Virgo House is Ownes by
Mercury (Budh). Moon sign (Rashi)
Virgo means
that Moon was present in
Virgo Sign in birth time. If you do not know your moon
sign, Please
generate free Horoscope Prediction to know this. Please note that this
is not Western Sun sign based prediction.
Moon Astro Brings Free monthly report for
Virgo Moon Sign.This prediction
is based on Indian Vedic Moon sign (Rashi) based astrology.
Virgo Kanya, december 2020: Health Prediction
Your husband or wife may be suffering fromsome health problems. So you should be aware of them. In the second week yourhealth will be in good state. In the third week you may have some headachebecause of your work pressure but the health condition will be clean. You wouldbe able to take care of your health & in this whole month your body will befull of energy. You may be positively fit & fine in the entire month.
Virgo Kanya, december 2020: Business and Job Prediction
In the first week you may harm your workfor the provocation of others. For the service holders the first week would befull of hope. Your respect may be increased in your work place. In the secondweek the works will go fine but you may face some negativity in it despite ofyour efforts. In the third week the work will be in medium position. You willreceive a mixture of positive & negative impact in your work. Also you maybe indifferent towards your work. So your work will be medium. In the fourthweek you would be getting some new tenders at your work. At the end of themonth you may be instigated & damage your work accordingly.
Virgo Kanya, december 2020: Financial Prediction
You may have some financial lose for yourown fault in the first week. For your indifference your spending may increaseitself. In the second week your profit & lose will be at a same level. Inthe second week also you may have to face some financial lose. Also for thehealth issues you have to spent money for doctor or medicines. At the end ofthe month you may be less attentive & have to lose some money.
Virgo Kanya, december 2020: Educational Prediction
This month will be auspicious for thestudents. They may be at a good phase of their study. They will be successfulin whatever the attempt to do. They will be full of positivity & in a competitionmind set with others which will help them accordingly.
Virgo Kanya, december 2020: Social Life Prediction
In the first week your relatives mayprovoke you to do some bad work. Also in this week your daughters marriage maybe set. In the second week you will have some relatives in your house & canget some refreshments from them. You will be credited with lots of respect atthe mid of the month. At the end of the month you will be trapped again by yourbad relatives. They may instigate you & you will be on wrong track of work.
Virgo Kanya, december 2020: Love and Married Life Prediction
In the second week your relationshipstatus would be awesome. The bonding with your partner would be amazing in thismonth in the third week also you will have a chance to spent some good timewith each other. You would be able to cherish the relationship. Also in yourconjugal life there will be no such problems. Everything will be fine &positive.