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Libra Moon Sign Tula Rashi Horoscope 2020

Libra Horoscope 2020 : OVERALL PREDICTION

You might happen to be a humorous and knowledgeable person throughout the year, 2020. You may happen to be very spiritualistic with time. You will help others in their need during this year. As per Libra Horoscope 2020, you will definitely get wealthy, but, there are possibilities that you might happen to be very opportunistic at times. You might follow different ideologies and theories on a simultaneous level. You will happen to be very hard-working and diligent as well. According to Libra Horoscope 2020, you will never come to back foot in your struggle to get success. You might get infuriated on a sudden note, but you do calm down very quickly as well. You may grow a very polite and decent nature by the end of the year, 2020. You cannot stand for the negative criticism or judgemental analysis of someone’s character. Libra Horoscope 2020 says, you will start believing in God and spiritualism. You may happen to embrace the ideas of Sin and Virtue in this year, and accordingly, the respective consequences in one’s life. There are negative aspects of your character as well. You might not prove yourself to be a Good Samaritan every time. Libra Horoscope 2020 tells, you may happen to undergo severe mental sorrow and distress in various occasions during the year, 2020.

Libra Horoscope 2020 : FAMILY LIFE PREDICTION

You might have to suffer a lot in this year due to your lack of foresight. There are chances of unrest getting emerged within your family, due to the dearth of mental conviction and courage on your mother’s part.  But, in spite of all these, you will never get deprived of your mother’s grace and blessing. As per Libra Horoscope 2020 unfortunately, you might happen to get separated from your father during this year or after 2020. The relation between you and your brothers may happen to be an intense one. You might expect to get full support from your brothers throughout the year, Libra Horoscope 2020 says.


Your academic life might happen to be very auspicious for you throughout the year, 2020. Many people will surrender before your brilliance, intelligence and perseverance. Libra Horoscope 2020 says, you will surely secure outstanding results in your examinations. You may happen to attain specialization in Literature, Philosophy or Law in this year, 2020.


At the beginning or end of the year, 2020, you may not happen to go through any economic trouble, but in the mid of the year you might undergo extreme monetary crisis very frequently. Libra Horoscope 2020 indicates that, you will be successful in your job life. You will acquire promotion easily, if you will happen to work in factory, mine or, forest or electric departments. Any department you may work under but, you will get promoted in any department on an obvious note. As per Libra Horoscope 2020, your subordinate ones in your office will happen to love and respect you equally. You might not be in good terms with your boss and the other superior ones in your workplace. In your service career, you might attain special benefits and facilities on different occasions throughout the year, 2020. According to Libra Horoscope 2020, you might have to change your jobs many a time, but these changes might prove to be favourable for you. In your profession life during this year, you might have to be humiliated and condemned on several occasions due to various reasons, sometimes without reasons as well.  Libra Horoscope 2020 tells, there are possibilities of you to get trapped in some legal issues leading to court proceedings in this year. You are advised to be always careful and alert concerning legal matter.


You may happen to take steps forward very carefully on the path of your love relationship throughout this year. Your married life will be full of happiness and vigour. Your children will happen to be fortunate for you. Libra Horoscope 2020 predicts that, there are possibilities of one of your children to go to foreign countries this year, as well.

Libra Horoscope 2020 : HEALTH PREDICTION

Your health might not go well as per the expectations during the year, 2020. You may happen to suffer from piles, cardiac issues, high Blood Pressure etc. you might also face some optical and dental problems. Libra Horoscope 2020 shows that, you may meet accidents more than once during the year, 2020. You brain might get injured and affected due to the accident.