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Aquarius Moon Sign Kumbha Rashi Horoscope 2019

Introduction- You have the symbol of an earthen pot and you will have several changes in your life. You can withstand a lot of hardships. You cannot see others suffering. You always protest if something wrong goes on. You can adapt to a lot of changes. You have a great mind of donation and you love to help people. Your broad-mindedness expresses itself through your good works. Your enemies easily get defeated by you. You are a calm and stable person.


Nature- You are a simple person. You have a dark skin color. Your front tooth is raised. You have a medium body structure. You may have black mole on your back. You have cut marks under your foot. You are always ready to help others. You are calm in nature and habituated to a simple lifestyle. You are attracted towards the opposite gender. You love to stay in one place.

Character and habits- You are a possessor of great mental strength. Your belief in mind forms gradually. You love to dream. You love to work and travel according to your own wish. You cannot see the wretchedness of others. You express grief when you see others in distress. Enemies get defeated by you easily. You love to earn in the honest way. You do not love to be directed by others. You develop relations with several ladies. You have a lazy nature. You are reserved in nature. You can tolerate a lot of hardship. Yu have a big circle of closed ones. You are interested to social works.

Family life- This year your family life will be good. Mental tension may increase due to family matters. You may have a break in mental peace. Marital life may show problems. You love to be with everyone in family. You will be able to adapt yourself to any situation. The beginning of the year may show family problems. This year you have to be careful in financial matters. You may be profitable in business. Changes may come in job sector. Financial troubles may lead to family issues. You may have several chances this year. Love and affection will be maintained towards siblings. Children’s health and education may be an issue of tension. You may win lottery this year. Your health will remain well, but you may suffer from injuries. You may involve in some bad activities, which may cost a lot of money. Disagreements and clash of opinion may crop up in married life. Your wife’s health will be an issue of anxiety. You may get bed-ridden more than once due to increase in illness. Education may hinder for students. Competitive exams will be successful. You have visit foreign lands with your family. You may win a lottery.

Financial condition- Financial condition will be more or less same. Some financial problems may arise though. You may be anxious for spending a lot of money. Family life can make you spend a lot. You have almost no chances of falling in debt. Hard work and intelligence will make your income process go smoothly. You may get money back from debtors. Financial issues may cause big problems. You may win lottery this year. Be careful while new investment. Your expenses will be lesser than your net income. You may keep on saving money and but land assets. You may lose numerous chances this year. Some friend may help you financially. Your children will give you high expenditure.

Job and Business- Your job life will see changes this year. You may get promotion. You may go to office tours in foreign countries. You may have to work hard for few days in your work place. You will get many opportunities, but you will miss them for family reasons. Unemployed youth may get jobs. Job help will come from friends. Enmity may increase in job sector. Profit may not be good in business. Be careful while investment. Partnership trade will be unlucky for you. People in transport and import-export trade will get huge profits. Family will help you economically. This year is good for people involved in land business.

Education- This year will bring barriers in the way of education. Love relations may hamper your education. Family troubles may put an end to your studies. Higher education will also be troubled. Students studying science and philosophy may get some opportunities. Parents will help you in education. Authors, singers and actors will see a rise in popularity. This year your talents will not be expressed in a complete form. You will be knowledgeable in different fields. Your friends will help you in studies.  

Health- This year health will remain almost same as earlier. Some old illness may pain you. Over tension will be harmful to health. You may get pain from some injury. Your wife’s health will not go well. You will be conscious of your children’s health. You have to be aware of fire and water, and maintain distance from them.  You may get bed-ridden from lung problems. 

Love and marital life- Towards the end of the year you may encounter marital troubles. Your marriage bond will show signs of break several times in the year. You may get detached from your parents for your marriage. You may get involved in some nasty issues relating to women. Financial troubles may bring quarrels in married life. Long relationship may suffer a breakup. Cancer, Libra and Gemini people man make you happy in marital life.


You have a fair skin tone. Your body is well structured. You are stubborn in nature. You are loyal to your husband and fortunate woman. You love to dream a lot.  You can attract any male towards you. You have a lot of enemies in life. You love small children. Your child fortune is good. You may face major troubles twice in your life. You are not given to higher education. Your financial condition will not be good. You may visit some foreign country this year. You will have love and affection towards your siblings. You may win a lottery this year. You may be pained from some injury. You love to have a well decorated lifestyle.