Time Duration - Palminstry

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Time Duration - Palminstry
Each line on your palm has a beginning and an end which is divided into sections of 7 years. Each of the 7 year timeframe helps to find the occurrence of any event with time precision.
Life line starts from top (as in the picture here) and divided into 100 years. Any cross sign, island sign, square or any other signs with its exact time (year from birth) can be predicted from a scale. If life line is short toward down then the person may not live full 100 years (unless there is a parallel strong lifeline).

Line of Destiny or Fate line goes in reverse manner start from the bottom of your palm and goes till 91 years of fate. In general it crosses head line at the age of 35. Hence the part above headline indicates the fate after 35 years. Scale not uniformly applies on this line. Scale can be used after headline or before headline for uniform determination of time event.

Marriage time is calculated from bottom of Mercury mount to the top of Mercury mount and total span is 60 years. If a marriage line is exactly in the middle then the marriage is expected to happen around the age of 30. Multiple lines indicates multiple deep relationship or marriage.

Health line goes from bottom to the upward of your hand divided into 100 years. Scale can be used to predict the timeframe.

Palmist should use a magnifying glass and a scale and a focus light on the palm as a basis necessity for predicting. Without proper light or a magnifying glass, significant signs can be missed and scale can be wrongly predicted. If a photo of palm is used to predict then a software (many free software are available) should be used to detect the time milestones on someones hand.