges.

The planets are associated with the Chinese convention, with the fundamental power of nature. The sun’s path in the space is ecliptic. It passes longitudinally just through the middle of zodiac. The zodiac which is covering 9 degrees on the both side of the ecliptic in the heavens is a belt. The circle has no end. For the measurement of distances through the circle and random point is set up. The point is known as Aries’ first point. The zodiac rotates one time in a day on its axis from the eastern side to western side. The ecliptic is separated into 12 same parts. It is called zodiac sign. Each part has 30 degree arc. Each sign has atypical qualities which are recognised to by the ancient age Maha rishi after cautious and deep examination and meditation.