Virgo House is Ownes by
Mercury (Budh). Moon sign (Rashi)
Virgo means
that Moon was present in
Virgo Sign in birth time. If you do not know your moon
sign, Please
generate free Horoscope Prediction to know this. Please note that this
is not Western Sun sign based prediction.
Moon Astro Brings Free monthly report for
Virgo Moon Sign.This prediction
is based on Indian Vedic Moon sign (Rashi) based astrology.
Virgo Kanya, august 2020: Health Prediction
In the beginning of August, 2020 you mightfeel mentally morose. You may affect your work life due to your extreme mentalrestlessness. Anxiety might continue to pain you at times throughout August,2020. You are expected to attain an average health during the second week. Atthe end of the second week, you may feel physically exhausted. In the mid ofthe second week, your mental strain might decline for a while. You may loseyour health in the beginning of the third week on a sudden note. Afterwards, bythe end of the third week, you might happen to regain a healthy physical state.From the beginning of the fourth week, you might again get under mental stress.This time, the health of your mother might go down. August, 2020 will happen toend with a moderate health state of yours.
Virgo Kanya, august 2020: Business and Job Prediction
Business will happen to run on an averagepace in the first half of August, 2020. You may face a sudden fall in your worklife in the mid of the first week. In the beginning of the third week, issuesmight get more complex in your work place. Contractors are expected to earn a soundprofit this time out of their deals. At the end of the third week, you mayhappen to undergo a few changes in the course of your job life. Your businesswill run steady this time. You may get promoted to a higher post in yourservice in the mid of the fourth week. Day 25th might prove to be alucrative one for the drug dealers and the cloth merchants regarding theirbusiness. Your professional life will happen to run fruitfully during thisperiod. There is a high possibility on your part to attain a good reputation inyour work place at the end of August, 2020.
Virgo Kanya, august 2020: Financial Prediction
You may happen to face a high wastage ofmoney at times during the first week of August, 2020. In the mid of the secondweek, your income and expenditure might happen to come to a balanced state. Atthe end of the second week, you may spend a huge amount of money for the sakeof one of your friends. In the mid of the fourth week, you may have an averageincome. This time there is a possibility on your part to undergo a monetaryloss in case you will intend to follow an indecent means to reach your goal. Atthe end of August, 2020 you might have to deal with high expenses. Fortunately,August, 2020 will happen to end with a high income on your part.
Virgo Kanya, august 2020: Educational Prediction
The month of August, 2020 might happen togo more or less steady on part of the school-going children. Students areexpected to get access to many a new opportunity concerning their educationallife during August, 2020.
Virgo Kanya, august 2020: Social Life Prediction
You may feel bent towards religiousrituals first week onwards. Your rivals might often try to harm you duringAugust 2020. You may face familial discord at times throughout. You might getgood news this time. Friends might help you in need as well. Traveling mighthappen to be stressful on your part in the mid of the second week. Your dailylife activities will happen to go well this time. In the beginning of the thirdweek, you may get cheated on by your enemies in disguise. In the third week,you may derive pleasure out of a trip. At the end of this week, you may faceopposition from your father regarding your opinions. You may regain familypeace in the beginning of the fourth week. You might damage your life due to yourexcessive stubborn nature. You will get concerned for your children this time.You may get interested in politics as well this time. Your love for yourfriends might happen to increase during the last week of August, 2020.
Virgo Kanya, august 2020: Love and Married Life Prediction
You might get involved in an adulterouslove relationship at the end of the first week. You may face problems concerningyour love relationship in the beginning of the second week. In the beginning ofthe fourth week, married couples get into conflicts in the course of theirconjugal bond.